
Champion: Shazam in the M.C.U.

* 15 advance chapters in my Pat.reon. Pat.reon.com/Saintbarbido. ::---------------------------------------------------------------------:: Shazam. A Champion of the Gods. Blessed with the Wisdom of Solomon, the Strength of Hercules, the Stamina of Atlas, the Power of Zeus, the Courage of Achilles and the Speed of Mercury. I never asked for these powers. I never asked to be booted off to Marvel in a new body with these powers. But you know what you do with lemons right? Yeah, I never really liked lemons. I'm probably going to die here. ****** * Story Progression is slow. The universe is a mix of the MCU and the marvel animated projects, so expect to see mutants and other characters. Disclaimer: I own nothing but my character.

Saintbarbido · Movies
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76 Chs

Chapter 19: Half Empty/Half Full.

10+ advance chapters in my Pat.reon.



(Billy's P.O.V)

"I'll do you one better, do you know vigilantism is outlawed? I have concrete proof that can make your life very difficult Mr.Batson."

He replied, narrowing his lone eye my way.

I snorted, releasing him from my hold.

He fixed his clothes, before looking at me up and down.

"Nice costume."

He complimented, surprising me a little.

"Thanks. For the food too."

I nodded in gratitude. Just because I didn't like the guy, didn't mean I had to be rude.

His cursory stare turned into a stern gaze.

"Now that the pleasantries are over, could you tell me how you managed to get rid of the gamma energy virus you were infected with?"

I smiled.

"Well we all have our secrets you know..."

My response was cheeky as I grabbed the food he'd brought with my mind.

Immediately my mouth watered as I broke off the chopsticks and got to work.

"I see."

Fury finally stated.

"Some secrets, especially ones that can put the entire world at risk, should not be secret at all."

He stated.

The chopsticks stopped on my way to my mouth. Is he trying to guilt trip me?

"I don't like you."

I told him with a narrowing of my eyes.

Fury smiled in amusement.

"You're not supposed to."

Then he looked around at my bare apartment.

"Mind joining me for a late night coffee somewhere we can at least sit down?"

He suggested.


Once more I was made aware of the glaring fact that I had no furniture to speak of. Man, I should really do something about-


(New Mission!)

(Mission Description: Hear out Fury)

(Reward: 2000 dollars worth of furniture. Comes with a soft complimentary rug.)


There we go.

Wait, 2000 dollars!! Why cant you just give it to me in cash?! I'm starving out here System!


I said.

If Fury noticed my bad mood, he said nothing. Whatever he had to say had to be good. I was leaving my food goddamnit!

I threw on a hoodie and shorts, changing out of my costume merely by willing it away into my hammer space.

We left the building and stepped out into the cold New York air. A black car was already waiting for us on the driveway.

A brief scan with my mind and I could feel 3 minds scattered around us, all trying to remain as inconspicuous as they could.

"What? SHIELD running low on agents? I can only spot 3 of your people and frankly, they suck at hiding."

I commented.

Fury smiled as he entered the car.


I asked.

"Those are the recruits. I came with half a dozen. And yes, we are running low on agents, why, you want to apply?"

He shot back.

Now, normally I would snort and dismiss that idea entirely, but today had shown me that without a true direction, I was basically stuck at street level, either handling the petty crime or helping the common senior citizen cross the road.

It didn't feel like a waste of my time, but I also felt I could do more. I needed a challenge.

So I didn't dismiss the idea entirely.

"How's the pay?"

I asked, looking out through the window.

I could feel Fury's eyes boring into me.

"You have a problem with Authority Mr.Batson. SHIELD would not fit you. It's also under a review board to determine whether it should keep functioning as an autonomous agency under only the World Council. While we could surely use your...expertise, I'm afraid you would be a terrible fit. "

He explained.


He just shot me down completely.

"Never failed an interview that fast before."

I said with a disbelieving laugh.

"Interesting. And how many interviews have you taken part in?"

He enquired with a side look.

"Always gotta psycho-analyse everything huh?"

I scoffed, trying to appear relaxed as he caught on to my slip.

That was stupid of me. He's a spy! Of course he'd pick up on everything I would say.

'That's how they build profiles.' The last thought was fed to me by Solomon's legacy.

"It's part of the job."

Fury replied.

The car finally stopped a few blocks away and we got out.

"Pedro's huh?"

The huge outdated sign at the entrance clued me in on where we were.

"Didn't know he kept this place open so late."


Fury corrected.

"It's 4 in the morning and no he doesn't. Pedro is a friend."

The spy concluded walking in only to stop and look back at me.

I hadn't moved an inch.

"The staff knows me there. My secret identity..."

"Is safe."

Fury cut in impatiently.

I swallowed my very impolite words and followed him in.

We grabbed a booth and sat down.

"What can I get ya?"

A barista I'd never seen before asked, chewing on gum. She was middle aged and blonde.

"The usual, Sandra."

Fury told her.

Then she turned to me. I still hadn't had anything to eat and Fury was paying so...

"Coffee and one of your spicy pastries. I heard those were good."

MJ had recommended them a few times before.

She grinned in amusement.

"You heard right."

She left and returned a few seconds later with our order.

The pastry was delicious as advertised but maybe that was my hunger speaking.

The coffee brought with it the familiar kick of energy that I had been deprived of for soooo long. It was hot and really good.

Fury's order turned out to be a glass of water. I admit, I didn't even try to hide the strange expression on my face.

"You're gonna finish that?"

I joked, looking at the half empty glass.

In response he held it up, a serious look on his face.

"I'm not one for metaphors but I think this one is fitting. See...this is you, Mr.Batson, a glass of water."

My chewing slowed down.


He leaned forward.

"Some folks will look at the glass and say it's half empty. Others, they will say it's half full. But I say, it's neither."

I raised my eyebrows, wondering where he was going with this.

"What do you mean?"

I asked.

Fury leaned back in his chair.

"When it comes to achieving greatness, it's not about what's in the glass. It's about what you can do with it."

He placed the glass back on the table, his gaze piercing.

"You, son, are one hell of a powerhouse. You've got power surging through your veins that most people can only dream of. But that power alone won't get you far. It's what you choose to do with it that matters."

My eyes narrowed. I was starting to grasp his point. The deal he was trying to sell.

"In other words, you're saying I need more than just my abilities?"

Fury smiled.

"Exactly. Just like that glass, you've got potential. Potential to change the world. But it's gonna take more than one person to do it."

Fury paused for a moment, his gaze unwavering.

"You're not cut out for SHIELD."


Not exactly a bummer or anything.

"Nor are you cut out for the Avengers..."

"Oh come on. That's bullshit."

I slammed a hand on the table.

"Did you forget who took down the fuckin Cabal?!"

Fury said nothing at my outburst, merely raising his one visible eyebrow.

"You're 17. A kid. A kid that should be going to school but isn't."

He leaned forward, interlocking his fingers together.

"We have overlooked a lot of things in regards to you, Mr. Batson. Like how your records do not seem to match. They're there. But they're too clean. And your face was recorded on a camera the first time ever only 2 weeks ago."

My breath hitched.

"Now my first thought was that you were a plant. A mutant from one of the many many enemies SHIELD has created, tasked with getting close to SHIELD. It even makes sense, the organization has never been weaker. Hydra did it before and it worked. Who says someone else can't do the same?"

I shook my head.

"I love my life Fury. If I was really a spy, why would I put myself in a dangerous situation such as dealing with the Cabal alone?"

"Exactly what a spy would do."

He answered.

We stared at each other for a few seconds. I reached out with my telepathy, scanning the area around the restaurant for any enemies.

Nothing. Only the agents in the car and the staff in the restaurant. So I stopped scanning for minds and instead stretched out my awareness, encompassing everything around the block.


5 agents in a non-descript SUV at the corner.

"So I have to earn your trust? That's your point?"

I wondered out loud, still scanning the area.

3 more agents in the kitchen.

Sandra, the Barista was carrying a gun. Suffice it to say she was part of SHIELD.

"That's one way to put it. Spiderman. He has a team of junior heroes..."

I tuned him out a little.

And then...

There. Found him.

On top of a rooftop with his eyes trained on us...was an archer.

Hawkeye. And he had a direct shot at me through the window. Fury had led me to a booth with a clear view of the outside.

Clearly he came here expecting this talk to go wrong.

...eam. They fill each other's gaps, using their unique abilities to accomplish the impossible. Alone, they're all just individuals with half a glass of water. But together, they're a force to be reckoned with."

Not bad for a pitch.

So he wanted me to join Spidey's group? I'd learned a little more about them.

There was the Iron Fist, Nova, Luke Cage and the White Tiger.

"And what if I'm not cut out for teamwork? You said I have a problem with Authority so?"

I enquired.

Fury leaned forward again, his voice filled with conviction.

"Then you'll remain a half-empty glass, always wondering what you could have achieved. But if you open yourself up to the possibility, embrace the power of collaboration, you'll find a purpose greater than you ever imagined. That rang true for the Avengers. It can for you too."