
Champion in Other Worlds (Pokemon Rejuv Fanfic)

(Yes, the cover is AI so no hate please.) Pokemon is a beloved franchise known to all. Many trainers come and go, with many more as champions. In their own right, of course. Yet, one champion is lucky enough to have the adventure of a lifetime. Follow our protagonist to other worlds, make new friends and enemies, and have a rocking life. This is "Champion in Other Worlds." [Note from the Author: I will be using Pokemon from the game "Pokemon Rejuvenation." It's really good and it will make sense when reading this.] P.S: Minor spoilers from the game

ArenFera_1870 · Video Games
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: New Earth and... New Enemies?

It is time. Time to explore the new world I am in, placed by ROB, and to live the life I always wanted. Now with a few extra companions with me.

My appearance has changed to fit my new body. 

Brown pants reach to my feet, with black trainer shoes. A white shirt tucked nicely in my pants, with a large poncho-like coat on top. My grey-ash hair was untouched, letting fall like a bird's nest to my neck.

My clothes are ready, my satchel secured and my items organized. All in all, I was ready for my first outing in the outside world.

Robin went back but was but a call away from any danger I would be having. Hopefully, nothing much would come out already, I've had enough misfortune in my previous lifetime.

"Alright team, let's go." With that, I took one last look at my apartment and exited.


[3rd POV]

The bustling city was reminiscent of Gearen City, the starting town of Pokemon Rejuvenation, where Lloyd can see the similarities here and there.

Numerous people, honking cars, tall buildings, harsh sun, and a bad smell in the air.

It was similar but different compared to the smog-ridden city. It was way too congested here, like clockwork, where everyone moved through each other seamlessly.

Lloyd walked like the rest, relishing in moving at the same speed as everyone else. He explored his surroundings, taking in the view of massive skyscrapers and bustling streets.

He took a deep breath... and regretted it instantly as the pollution made him hack and cough violently.

"Note to self... don't breathe in toxic fumes." He weakly wheezed, getting his breath back in order.

As he rested, a tug of his mind was telling him something. It didn't feel evil or malicious but he was the target. The tug felt stronger as Lloyd started to walk, hoping to lose the tail he had.

But the tug, the person, was persistent. Lloyd can still feel that person behind him, even through the crowd's density. He didn't want to make a commotion on his first day here so he will take care of it by his hand.

So Lloyd took a turn to one of the alleyways of the city he was in. The narrow pathway would allow him to see who was tailing him and why. As far as he was concerned, he had no valuables on him. His many sellable items were in his inventory and could only be accessed by him as a portal to any bag he had. So the satchel he is carrying is empty with nothing inside.

When he reached the deepest part, the person hid themselves from Lloyd's vision but not his new feeling. He had no idea why he had this kind of power, only chalking it up to the new body ROB had given him.

"I know you're there. I don't know why you started following me but I have nothing on me." Lloyd proves it by throwing the satchel towards the stalker, the empty bag rang a dull noise. "So if you would kindly leave, that would be great."

The person Lloyd felt didn't move. He was prepared to summon one of his team or use the Plates to escape or neutralize the person if he proved evil. 

Just then, a figure moved through the corner and Lloyd saw the person who was tailing him. His eyes widened in response to the person but didn't let his guard up.

The person was a beautiful woman, with pure white hair tied in a ponytail wearing an all-black outfit with white tufts on the arms and legs. She wore a black mask that concealed her identity but also showed her grey eyes, shining with mischief.

"Come now dear, you being on guard makes me seem like the bad one here." Her voice, sweet as honey, spoke to Lloyd in an alluring tone.

Lloyd didn't drop his guard. He was familiar with her type, a certain red-haired Admin, who would use charms and wit to get what she wanted. A quick battle would suffice but game logic doesn't dictate here in the real world.

Lloyd is powerful. His team is powerful. So he is confident that he can simply get away with nothing more than losing an empty bag.

"I'm not the one stalking people to an alleyway. Like I said, I have no valuables with me. That bag is all I have." He explained again, his arms instinctually cocked back for a quick getaway.

"And you honestly believe I would fall for that. No moron would walk around without at least some money on you. Especially as someone charming." The woman replied, walking closer to Lloyd while showing off her body. "Come on, baby. Show me something good and I'll give you something better. You know you want it, right?"

Lloyd slowly walked back against the woman. His still teenage heart couldn't deny the allure of the woman in front of him. And his superhuman body is reacting fervently against the teenage hormones he was emitting.

Still, he had to fight back. When a battle is thrown, a trainer would accept. "Sorry, ma'am. You're not my type."

The woman hummed quietly. "Hmm. That's a shame. You are quite handsome, I wouldn't want to claw off such a face." Her hands then showed claws that shined. "But still, business is business. Hand over what you got, pretty boy. Or else this cat will sink its claws deep."

Lloyd can feel the tension rising from the mysterious woman. Looks like his first fight in this new world will be his mugger. 

'Should I let out my Pokemon? I don't have much experience fighting. Which one should I choose? Ah, who am I kidding? There's only one answer to that question.'

"You don't want to do this." Lloyd gave his last chance toward his attacker. A warning, to tell her that whatever happens after is entirely up to her. Lloyd is no stranger to death but he will make sure he is first before the other person, no matter how selfless he used to be.

He wasn't gonna put his new life in jeopardy for saving an unsavable person.

"I have to. No other choice." The woman said before she pounced at our protagonist.


High above the skies of the bustling city, above the clouds and away from view.

A Helicarrier floated above, moving ever slowly with the wind. The large behemoth of an aircraft flew high above to where it was needed the most, sending jets and personnel to key points easily.

Commanding such a vessel would require immense rank and respect, a person so grand that he uses the Helicarrier as his extension.

Such is the case of the Director of Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division, or SHIELD, Nick Fury.

"Get me an update on Black Cat." He commanded with authority, and those in the main deck with him got to work instantly.

A few moments later, the screen popped up showing camera footage of Felicia Hardy, AKA Black Cat.

The cat burglar was not what Fury wanted. What she did and how she did it was of no concern to him or SHIELD. Sure, she broke the law of stealing but that was the job of the police, not to them.

No, it was the fact that she managed to piss off one of the crime lords in New York City.

Normally. she would get away with no trace on her to track down. But mistake here and a misstep there, she found herself working to clear her million dollar debt to them.

And that same crime lord has a connection to Kingpin. NYC's Mastermind of the Criminal Underworld.

Any attempts to arrest him only lead to nothing. Any info, leads, and spies, were all caught and killed by the man. He remains at large in the SHIELD database and Fury is determined to nab him through Felicia.

But more than that, Fury wants eyes and ears. He wants to know everything everywhere. All dealings, alliances, betrayal, manufacturing. All of it so that he can blackmail the right people and put his own in places of power. 

Money means nothing to information. And Nick Fury, a former super-spy, wants it all.

The footage about Felicia showed nothing to the Director. He wants to keep tabs on his only piece towards Kingpin but not too much for the crimelord to suspect anything. 

It then showed Felicia stalking her mark. A handsome man with grey hair and green eyes. He looked tense like he knew he was being followed. 

Nick paid close attention to the man who sniffed out Black Cat. Not many could do that, Felicia was that good as a thief, her skills showed Fury that.

The footage showed attempts to lose Felicia in the streets of NYC before finally cornering himself in an alleyway. Felicia hid herself from the man as he then called out to her.

["I know you're there. I don't know why you started following me but I have nothing on me. So if you would kindly leave, that would be great."] The man threw his bag to the floor next to Felicia and waited.

Felicia then showed herself and attempted to flirt with him for any cash he had on himself. The man, initially showed nervousness, and prepared himself to escape but was turned into combat by Felicia's threat of weapons.

Just as Nick Fury knew what would happen, that the man would be knocked out and be mugged for cash, something happened.

A creature unlike any he had seen before came out of the man's chest and pinned down the Black Cat in one swoop. The creature looks like a mutated owl and it came out of the man himself.

Nick Fury watched with intense interest. 

The owl pinned Felicia with its long claws near her chest and neck, and in one move could slice it in half. Felicia couldn't do anything, her attempt to move the claw was nill as it clawed through the pavement floor easily.

The owl looked back at the man as if awaiting his command but he shook his head. The owl nodded and let go of Felicia, letting her stand up and rub her sore neck. The man then called back the beast in his chest where it appeared before disappearing from the camera instantly.

Felicia was left in that alleyway by herself, before retreating to her home to tend her injuries.

"Find me that man. I want to know everything about him." With one order, Fury is left to deal with whatever is to come. 

A new player has entered the board.