
Chakra Progenitor

John Wodwick Alver died and then reincarnated in a magic world as the King of All Bijuu and King Of The Tree Of All. He is also the Progenitor Of All Chakra, and the only Being that can easily surpass The existence that Beyond All. Warning MC is ridiculously overpowered, has an abnormal mindset and logic, has a light view of life, death is a trivial matter to him, is kind but ruthless, hates planning much, and has a ridiculous harem. I am only a newbie writer and can't speak English very well and only rely on Grammarly for grammar and spelling corrections. This novel is only my hobby and my entertainment. by the way all the picture that I posted are not mine I all get them in Pinterest and google. Thank you for reading and good day.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Entry With A Bang

"Hahaha! it's been a while since we did skydiving," Meliodas said while he was falling from the sky, beside him there is Ban, "Since when did we do that?"

"Moron we did that when we are in the sky islands when we are still knights of the kingdom, and when we are fighting the ten commandments."

"Hey, stinky head stop calling me that, and in the first place, I am not there when you are skydiving."

Blue veins pop up on King's forehead, and just like that their Bickering starts. Diane said exasperatedly, "Really," Merlin only giggles at this, while Escanor on the side laughs heartily, "They never change." Escanor said.

"No we never change," Merlin corrected.

Behind the Seven Deadly Sins the group of Saiyan warriors also skydiving along with Kamina and Simon, and Saitama right beside them.

"Whistle! That's a lot of ants, "Guko said while whistling.

"What are you talking about the ant horde or the Forces of the city," Vegeta said.

"Of course, I was talking about the horde of ants," Goku replied.

"Why are you looking like that Saitma," Broly said.

Saitama who has the expression of seeing his mortal enemy said, "My eternal enemy is here, I finally have my chance in avenging all the cup noodles that were killed by them."

Hearing the answer Broly looks at Saitama with a question mark on his head.

On the right side, Kamina and Simon who heard this started laughing hard and holding their stomachs.

"Stop that your jokes are getting deadlier and deadlier, you are going to kill me in laughter at this rate," Kamina said.

Saitama looked at Kamina and said thoughtfully, " I am not Joking."

Kamina and Simon stop laughing and then after a second, they laugh even harder.

Saitama only Gramble at this reaction, "But I am serious though."

Seeing this more question marks appear on Broly's head.

Behind them, Madara, Hashirama, and Sai were also skydiving.

"Haha! This is exciting, if I had known in the past that this kind of activity is very enjoyable, I will make this skydiving my hobby." Hashirama said.

Madara only look at his friend with an exasperated look and did not say anything, in their right side Sai said, "Is this your first-time skydiving Hashirama?"

"Yes and also no, I already experience falling into a high altitude many times, but this is my first time falling at an altitude of 11 km and freefall," Hashirama replied.

The two of them have a chat while Madara only quietly listening.

"They are very loud as ever," John said while he was also sky falling, on both sides Featherine and Ajimu were also falling alongside him.

"John, why did you choose this kind of way to arrive on the battlefield?" Featherine ask.

I was about to answer her question but I was beaten to it.

"That is simple Feathrine, John here wanted a cool entrance with a bang like in the anime," Ajimu said.

"Is that it John," I scratch my head embarrassedly and said, "That's one of the reasons, I use this way to arrive at the battlefield faster.

Ajimu with a smirk on her face said, "John sweety that's the lamest reason that you came up with, you can just use the Flying Thunder God to arrive on the Battlefield you know, in my calculation if you use Flying Thunder God we will arrive there in just a second, while the way that we are using now take a minute to arrive."

"hehe! That is right," I can't refute her words at all.

After a minute passed.

"John, where about to land," Featherine said.

"Yeah, I can see it."

The first one to land on the ground with a bang was the seven deadly sins cracking the ground 100 meters wide and rising clouds of dust 20 meters away from the front of the army.

Right after we followed suit, The last one to land was me, Ajimu, and Featherine.

When the clouds settle down I could see the largest army of monsters 3 km away from us running towards us at a fast speed.

"Are you freaking serious!" Bete shouted this is the first he saw someone falling into the sky. all of them thought the same as Bete, but they can't say that because of their shock.

"I already know that he will take this kind of entry but it still gets me," Riveria said, on her side, Ais and Lefiya nodded their head in agreement.

"Cool that is look fun I wanna try it," Tiona said.

Tione only sighs at her twin sister's antics.

Finn on the other hand.

[This, I can't feel anything from them, I can't read their strength even an aura can't be felt from them only death, I can only feel death covering their entire presence.] Finn thought while sweating profusely.

Ottar on the hand just stands there looking at the combat force of the Jura Familia, no one could tell what Ottar thinks except for Jura, John, Ajimu, Featherine, and Miu.

I started to look at everyone and give a simple order to them.

"Saitama and Sai help the army, Seven deadly sins hunt the general ants, Hashirama and Madara take out the large ants, while Goku, Vegeta, and Broly Go to the death forest where these ants came from and subdue the ants' king and queen there."

Everyone nodded their head and started to execute the order.

"John, what we are going to do then?" Ajimu ask.

I look at her and replied, "What else Join the battle, by the way, don't use your powers ok."

"Yes." They both said at the same time.

At that moment Ajimu and Featherine vanish from their spot and reappeared in the middle of the hordes of Monster ants and started their slaughter.

I took out my Flying Thunder God Kunai and then covered my entire body with Mythical Chakra to strengthen my body and then throw the Kunai at the sky, the Kunai travel at a fast speed reaching 10 km altitude in the sky, and when the Kunai was about to fall, I use Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique without using hand seal.

The single Flying Thunder God Kunai that I throw exploded with white smoke covering the entire sky, forming a cloud with a flat circular shape with a diameter of 100 km, this cloud cover the entire land that was occupied by the Ant Horde.

Moments later the white smoke release countless Kunai-like rain, raining down the entire Ant army killing and injuring most of the weaker ones.

After a minute of raining Kunai, it suddenly stops and the aftermath of this raining Kunai was a battlefield littered with countless Kunai.

I nodded my head after seeing my work, turned my head to the army soluted, and then teleported above the head of a massive Ant with a size of 100 meters and kill it with Giant Rasengan.