
Champion in Other Worlds (Pokemon Rejuv Fanfic)

(Yes, the cover is AI so no hate please.) Pokemon is a beloved franchise known to all. Many trainers come and go, with many more as champions. In their own right, of course. Yet, one champion is lucky enough to have the adventure of a lifetime. Follow our protagonist to other worlds, make new friends and enemies, and have a rocking life. This is "Champion in Other Worlds." [Note from the Author: I will be using Pokemon from the game "Pokemon Rejuvenation." It's really good and it will make sense when reading this.] P.S: Minor spoilers from the game

ArenFera_1870 · Video Games
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

When you hear the word 'Pokemon', the first thing you would come up with is anime and games. With its happy-go-lucky attitude and plot armor, it's a beloved franchise for the series' old and new fans.

But some fans are not satisfied with what they were given. They wanted more from the franchise, to be more gritty, more emotional, and more… realistic. So why not make their own games, with the base game as their source and the story to whatever they want it?

Enter the numerous fan games of Pokemon. With a gritty storyline for those needing that emotional kick in the face.

I love Pokemon and their original games but it doesn't scratch that itch fan games have. Not only do they have a better, objectively speaking, story but they also have a better system for Pokemon.

One of my favorite fan games to come out is Pokemon Rejuvenation. A fan game with its regional Pokemon, new items, and excellent new mechanics that make the game more inviting than ever.

So when I completed the game a few years ago, and did a couple of runs, I thought I would move on to the next game and have Rejuvenation as a happy memory.

Well, life can be weird sometimes especially when I'm facing a ROB right now.

Yep, pretty weird.


Well, a little backstory and biography of who I am. 

My name is, or was, Lloyd Caroc, a college student by my years of age and crippling disabled. Yep, you heard that right, disabled.

I only found out when I was 7 when my body started shutting down for no reason. A rare case of cancer was found in my spine and tailbone. Since then, I've been in the hospital for more than a decade right about my death, I suppose.

Healthcare would have been a hassle if I was in the U.S. Lord knows the amount of debt my family would be in. But here in the Philippines, it was a lot more reasonable. Still expensive but not too much.

Again, it is still expensive. My parents exhausted all funds available to try and cure me but the cancer was spreading too fast and got too aggressive. In the end, I stopped taking medications and wanted to die peacefully. That was 3 years ago. 

Since then, most of my lower body ceased functioning and I had to use the potty helped by a nurse. Pretty humiliating but I took it like a champ.

I got depressed for a while till one of my brothers brought one of his old laptops for me to use. Since television and the internet in the hospital sucked, he downloaded some games for me to try, Pokemon especially.

I loved Pokemon. I love the unique and beautiful worlds they showed, the cute and interesting Pokemon, the engaging rivals and antagonists, and the battles. I couldn't get enough of it.

That was when I learned of Fan Games for Pokemon. Entirely new games made by hardcore fans for new experiences and unique Pokemon.

One of those games was Pokemon Rejuvenation. A successor to their previous title, Reborn. Though I haven't played it, Rejuvenation was my main game during my hospital years.

And before I died, I completed the game. With its final update, I finished the game and became the Pokemon Champion of this amazing game. I let out my last breath, seeing the champion congratulations screen on my laptop. It was the best thing I have ever seen and I had no regrets.


The afterlife. Limbo. Whatever depictions media claim it to be, it is true as the place to be sent after death, to be judged and sent to either Heaven or Hell.

A middle ground for restless souls to await judgment. I imagined it like an office meeting, where someone would tell me the amount of Karma I accumulated and determine if I go to any side.

I mean, I got my meeting. But it wasn't God and his angels nor the Devil with his demons. No, it looked like a random office worker in any other job. With a bespoke suit and all.

He sat before a plain desk and was shuffling some papers while I sat on the other side. I can't see my body, but if I had gone to imagination's sake then I must have taken the form of a soul.

So is this it? Am I getting judged right now by this worker of the beyond? Well, let's get this over with. 


A loud sound brought me to the worker as he finished arranging his papers. His eyes, grey and dull of life, stared at me. He continued to do so before pulling out a sheet of paper where he read aloud.

"Name is Lloyd Caroc, born in 20**, and died at the age of 20. The cause of death is a severe case of cancer which permanently disabled his lower half. No friends, loving family, and Pokemon fan. Died peacefully in his bed, with a laptop showing the end credits of the fan game Pokemon Rejuvenation." The man said in one breath. 

I gave a nod since that is what happened to me, as far as I remember anyway. 

The man nodded and placed the paper on his desk before turning his attention to me. "I imagine this must be confusing for someone like you but I don't want to tire out this conversation. Congratulations, Lloyd Caroc because you get the chance to reincarnate into another world with a power-up of your choosing."

Wait, what? I get to what?! Aren't I supposed to go to Heaven or Hell? That's what you do to souls like me, right?

"You mistake me for someone else. I go above them workers so if I want someone, I take it and they can't do a thing, mainly because they were too focused on their work." The man explained, which only confused me more. "Ah, where are my manners? I am ROB."

ROB? What kind of name is that?

"It's not a name but rather a title befitting to someone like me. It stands for "Random Omnipotent Being". I can't tell you my name because there isn't a word for it in your primitive language to say or spell it." The man, ROB, said. 

"Now, back to the main topic. Choose your powers but be reasonable. I can give you almost any power but certain forces prevent me from giving you universal-level types of power. But anything below that is alright with me. Take your time though, will you?" ROB leaned against his chair while I pondered the situation.

Was this happening? I am getting the chance to go to another world with a power-up. It's like those stories my brother kept pestering me about. What were they called? Isekai? He and his weird Japanese hobby. 

Is this real or a figment of my dying brain? They say that in your dying moments, you can see your life flashing before your eyes before ending up dead but this all feels too real for it to be a dream. A bit odd but real.

Ah, who cares if this is real or not? If some being wants to send me to another world with a random power then I'll take that offer. And I know exactly what I want.

"Oh, you have an idea? Speak up then." ROB asked and I nodded. This power-up came from a Fanfic I once read a while ago and the premise was so cool that I wished to try it out myself.

I want to become a Pokemon Trainer, with the ability to wield the Plates as my own. And the Pokemon I want is my Rejuvenation Team.

ROB was deep in thought when I made my wish before he gave an approving nod. "Accepted. Your power-up will be upheld." A ball of light emerged from his hands that then floated to me. A warm feeling flowed throughout my essence.

"With that, the meeting is adjourned. Goodbye, young champion. May we never meet again." I could feel a pull from somewhere and my eyes felt droopy. I struggled to stay awake before succumbing to sleep.


I awoke gasping for air, hurriedly looking around. What happened? Was it a dream? Did I dream of asking to become a Pokemon Trainer? How embarrassing.

Why should I waste time dreaming of that when I should be doing something else? So I got up and-

I got up? Why would I get up? I can't move my legs. I should be in my hospital room but instead, I am at a random apartment in a random bed. Where am I?

Did I get kidnapped? I don't think so. My family isn't rich enough for a ransom. And I'm wearing some plain clothes, none of which I remember using at all.

I need to know more. And to do that I have to... move my legs again.

The feeling of my blood and nerves going through my legs feels all tingly. I forgot how good it feels to stretch my legs in the morning. Can I move my toes? Someone said that if a person can move their toes, that means their legs are still functioning.


Ahaha! I did it! I can move my toes! Then that means... I have no cancer! Let's go! Goodbye, hospital food! Good bye stinking hallways! I hope to never meet you, ever! 

Can I move my legs again? Can I walk? Can I run? Only one way to find out.

Placing my legs on the cold floor, the feeling of touch brought a shiver through my spine, I psyched myself up. This is it, my crowning moment. I imagined this scenario many times in my head whilst in the hospital and I gotta make it perfect.

Ok, breathe Lloyd. You got this. Just remember how to walk. You know how to walk, right? Of course, you do, even babies do it as well. Just gotta stand up first, and get the blood pumping.

Ready?! In one... two...three! I pushed myself off the bed and tried standing up for the first time in years.

...But in only a second I fall flat on my face. Oof, this is gonna be harder than I thought.

But this is only, the beginning.