
Chakra Progenitor

John Wodwick Alver died and then reincarnated in a magic world as the King of All Bijuu and King Of The Tree Of All. He is also the Progenitor Of All Chakra, and the only Being that can easily surpass The existence that Beyond All. Warning MC is ridiculously overpowered, has an abnormal mindset and logic, has a light view of life, death is a trivial matter to him, is kind but ruthless, hates planning much, and has a ridiculous harem. I am only a newbie writer and can't speak English very well and only rely on Grammarly for grammar and spelling corrections. This novel is only my hobby and my entertainment. by the way all the picture that I posted are not mine I all get them in Pinterest and google. Thank you for reading and good day.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Jura Familia and First Dungeon Dive Part 3

A few hours later Ban and King were laying on the ground knocked by Merlin, the fight becomes out of hand and they nearly made the entire floor collapse because of this Merlin knocked them out using lightning magic.

Escanor picks up the two and we leave the scene like nothing had happened, during this time, I was wondering why the Dungeon is not summoning some monster party or juggernaut to deal with us. "It looks like despite my race right now was a human the dungeon still felt that my existence was very extraordinary so the dungeon did not dare to make a move."

We continue to move forward and when King and Ban woke up we split up again and explore the dungeon.

I was alone again.

I decided to wander around the 10th floor, I walk leisurely while leaving some mark of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

30 Minutes pass and I only encounter a monster and never encounter any adventurer, I got curious why so I use observation Haki and spread my Haki throughout the floor.

I found out that only Me, Merlin, Ban, Escanor, and King are on this floor at this moment, no other adventurers only us and some monster, "King and Ban's fight made the adventures here run towards the surface in fright, thinking that a fight between powerful monsters is happening on the 10th floor."

I retracted my observation of Haki and then continue to wander around the Floor while leaving some marks.

Another 30 minutes passed and I decided to go to the next floor on the 11th.

The structure of the 10th and 11th was the same, a wide open space full of fog that is the 11th and 10th floors.

I continue to walk and kill the monsters on the 11th floor and when I was getting bored I decided to go directly to the 16th floor to challenge some Minotors only using Flying Thunder God Jutsu and my knife.

I started to head to the middle floors and use the cliffs to arrive faster at the lower floors such as the 13th and 16th floors.

The lower and middle floors are connected by the cliff that you can find anywhere on the middle floor, first-class adventurers that go solo or with a small party use this cliff as a shortcut to reach the 16th and 13th floors.

The moment I saw a cliff when I arrived on the middle floor, I didn't hesitate and jumped to the cliff.

I'd freefall for 10 minutes before I could see the ground, I know that my normal human body can't handle the impact so before the impact I threw a Kunai that contains the Flying Thunder God Seal, the Kunai design that I use for my Flying Thunder God Jutsu has a wider and thinner blade, and then has a Seal of Flying Thunder God hidden on the tip of the handle.

(This is the Image of John Flying Thunder God Kunai).

The Kunai that I threw stabbed its blade with a clang on the hard ground and then right after that I appear right beside the knife with Flying Thunder God Teleportation. I pick up my Flying Thunder God Kunai and putting it in my storage.

I Activated the lightning chakra mode and run like lightning until I reach the 16 floors.

The 16th-floor walls, floor, and ceiling are all made of white bedrock and this floor contains countless large and small corridors intertwined together making a very complex layout, also these floors have tunnels leading to the 17th floor which will pop up randomly.

After 29 seconds I reach the 16th floor without any problem along the way I also encounter some hellhounds that I kill immediately and some adventurers return to the surface.

This floor has even wider Corridors and a more complex layout. I wander around this floor for a while until I trigger a the monster party that only contains Minotaurs.

"Ha, the dungeon knows what I'm looking for."

This monster's party has at least 120 Minotaurs, I walked inside the room where the Monster party spawns.

The moment I entered, all the Minotaurs looked toward me and growled, the nearest Minotaurs charged planning to smash me with its horn, I just smile at it and threw a single flying thunder god Kunai above, and the middle of the monster party.

The Minotaur continue to charge towards me at a fast speed and ignored my movement.

Before the Minotaur hit me, I use the Flying Thunder God Jutsu and teleported above and the middle of the Minotaur party where I threw my Kunai earlier, the Minotaur hits the wall, and was confused why he did not hit me.

While above the air I took out 4 Kunai of the Flying Thunder God and threw them in four directions at the same time I made a seal and release a Jutsu, the shuriken shadow clone jutsu.

The four kunai that threw double become 8 then 16 then 32, then hundreds until reached over a thousand.

Thousands of Kunai hit the floor and embedded themselves in the floor and others also hit the Minotaur and it was embedded in their body.

The minotaurs got angry because of the irritating pain that they feel at the small wounds caused by the thousands of kunai

Five of the Minotaurs pick up a huge boulder and threw it toward me, but before it hits I disappear again and reappear on one of the thousand Kunai on the ground then disappeared again and reappear on one of the backs of the Minotaurs, I pulled the embedded kunai on its back and swing it.

My powerful sword's intent was released by my swing making a 4 meters sword slash that cut the Minotaur in haft like cutting butter.

The minotaur's dead body falls to the ground with a tad, I threw a Kunai at the ceiling, and the Kunai pierces the ceiling and stayed there. I teleported toward that kunai and appears at the ceiling while my feet were sticking like glue on the smooth ceiling.

Minotaur was confused why their comrades died all of a sudden, they look around looking for the culprit.

I laugh slightly seeing this, they are like a child looking for their toys.

I look at my hands that I use to swing the knife and see that my arms were already trembling, "My normal human physique right now can't handle that kind of a casual move just now, oh well I won't use any swordsmanship for the time being then."

I open my left palm and create a ball of chakra, I disappear again and reappeared on the back of one of the Minotors and then slam the ball of chakra on my hands and tried to shout the name of the Jutsu, like what Naruto did in the anime, "Rasengan."

[Yep that was a bit embarrassing] I said inwardly.


The Minotaur smashed to the ground with great force, the ground cracks like cobwebs because of the force.

The Minotaur died after that attack, I immediately disappear and return to the ceiling to avoid the Minotaur attacks.

I disappeared again on the sealing and reappear on the back of a Minotaur, slamming a Rasengan and disappearing and reappearing to another Minotaur back slamming Rasengan and doing it again to another Minotaur.

I repeated this attack until all 120 Minotaurs died, I killed all the 120 Minotaurs in 10 seconds.

I look at the 120 crystal cores of the dead Minotaurs and the destroyed ground while my mouth is twitching, "Hehe, I need to work on holding back, I got immersed in the fight, and I end up destroying the whole room.

I took all the Minotaur cores in my storage and continue to run around the floor while leaving some mark of Flying Thunder God Jutsu.