
Champion: Shazam in the M.C.U.

* 15 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido. ::---------------------------------------------------------------------:: Shazam. A Champion of the Gods. Blessed with the Wisdom of Solomon, the Strength of Hercules, the Stamina of Atlas, the Power of Zeus, the Courage of Achilles and the Speed of Mercury. I never asked for these powers. I never asked to be booted off to Marvel in a new body with these powers. But you know what you do with lemons right? Yeah, I never really liked lemons. I'm probably going to die here. ****** * Story Progression is slow. The universe is a mix of the MCU and the marvel animated projects, so expect to see mutants and other characters. Disclaimer: I own nothing but my character.

Saintbarbido · Movies
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76 Chs

Chapter 49: Things Get Complicated.

10+ advance chapters in my Pat.reon.



(General P.O.V)

The clash between Odin and the Silver Surfer had been going on for more than half an hour.

Yet both displayed no exhaustion or any debilitating injuries.

The golden aura of the Odin-force still blazed around the All-father and the Cosmic Energy the Surfer was pulling from Galactus, ensured that he could keep up with the Old God.

That said, it was clear that Odin's experience was edging out.

"I foresee nothing but defeat for you Surfer."

Odin told his opponent after another clash had separated them.

"What were you thilnking coming alone? Don't you know you would need an entire army of you to have any hope OF PUTTING ME DOWN!"

The yell was accompanied by a swing of Gungnir.

A golden arc of energy left the spear, headed towards the Silver Surfer.

The Surfer's board absorbed the attack like it had done previously.

"Who said I came alone?"

Was the Herald of Galactus' only response.


"It can't be Doom. The last time we saw of him, he was falling through a rift with that giant serpent he was using to attack New York."

Falcon said, doubt in his tone.

"No, it's him alright."

Cap's voice came through the comms on their ears.

"Look at the way he stands. The stiff posture. That's Viktor."

"Well then, how about we go and say hi?"

Iron Man pitched in, his flight speed slowing down as they arrived at the Rainbow Bridge.

"Maybe even ask him what he's doing on Asgard in the first place."

"Something tells me I should have just stayed in my cell."

Loki muttered to himself, the Asgardian ship descending onto the ground under his control.

Iron Man landed first, the face plate retracting as he walked towards the green-cloaked Doctor Doom.

"That is far enough Stark."

Doom spoke up, authoritative and arrogant as usual, hand raised to halt Iron Man.


Tony greeted, his Uru armor glinting in the eerie Asgardian twilight. The Falcon and Captain America flanked him.

Despite the formidable air around the 3 Avengers, Viktor Von Doom stood unaffected, his green and silver armor gleaming ominously in the fading light.

"What are you doing here, on Asgard?"

Cap questioned, his shield at the ready.

"Nothing that concerns you. Now leave," Doom replied curtly, his imposing presence filling the zone around him with an air of importance.

"I have no time for you Avengers."

Tony's face twisted in a frown.

"Listen, Viktor, I don't know how if you're aware but..."

"The planet was destroyed."

Doom cut in.

"Doom knows all."

"Of course you do."

Tony rolled his eyes at the egoistic answer.

"Your self importance aside, a cosmic entity called Galactus is coming for Asgard. And we can't let you stand in our way. We are either going to save this place or avenge it Doom. You decide."

Doom's eyes, hidden behind the cold, metallic mask, seemed to narrow as he considered Tony's words, then he laughed as if finding them funny.

"Avenge? Like you avenged the Earth? You ran away when our home needed you, and now you meddle in affairs that do not concern you."

Doom stepped closer to the three.

"Galactus's arrival is inevitable, Stark. Asgard is merely a buffet in his path. I'm here to ensure no one escapes his wrath. Including you."

Falcon stepped forward, his wings flaring. "You're working for Galactus? Are you out of your mind?"

Doom's voice remained as stoic as ever,

"Watch your tone, boy. I am not working for him. I am ensuring the natural order of the universe is maintained. Galactus is a force of nature, and Asgard's time has come."

Captain America tightened his grip on his shield.

"There's always another way, Viktor. We've faced cosmic threats before, and we've found solutions. Asgard doesn't have to be destroyed."

Doom's armor hissed as he took a step closer, the tension in the air palpable. "You are naive, Rogers. There is no negotiating with Galactus. Had you kept on flying, maybe I would have allowed you to flee."

Doom's hands begun to crackle with green energy.

"Alas, it's too late for that now."

Tony's faceplate slid down over his determined expression. The three Avengers readied themselves.

"You seem to forget our many fights in the past Doom. You come up with a plan for World domination and we stop you. You wanna bet against those odds?"

"Iron Man is right."

Cap spoke up.

"We don't run from a fight, especially when innocent lived are on the line. Step aside, Viktor, or we'll have to move you."

For a moment, it seemed as though Doom would relent, but then he raised his gauntlet-clad hands, and the surge of energy crackling around the palms intensified.

"So be it, Avengers. If you wish to defy Doom, you leave me no choice."

Unknown to all, Loki had slipped past the four of them and was already headed to the rainbow bridge, his form cloaked under magic.

(Billy's P.O.V)

The water within the purified pool flowed around me as I got closer to the pedestal.

Just a few more meters and I could leave this nightmare. While dream walking seemed fun, mostly on account of no one knowing I was there to begin with, I could tell it was taking a toll on me.

If I had to hazard a guess, it was the same issue as before. The Trident's magic was too potent for me to use for extended periods of time.

The smart thing to do would be to bail the second I had my soul within my pocket dimension.

Meanwhile two giants, one a beautiful woman with green flowing hair, covered in what I could only term as natural bikini and the other a hideous black dragon with scarlet veins across itsy scaled form, battled it out above me.

Attacks rained down into the pool, rocks, wood, thick vines, burning debris, causing the water to churn tumultuously.

The pool glowed with the light of flames, caused by the impact between demonic energy and the divine.

The air hang heavy, space folding in response to Gaea and Mephisto going at it with no holds barred.

The entire building, which has it turned out was only a single chamber inside a huge castle, had already been completely destroyed.

Both giants stood in the ruins of the castle.

(General P.O.V)

Standing at hundreds of feet above the ruins of a castle, a black dragon raised it's hand. Grasped in its huge claw was a large sword covered in flames.

The dragon brought it down onto a shield of green energy surrounding his enemies. The impact was deafening. The force being powerful enough that sparks and wild flames were produced as a result.

The shield around Gaea managed to hold, the Earth Mother spreading her hands out and causing a series of wooden pillars as tall as her to grow.

Then she folded her palms into fists, wood bullets shot off the surface of the wooden pillars, crossing the distance between the two giants instantly.

The wood bullets landed on the Hell-Lord's chest, leaving dents and bruises across his tough scales.

Mephisto flew back, using the giant flaming sword in his claw, to block the wooden projectiles which were now glowing green, meaning Gaea had enhanced their lethality.

If any of them broke through his scales, he would be in trouble.

Divine energy was poisonous to a demon like him.

He released arcs of hell fire at the attacks, aiming to destroy them but the wood stubbornly refused to burn.

So he resorted to blocking them while trying to retaliate.

The wood projectiles bounced off the flaming sword before tearing into the area, causing roots to sprout into the infertile blackened ground.

It was strange to see vegetation spring up around the two of them in a realm filled with nothing but flames and tortured souls.

Mephisto knew what Gaea was doing. Expanding her domain.

While it might have been his realm, Gaea was a freak. Even amongst her siblings, she was perhaps the most powerful.

Having more than enough power to challenge him in his own dimension.

The longer the fight continued, the more her domain would extend, culminating in Mephisto being pushed back before ultimately losing.

She wasn't a primordial for nothing.

"Cease this madness Gaea! There are rules in place! Rules meant to co-exist..."

Mephisto begun, wings flaring out as he fell back.

His previous position was assailed by dozens of roots and vines that broke through the ground, creeping up while seeking to ensnare him.

"Don't talk to me about rules, you snake!"

Gaea shot back unreasonably, her hand lifting over head.

Then it extended into dark green vines, which combined to mold a green shield above her head, protecting both her and the Ancient One from the hail of flaming rocks.

'tch...I thought she would fall for that but she blocked it. I can't go all out or else I will risk destroying the pedestal and then I'll lose the soul. All that work to get the ring would be for nothing.'

Mephisto thought to himself after his attack failed.

'oh and to think I almost forgot about her...'

The Hell Lord's eyes narrowed at the Ancient One, who was contained within a golden shield below Gaea.

The Sorcerer Supreme's lips seemed to be moving, as she hovered before the pedestal.

'Of course. Now I understand. She's trying to break the boundary spell around the pedestal to get the boy's soul. Gaea was meant as a distraction. In that case...'

Mephisto's wings beat as he ascended.

"Hurry up, little girl and retrieve the boy's soul. I can sense that Mephisto is up to no good. We might be expecting company soon as well."

Gaea spoke into the Ancient One's mind.

She could sense the high ranking demons under Mephisto watch them from afar, looking for a chance to attack the two of them.

The Ancient One said nothing, too great was her focus. Sweat dripped down her forehead due to the heat and pressure. Her enchanted robes were also charred at the edges, owing to the natural hot temperatures in hell.

And that was even while being protected by Gaea.

In the sky, Mephisto fully spread out his dark wings.

"Hear me Gaea."

The Hell-Lord called down, his voice a rumble that could be heard across the realm, a devilish smirk on his face.

"I might not be capable of defeating you, but as I told you before, this is my realm. My world. My House."

With that final word, he snapped his fingers.

A billion trillion miles away, an almost infinite distance by sheer scope, Gaea and the Ancient One found themselves in a grey landscape.

Mephisto had teleported them away from the castle.

The Ancient One blinked, coming out of her daze.

"No. No. No. No! Curse it! I was close."

She yelled in agitation.

Gaea called onto her divine energy, attempting to return to Mephisto's castle, only for nothing to work.

"That's not all either."

The Earth Mother told the Sorcerer Supreme, looking down at the much smaller woman.

"He's locked down teleportation. We can't make it back to his castle in time. He's alone...with the boy's soul."