
Chakra Progenitor

John Wodwick Alver died and then reincarnated in a magic world as the King of All Bijuu and King Of The Tree Of All. He is also the Progenitor Of All Chakra, and the only Being that can easily surpass The existence that Beyond All. Warning MC is ridiculously overpowered, has an abnormal mindset and logic, has a light view of life, death is a trivial matter to him, is kind but ruthless, hates planning much, and has a ridiculous harem. I am only a newbie writer and can't speak English very well and only rely on Grammarly for grammar and spelling corrections. This novel is only my hobby and my entertainment. by the way all the picture that I posted are not mine I all get them in Pinterest and google. Thank you for reading and good day.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

The Battle Begin

"That is a hell of a sight," Gareth said while looking at the cloud of dust covering the entire southern horizon with the loud sound of marching hordes.

Finn just nodded his head without saying anything, he can't bring himself to talk right now because of the difficult battle that will begin at any moment.

Tsk! Bete click his tongue in annoyance when he saw that the Jura Familia is still not there, afterward, he show a disdainful smile and said out loud, "Where is the Jura Familia are those people chickening out and already scape the city?"

Finn and Gareth who heard this Just frowned, they did not say anything.

Ottar who was nearby said to Bete, "I advise you, if you don't want to die just shut your mouth."

Bete turn his head to Ottar with a fierce eye and said, "Even though you're the strongest adventurer here you have no right to interrupt our Familia talks here."

Ottar just look at Bete with his usual expressionless face and said, "You're right about that, I have no right to interrupt, I only wanted you to know that those girls right behind you will kill you if you continue with your words," Ottar pointing behind Bate.

Bete showed a confused look and turn around and saw the expressionless Ais, the smiling Lefiya, and Riveria with a gentle smile on her face that was very rare to see, Bete can feel the danger behind their expression.

At this moment only one thing entered Bete's mind, [Shit!]

Bete turned around and tried to run but his shoulder was grabbed by the delicate hand of Lefiya.

Finn and the others Look at this scene with amazement, they all taught how could be a delicate and gentle-looking Lefiya can stop a powerful fighter like Bete.

"Why are you running Bete, we need to talk lady Riveria, and Miss Ais wanted to say something too so follow us," Lefiya Drag the frightened Bete into a tent just on the right corner of the wall followed by Riveria and Ais from behind.

"Wait Lefiya let me explain, I did not mean what I said earlier, please let me go this time I won't do that again, Lady Riveria, Ais, Captian help me!" Riveria took out a clothe and covered Bete's mouth, and they continue to drag Bete inside the Tent with a scary look."

Finn whisper in Gareth's ear, "Hey, Gareth when did these three become this scary," Finn said while shuddering.

Gareth only look upwards with an expression that he was enlightened by Bhudda and replied to Finn, "Most of the women had that scary side Finn, this side will only appear when they are loved or they are already married, so Finn I advise you that don't anger a woman that already shows this hidden side of there, this advise is from my old man."

Finn just look at Gareth dumbfoundedly, he did not expect this answer.

Tiona on the side only laughs at Finn's priceless expression while Tione only blushes and shouts, "Captain is very cute!"

Minutes passed and the sound of countless footsteps of the hordes of monsters got closer and when the time passes reaches exactly 2 hours and 50 minutes.

The horde of monsters can be seen in the Horizon.

The moment the horde of monsters appears, every adventure and the city guard on the battlefield was shocked but they immediately gather themselves together and were determined to sacrifice themself in protecting the city.

"That is too much," Tiona said.

Riveria on the side opens her mouth, "That's the Electarion Ants also known as the World Devour Ants, this ant already appears thousands of years ago, and it was only defeated by only two forces in the past the Helen and Zues Familia."

"Riveria, how large was the horde that they face back then?" Finn asks with a solemn face.

"100 million," Riveria replies with a cold breath.

Everyone nearby who heard this took a deep breath, calm their turbulent emotion and resolve to fight this horde of monsters to the end.

In the distance of 7 km away from them, the Horde of monsters consists of Large ants of different sizes, which can be seen Even though the hordes look like countless black dots that covers the whole horizon, the first-class adventurer can see it clearly, they are countless small ants with size if a car and a huge ant's with different size ranging from 20 meters to 100 meters.

Finn walks towards the edge of the wall and enhances his voice with mana to gather all the army's attention.

"First of all, I thank you all for answering the call of battle to protect the city from the horde, I admire your courage and resolve in confronting this overwhelming enemy with us, throughout history we the adventurer are always the ones who in the frontline and carries the brunt of the devastating war against the monster, all of our ancestors fought fearlessly without hesitation and open the path for the new generation to come with their heroic end, and now it's our turn to do that and make our ancestors proud and protect the city with all we got," Finn rises his spear to the air and shouted, "For our Victory and Orario!"

All the army who heard this rise their weapon and shouted, "For Orario and Victory!" The moral of the army increases after Finn's speech.

Everyone went to their respective area and waited for the start of the battle, The Loki and Freya Familia right now we're in the very front of the Army formation,

Minutes pass and the ground shakes along with the sound of the march of the countless feet of monsters, each minute pass the shaking of the ground is kept increasing and the noise of the horde march is getting closer.

7 km, 6km, 5km, 4 km, the moment the horde reaches 3 km.

"here they come, archer and mages ready your attack in three, two." but before Finn can finish his signal one of the city guards right beside him looks up and points at the sky saying, "Hey what's that."

Finn and the others look upward and saw silhouettes falling from the sky, their landing point was 20 meters away from them, and the silhouettes is getting closer and closer to the ground followed by the voices of the silhouettes getting closer.