
Chainsaw Man: Playing With The Devils

Reincarnated into the world of devils, a young man finds himself in a survival situation with nothing but a game-like system at his disposal.

blazuki · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Chapter 25

The Samurai Sword was in the surgery room. Next to him was a petite blonde woman who had promised to grant him the power of revenge for his dear, old, deceased grandpa.

The surgery was completed. When the Samurai Sword looked at his chest, he was quite stunned. No bruises, no wounds, nothing. He looked at his arms. Even the scars from his old battles were gone. As a yakuza leader, he had plenty of scars.

"So, this is the power of the Katana devil," said the Samurai Sword, already feeling the difference between himself and a normal human being.

Akane Sawartani, a former civilian devil hunter, stood by the door, crossing her arms.

The petite blonde said, "That's not it. You have to figure out how to trigger it. For the Katana devil fiend, you need to unsheathe your potentials."

Akane was an excellent previous hunter. She was deeply involved in the devil's world. She even managed to make a contract with the Snake Devil, one of the strongest devils in existence, a devil that could swallow other devils and turn them into toys.

This woman had come to his door one day while he was grieving for his grandpa. She offered him power in exchange for helping her seek revenge on the Chainsaw Man and the Public Devil Hunters Association. In exchange, she wanted to obtain the heart of the Chainsaw Man.

He didn't know why she wanted it, but there was one thing he was certain of: he would make Denji apologize for killing his grandpa and send him a few devil hunters to accompany him in the afterlife.

"Unsheathe? I see," he said, putting his hand on his wrist. He felt that he could pull his hand out, and as he did, a knife appeared.

The next second, his skin's color changed to black, and his body became more solid. Three swords grew on him, one on each hand and one on his forehead.

He waved his hand, and his sword swung so fast that in the next instant, a crack appeared on the wall, splitting it in half.

"With this power, I can destroy all of my enemies," he thought.

As a fiend, he not only gained three swords but also extra speed and intense power. Slowly, he undid his transformation.

"Not bad," he turned to Akane. "I'll help you in your quest then."

Suddenly, someone smacked the door open.

The Samurai Sword turned to him. "What are you doing? Didn't I teach you to knock on the door?"

"Boss! It's urgent," the man panted. "A crazy young man entered our building. He's been cutting and beating every one of our men. He's strong and fast. Even with guns, he managed to attack us before we could react."


"We suspect that he's not a human, and he's coming after you."

The Samurai Sword was confused. Who would be courageous enough to attack all of his men and come after him?

Could it be an assassin hired by one of his enemies?

No. Assassins don't work that way.

This man was in a hurry to kill him, and he was very strong. It could be a devil hunter or some civilian who made a contract with a devil in exchange for power.

"Perfect. He's the one to test my power on. Please, go and invite our guest to meet me on the rooftop," the Samurai Sword smiled. Soon, he was going to set an example of someone.


Sam walked with his hands in his pockets, ignoring the pained groans that came from behind him. Suddenly, a man hiding behind a door appeared and aimed a gun at him. Sam took hold of his wrist and broke it, disarming him.

Just then, Sam was alerted by the sight of a man running toward him. He didn't know why this was happening, but he admired the courage of the armless man until he bowed down to Sam and said, "Sir, Samurai Sword is waiting for you on the rooftop. Please, use the elevator."

"So you can trap me? Not a chance," Sam replied.

Sam swiftly appeared in front of the gangster, kicking him in the stomach and sending him flying. "Nothing personal. I just don't like anyone watching my back," Sam remarked before taking the stairs to the rooftop.

Upon reaching the rooftop, he found a fiend standing there, with grey skin, a gray face, and a hat adorned with a sword.

"So, this is the stranger who's after my head," said the fiend.

Sam examined him. "A demon with three swords. Roronoa Zoro, you're lost once again," Sam mockingly remarked.

He didn't expect anyone in this world to understand this joke, but he didn't care. It amused him, and he couldn't resist.

"I believe you're looking for the wrong person," the katana man replied.

"No, you have three swords and you're a demon. I don't think I'm mistaken," Sam retorted.

"You seem strong. Be honored to be the first one to be killed by me in this form," said the katana man, opening his arms before dashing forward.

Sam squatted slightly, unsheathing his sword and holding it with both hands. As he struck down, a compressed blade of air left his sword and attacked the katana man.

The katana man, using his devilish senses, noticed the attack and waved his arm, redirecting the air slash behind him, cutting a staircase in half.

"Not bad," the katana man acknowledged. He swung his three swords, and Sam blocked them, pushing back against the katana man's strength.

"You are quite strong for a human," the katana man admitted.

"And you are for a fiend," Sam replied. 'What a shame. The actual devil would worth more XP.'

Sam flipped and landed on his feet, using Wind Cut to dash forward, vanishing and reappearing behind the katana man, slashing at his guts.

The katana man's wounds instantly healed. He turned and swung his swords repeatedly, with Sam blocking and retreating.

"What's the matter? Afraid of getting hit by my blade?" taunted the katana man.

One advantage the katana man had as a fiend was his regenerative abilities and durability, making fighting with swords easy for him psychologically. In life-or-death battles, people usually maintain a wider distance, but that didn't seem to be the case with the Katana man.

The katana man stabbed forward with both hands, and Sam used Flash steps to dodge backward. As he reappeared, the katana man squatted.

'Dealing with this Zoro is troublesome... I still have around 200 MP. I can prolong this fight to recover it. I need to cut him in half quickly. Or I can use that.'

"Iai," said the katana man, disparagingly. Sam could see a glimpse of that move and raised his sword in defense.

A spark of electricity appeared in the air as the katana man materialized behind Sam.

"You did well for a man, but this is where you die."

A slash appeared on Sam's chest, blood gushing out.

[-60 HP]

The fact that Sam didn't fall and could still fight indicated one thing: as long as his HP remained above 100, he was fine.

He slowly knelt down. "Well done, Samurai Sword," Sam said.

The katana man turned, the blood on his sword absorbed and used as fuel for the fiend.

'It's time for me to use my Dark Souls boss 2nd phase,' Sam thought as he closed his eyes. Drum. Drum! DrumDrumDrum!

The katana man smirked. "Don't worry. I'll soon send you company in hell."

Drum Drum.

Sam's heart began to pound so loudly that it could be heard. His skin turned red and his veins became more apparent.

[-10 HP]

Sam slowly stood up.

The katana man froze for a second.

Sam appeared behind him, saying, "Isn't it already hell on earth?"

The katana man turned and slashed, only for Sam to sidestep and appear behind him again. Sam struck him before raising his leg and kicking him, sending him flying. As the katana man rolled on the ground, Sam unleashed an air slash, causing another deep cut on the katana man's back. The fiend yelled as he put his hands on the ground and struggled to stand up, his legs trembling.

[-15 HP]

"You may be able to regenerate, but with each injury, you'll get weaker and weaker," Sam said, sheathing his sword and squatting.

"Who are you, bastard?" the katana man asked, his wounds regenerating.