
Land of Isvan

A few days before the ritual which would be done by Bourne to return Ur back, something happened in one of the guilds in Fiore.

Blue Pegasus.

It is a guild which is known for its reputation stemming mostly from the beautiful and fashionable men and women in it, it is also a powerful guild which is kept in high regard.

Bob, who was the master of Blue Pegasus suddenly received an S-Class Job to investigate climate change in the Land of Isvan. He put his hand on his cheek and had a troubled expression.

"Hmm, what should I do?"

"What's wrong, Master? Does something bother you?"

Suddenly a husky and manly voice asked this question, the man who was the source of this voice walked to Bob with a cornered expression.

"Oh, Ichiya!"

Bob's eyes brightened when he saw Ichiya.

Ichiya sat on the counter seat with a serious expression looking at Bob. "If it's something that I can help, then I'll help you to solve your trouble, Master."

"My... how dependable..." Bob smiled sweetly at Ichiya.

Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki is the name of this handsome man. He is the ace of the Blue Pegasus Guild and one of the S-Class magicians in this guild. It can be said that he might be the second strongest magician in this guild beside the guild master.

Ichiya is a short and rather stout man with a distinctively big, somewhat rectangular face, a large flat nose which always seems to be shining, and prominent cheekbones. His orange hair was kept in a wavy style with many curved spikes jutting outwards, with one acting as a fringe on the left side of his face. He also seems to possess mildly hairy legs.

"Ichiya-chan, can you see this job?" Bob asked.

Ichiya took the job information from Bob and read the description of the job. He rubbed his chin and understood that it was a very dangerous job.

"Investigate the change of climate in the Land of Isvan."

Ichiya looked at Bob and asked, "If I'm not wrong half of the land is almost become ice wasteland, right?"

"That's right, the royal family of the Land of Isvan is very troubled by this and there isn't much of a skilled ice magician in this continent." Bob sighed. It wasn't that no one wanted to solve the trouble of Land of Isvan, but there wasn't really any of an ice magician whose capability was enough to solve this problem.

Bob also heard about the matter of Land of Isvan and he also heard that half of the country was covered in blizzards with very dangerous temperatures. If someone wasn't careful or wasn't strong enough then they would be frozen in an instant.

"So isn't this job just right for us?"

Ichiya took the glass of wine and twirled it calmly before smelling it which made him show an intoxicated expression. "What a good wine." He sipped it slowly and felt that it might be the most delicious wine which he had ever tasted.

"That's true, I'm not sure where they have learned about the existence of our new partner, though." Bob smiled and showed confidence that they would be able to clear this quest.

"I'll take this quest and I'll bring Christina with me." Ichiya calmly put down the job description on the table.

"Then, I'll leave everything to you, Ichiya-chan." Bob smiled sweetly at Ichiya.

Ichiya smiled handsomely and waved his hand before walking away to get Christina. His action was so handsome that he swooned over a number of male magicians in the guild.

"Ichiya-san, good luck!"

Everyone bowed their heads and hoped for Ichiya to be able to clear the quest.

"Good luck, Ichiya-chan. We'll be waiting here." Bob was in tears and waved around his white handkerchief.

"It won't be long. I'll be back quickly without you noticing." Ichiya winked before he started to get Christina for the quest.


Only some female members guild didn't know why everyone was excited when they saw Ichiya who had gone for his job.


Fairy Tail.

"Happy, don't steal my fish!"

"Natsu, stupid!"

A pink haired boy and a flying cat were fighting with each other.

"Natsu! Happy! Don't fight with each other!" Then a little girl with short white hair reprimanded both of them.

"Aye!" 2x

Two of them instantly stopped and hung their heads in front of this little girl.

"Erza, you bastard! Let's fight!"

"Hmph! I'll settle the account between us now, Mira!"

Then two girls started to fight with each other and the situation of the guild became even more chaotic.

On the side of the fight there was a girl with brown hair, a boy without clothes, and a boy with a huge body, but he seemed to be quite worried when he saw the white haired girl start to fight with red haired girl.

"N, Nee-chan, please stop... d, don't cause trouble to the guild..." The boy's voice was very quiet and he was ignored by two girls who fought with each other.

The table was broken, there was a hole in the roof, there was broken glass, but no one stopped two girls since everyone knew that it was impossible to stop them.

But for some reason, everyone didn't seem troubled by the fight between the two girls and continued talking to each other without caring about the rowdy atmosphere.

The naked boy sighed and felt tired for some reason. His mood was also wasn't good and kept tapping his feet on the ground.

"Gray, what's wrong? If you're going to be noisy then don't be in here." The brown haired girl complained to the boy in front of her.

Gray sighed and looked around before he saw a new newspaper which was being sent to the headquarters of Fairy Tail. He stole it from everyone first to see the news before his expression changed when he saw the headline of the newspaper.

"Gray, what's wrong?"

The red haired girl stopped fighting against the white haired girl since she noticed that there was something wrong with Gray.

"N, Nothing."

Gray shook his head and placed the newspaper before walking away, but then a pink haired boy suddenly slammed into him which made him hit the table.

"Bastard, why are you in my way!" The pink haired boy didn't even apologize, but even scolded Gray.


Gray ignored the pink haired boy and walked away.


This action seemed to confuse everyone since it wasn't the usual Gray which they knew.

"What happened to him?" The pink haired boy also felt uncomfortable by this change.

"What's wrong with the newspaper?" The red haired girl asked the brown haired girl who took the newspaper.

"Hmm... half of the territory of the Land of Isvan has turned into an ice wasteland!" The brown haired girl seemed to be surprised.

"What's wrong?" The short white haired little girl asked.

"Well, Land of Isvan is Gray's home after all, so he might be sad because of this."

Everyone seemed to realize it and nodded. They looked at Gray who had walked away and decided to leave him alone for a while.

"Bastard, I'll fight him!"

The pink haired boy was so stupid that he didn't understand anything, but then he was punched by the red haired girl.

"Just stay down!"



Gray walked toward the nearby forest and punched the tree beside him with frustration. He gritted his teeth and didn't even care about the pain and blood on his fist.


Looking toward the horizon, Gray made his determination. Though, he didn't know that he was too late.

Ichiya... I love his character....

akikan40creators' thoughts