
Chakra Progenitor

John Wodwick Alver died and then reincarnated in a magic world as the King of All Bijuu and King Of The Tree Of All. He is also the Progenitor Of All Chakra, and the only Being that can easily surpass The existence that Beyond All. Warning MC is ridiculously overpowered, has an abnormal mindset and logic, has a light view of life, death is a trivial matter to him, is kind but ruthless, hates planning much, and has a ridiculous harem. I am only a newbie writer and can't speak English very well and only rely on Grammarly for grammar and spelling corrections. This novel is only my hobby and my entertainment. by the way all the picture that I posted are not mine I all get them in Pinterest and google. Thank you for reading and good day.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Jura Familia and First Dungeon Dive Part 4

After wandering around the 16th floor for almost an hour I decided to go to the next floor the 17th floor where the wall of grief is located, this is the floor where the monster Rex Goliath respawns.

I jump to a random tunnel that leads downwards and luckily arrive at the 17th floor, "My luck since the past days been getting better." In front of my eyes, I saw a large room that has a large translucent wall that contains the fully developed Goliath.

I look around and marble the sight.

I step forwards and fully enter the huge room, the walls are 700 meters apart from each other and the ceiling is 100 meters apart from the floor.

When I fully entered the room the huge wall of crystal containing Goliath started to crack making Goliath woke up, his closed eyes slowly opened revealing red eyes. Goliath started to break out from the confinement of the crystal wall, the crystal wall started to crack, and afterward collapse freeing Goliath from the confinement.

The Goliath who frees himself stood up and releases a powerful roar sending a powerful shockwave that can send people flying, I form some series of hands seal and slam my palm to the ground, "Doton Earth Wall Jutsu."

A huge wall made of bedrock raise in front of me, protecting me from the shockwave.

After the shockwave was over I deactivated my jutsu returning the wall of bedrock to the ground, Goliath stared into my eyes with his glowing red eyes, I stared back with a grin on my face.

Goliath growled charge forwards and threw a punch at me, at the same time I also move and threw a Flying Thunder God Kunai to the ceiling, the Kunai was embedded in the ceiling.

Before the huge fist of Goliath hit me, I disappeared from the spot and reappeared at the ceiling where the Kunai was embedded, Goliath's fist punch the air and punch the ground leaving a small crater, Goliath noticed that he hit nothing so he started to look around looking for me.

At this time, I have no mood to fight so I decided to end the Goliath in one move, I activated my Eternal Mankgekyou Sharingan which has a pattern of a 14-pointed star. My EMS has 14 Dojustsu corresponds to the number of points of each star.

The moment I activate my EMS I use one of its 14 Dojutsu.

My EMS rapidly rotates, "Amaterasu."

The Goliath was suddenly enveloped with black flame, Goliath scream and lay down on the floor and frantically rolled over the ground to put out the fire, but to no avail the fire just kept getting bigger and bigger until the entire 17th floor was covered by my black flame.

The 17th floor was getting hotter and hotter and Goliath's resistance started to get weaker and weaker until stopped all resistance, Goliath's body started to burn until the whole body of Goliath turned to ashes and leave a huge monster crystal.

Seeing this I deactivated my Amaterasu and then close my EMS.

The black flame started to dissipate and then disappeared revealing a scorched ground.

The dungeon started to heal itself and the scorched ground started to repair itself. I watch this interesting sight before I go to the 18th floor.

I walk down the staircase leading to the 18th floor for 10 minutes before reaching the end of the stairs.

In the end, there is a bright light of the sunlight, I walk out the stairs and saw the breathtaking scenery of the 18th floor also known as the Dungeon Underground Paradise. And not this is not the outside I am still inside the dungeon.

In front of me, I saw a grassy field, a thick forest as far I could see, and in the middle of the 18th floor there is a huge tree that reaches a height of at least 2 km, also in the 18th floor instead of the sky, you can see the dungeon ceiling covered in huge and small crystals that were replicating the light of the sun.

"This is why they called this floor Paradise."

I marbled the view for a while before making a campfire for our lunch.

I walk to the nearby tree and put out some benches and a table from my storage under it.

After doing that I walk a bit further from the tree and made a campfire there that we will use for our cooking.

After doing that I went to the forest to gather wood, after a few minutes I returned and saw that Diane, Meliodas, and Escanor already arrives and they are now sitting on the table while butchering the huge monster bird that they caught.

"Hey guys, where did you get that Bird?"

"This I caught it when I just arrived here," Meliodas replied.

"The dumb thing just flew toward us and tried to attack, so we just decided to roast this thing," Diane said with a huff.

"Haha!" Escanor laughed slightly and added, "Diane nearly got kidnapped by this bird and almost became its snack."

Hearing this Diane huffed in irritation and continue to butcher the massive bird.

I laugh and said, "Butcher it well."

I walk towards the campfire and put some wood.

After doing that I went to the table and watch the bird being butchered by the three.

A few minutes later Ban arrived and Merlin, Gowther, and King arrived later.

After the group was gathered we started to prepare our lunch, Meliodas cut the bird into different sizes, Merlin sterilize the bird, Diane and King went out to gather more wood, Ban prepare his tool for cooking, and lastly, I, Gowther, and Escanor watch from the sideline, we have nothing to do so I took out some cards and play poker with the two.

A few minutes later the lunch is ready and just hit noon.

We started our launch which gradually became a small banquet.

After our launch, we decided to rest before heading to the deeper floors.

After resting we headed to Rivira built by the adventurer in the dungeon.

"John, are you sure that this is the city that are you talking about?"

Diane said while her face showing some doubt. I shrugged my shoulder and replied, "Yes, that's why I told you to do not expect much."

"This place is lawless Ban said while looking at some adventurer stealing from a shop in Brod daylight."

We wander around the city and look for something interesting to buy, but unlucky nothing caught our attention.

Soon we decided to go to the next floor so we headed toward the huge tree while running at a fast speed leaving only our afterimages in our wake.

In just 2 minutes we arrive at the base of the huge tree and enter one of the large tunnels located at the base of the tree.