
Kind Kitty

"Hi Kitty!" You say as Cat Noir drops to the balcony behind you, where you'd been waiting for him.

"Hey Angel! Claws-" He starts, but you quickly stop him.

"Don't detransform!"

"Why not?"

"Well, uh, I was kinda hoping you might take me somewhere?"

"OK, the Eiffel?" He asks, reaching to pick you up.

"Not exactly. Do you know any stores that stay open all night?"

"Yeah, one or two. Why?"

"I need something. I just have to change really quick." You say, looking down at your pajamas.

"Oh, you don't need to do all that! I can go for you, what do you need?"

"No, I really think it's best if I just go. It'll only take a second to change!"

"Angel, are you alright? What aren't you telling me?" He asks, gently taking your hand.

You wonder how he's going to react, you've heard many guys are sour about the subject.

As you question what point you're at in the relationship, and whether it would be too soon to really mention it, you notice his sniffing.

You realize you'd forgotten the cat senses.

"Are you OK?! I didn't scratch you, did I?! Did Shadow?!" He asks, pulling up the hand he was holding, then looking it over.

"No, you didn't do anything."


"No, it uh, I um, I need to go the store."

"Are you sure it's just the store? Not the hospital?! Nothing happened where Lila stabbed you, right?!" He asks, getting more worried by the second.

"No! I'm just on my period!" You spit it out.

"Good grief, you had me scared to death! Why didn't you just tell me?!" He asks, sighing in relief.

"Because, I've heard guys are weird about it! I mean, I won't even say anything to my dad about it!" 

"Angel, it's not a big deal. I know it's a natural thing, why would I be weird about it?"

"I don't know, lots of guys are."

"I'm not lots of guys. I am your meowst wonderfurl boyfuriend, and I'm gonna take care of you." He says, swiftly picking you up.

"But, the store!"

"Don't you worry, I'll handle it. What do you need?" He asks as he walks you inside.

"Are you serious?"

"Completely." He responds, putting you in bed and tucking you in.

You suppose it's the extra emotionalness, but you feel yourself start to tear up.

"Hey, what's wrong? My claws didn't- Oh!" He starts to ask if he'd scratched you, but then stops abruptly when you hug him tightly.

"What's this for?" He asks, hugging back.

"For being the best boyfriend ever."

"Aww, who else fits the best girlfriend ever?" He says, as you pull away.

"How did I get so lucky?" You ask.

"Same way I did."

"You really don't mind to go to the store for me?"

"Of course not!"

So you get up, which he objects to, but relents for a moment, because you insist on getting some money.

But as soon as he's zipped the bill into his pocket, he's tucking you back in.

You tell him what brand, size, all that and you can practically see him making a little list in his head.

"OK, I'll be right back!" He says, and darts out the balcony door.

You text bff/n while you wait.

You chat with her a little bit more, until your door opens and Cat peeks in.

"What are you doing?" You giggle.

"I thought you might be asleep! Having a period sounds very !" He says.

You give him a quizzical look, making him laugh.

"Get it, cause the blood drains out?" He laughs at himself.

"You're such a dork. I love you so much." You laugh as you stand up.

You take the bag he offers and go to the bathroom.

When you return, you find Adrien, now detransformed, Plagg and Shadow, all having a staring contest.

"Am I interrupting something?" You ask.

"Hey, y/n! You took my cheese!" Plagg says, breaking eye contact with the larger cat.

"Ah, I thought that was for you."

"The candy, however, is for you." Adrien says, still staring at Shadow.

"But there shouldn't have been enough money for it too?"

"Angel, I'm practically rolling in the dough. I can get some candy."

"Has anyone ever told you you're incredible?" You ask, leaning between him and Shadow to kiss him.

"Ha! You blinked!" Adrien says in triumph as you pull away.


"He blinked!" He says, pointing at Shadow.

"Did you keep your eyes open?!"

"Yes. I'm a very determined person."

"You're a very wonderful person."

"Back at ya."

You giggle, then allow him to pick you up again.

"Now. You're gonna lay here, stay warm, and eat candy." He says, returning you once again to your spot and pulling the covers up to your chin.

"Only if you do too."

"Mmm, I could be purrsuaded." He says, climbing in beside you.

He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close.

"Are you alright? Do you hurt? I didn't know if you would need any painkillers." He asks softly.

"Nah, I already took some, I'll be fine for now."

"OK. So how long have you been out? Why didn't you go earlier?"

"Ugh, it's a big ordeal. It first started while I was out with Shadow, so I just used what I had in my bag, and didn't stop because I don't know where all allows pets, plus I thought I had enough here for today."

"But you didn't?"

"Nope. Turns out I'd completely forgotten that I had just enough last month, so all I had was in my bag, and that wasn't much, but by the time I realized, it was too late to go out by myself, and my parents were already in bed."

"Ohh, I see. Next time you can just text me so there's no backtracking."

"Yeah. I would have this time, but I thought it would be kinda weird to mention for the first time over text."

"Nah. But speaking of, why was it the first time?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well I've never smelled blood before, or I would have had the panic long ago."

"Ohh, right around the time you started coming over I switched to the completely scentless kind, but the stuff in my bag wasn't that."

"Ooohhh." He says through a yawn.

He snuggles up closer to you and starts to purr.

"Ugh I can't fall asleep, I've got school, but I could really just stay here forever." He says, looking at your happy expression.

"I wish you could, but that reminds me! Mom said we can have our sleepover!"

"Yay!!" He exclaims with a grin.

"We just have to be sure my dad isn't able to find out."

"Oh he won't! Nobody will even know I'm here!"

"I better know. How do I cuddle something I don't know is there?"

"Good question. You can know about me, but no one else!"

"I can work with that."

"So when will it be?"

"Friday night. You got plans?"

"Yeah, a sleepover with an angel." He says with a wink, making you giggle.

"Sounds good. What are you gonna tell your mom?"

"I dunno, probably that I'll be at Nino's. He'll probably cover for me, if I ask."

"Ok. Just don't get in trouble."

"I won't!"