
Chapter 11

Sara was a senior that year. Although William was older than her, they were in the same class.

Bella sent Sara to Seventh High School. The institution had a history of a hundred years, and It was ranked one of the tops in the country. It was a highly regarded school in the eyes of many.

But compared to College, the school was nothing. As Sara was entering the classroom, she heard people discussing on William attending College.

After all, College was like a paradise to these high schoolers, it was a real aristocratic school.

Although Mrs. Bishop had promised to help William enter the college, the formalities had not been completed yet. Therefore, William still had to attend Seventh High School for another two days. It was not a big issue, instead, it provided her an opportunity to show off.

Just like how William was currently being surrounded by the crowd, and all of her classmates were asking her questions nonstop.

Of course, William would not tell them how she only got to enter the college by selling off her sister. Instead, she said vaguely that it was a "special trick" up to her sleeves.

At that, more people were getting envious and complimented her, "William, you have both good looks and good grades, no wonder Scrollania wants you!"

"Alas, I thought we were lucky enough to be in the Seventh High School. But now William, I can't believe that you're going to Scrollania College!" One of the classmates praised.

"Now that you're going to Scrollania, you're really reaching the top of the top! I heard that everyone there has amazing family backgrounds!" Another one said.

The next one mentioned, "If you find a boyfriend there, William, you would be carefree for the rest of your life!"

"William, don't forget about us in the future!"

"I'm so jealous..."

Sara entered the classroom silently.

Sara had fair skin and a very beautiful face. Her tender and sweet look would make one fall for her at the first sight. She was naturally more good-looking than William, who was famed as the campus belle. Therefore, William never allowed Sara to dress up and be eye-catching in school. Sara was forced to dress in an old, dirty school uniform and a pair of thick glasses. Half of her face was covered by her hair, and she was looking like a messed-up country bumpkin.

When the classmates saw Sara coming in, they immediately said, "Oh! Isn't that the genius of our school?"

Sara always had the best grades and was in the top class. That alone made her the target of her peers, and not to mention that she was an unlawful daughter, their detest for her was enough to get her bullied.

No matter what, this unlawful daughter had never had her grades dropped from her first place. Hence, all of them seized any good opportunity to satirize her.

"Sara," Allie , who sat next to William, said sarcastically, "William has been specially recruited to Scrollania College.

You must have been recruited too, right? After all, your grades are so good that you ranked first place in school!"

"What's great about being the first in school? Wasn't she ranked third in the city in the previous exam?" Another girl echoed.

"Ah! Sara's grades are so good, I'm sure she got a place too." Someone else added mockingly.

"Exactly. Sara, you're going to Scrollania College too, aren't you?"

Everyone looked at her tauntingly.

Sara pursed her lips. Ignoring them, she tidied up her desk. When she picked up a book, there was a dead caterpillar underneath it.

Upon seeing it, the look on Sara's face suddenly changed, and she jumped from her seat.

"Hahaha!" Allie roared in laughter. "Are you afraid of bugs? You can ask the campus hunk to remove it for you. Didn't he also get rid of the dead mouse on your desk last time?" She goaded.

Sara was bullied in school partly because of William's orders. Secondly, Sara also received special treatment from the campus hunk, inexplicably.

Of course, the teenage girls naturally developed a disliking towards Sara, and they would place the like of dead bugs and mice on her desk. It was simply a daily routine that she had to go through in school.

A thought crossed Allie's mind and she said, "Ah, I forgot that the campus hunk was transferred to another school. There is no way for the hero to save his girl now... Hahaha."

The crowd burst into laughter.

William would timely pretend to stand up for Sara, "Enough, stop teasing Sara. You all know how timid she is." William looked at her sister with a smile, "Please help Sam get rid of that worm!"

A burly boy, Tom, took the dead worm away unwillingly.

Sara pressed her lips together, she knew it was not a good time to have a conflict with William, so she sat in her own seat without a word.

Elena was unhappy. "Sara, are you mute? William just helped you, don't you know how to thank her? You really are an illegitimate daughter, huh? So uneducated!" She jeered.

Sara still did not speak.

"Hey! Are you jealous that William is going to Scrollania College? Is that it?" Allie rolled her eyes and smiled. "William has good grades and a pretty face. Plus, she's the rightful first daughter of the Martin family. You can never compete against her. Sure, you have good grades, but you can only forever be a nerd!" She said.

William said softly, "Allie, what are you talking about? No matter what, Sara is still my sister."

Allie pouted, "What kind of sister is she? She's just the daughter of a mistress"

Sara's gaze shot up, her eyes behind the glasses were never so calm. She looked at William and said, "William, you know exactly how you got this opportunity."

William's face paled.

"What do you mean?" She asked diffidently. Sara replied, "I am just reminding you."

William gritted her teeth, but her smile remained. "Sara, I know you also wish to go to Scrollania College. But it is a special recruit, so I can't do much about it. Why don't you wait for me to bring you around the campus at a later time?"

Allie immediately asked, "Why are you so kind to her?"

William answered gently, "Sara had always wanted to attend Scrolania College."

Sara was dumbstruck. What nonsense was William spouting?!

She didn't want to listen to William's bragging, so Sara began to recite some vocabularies.

Seeing her indifferent look, the group of classmates lost their interest and began to ask William more about Scrollania College. Some of them also expressed their interest to visit Scrollania College.

The results for last week's exam in Seventh High School were released quickly. Their form teacher had come to the class in the morning with everyone's examination paper marked.

Sara received a total of 720 points for six subjects, and she remained as the top student in school. She scored 20 points more than the second place, and 35 points more than William.

However, the teacher only praised William and the other top five, without mentioning Sara's name.

The headteacher was also slightly distressed. Ultimately, Sara's results were really outstanding but her identity was very complicated...

Thus, she focused on praising William instead. After all, the news about her going to Scrollania College had spread in the school. It was a glorifying achievement for the Seventh High School. If it was possible, the principal himself wanted to exclusively interview William since Scrollania College really was a renowned high school among the nobilities.

Listening to the praise from the form teacher, William sneered in her heart, "Sara, never mind how good your grades are or how beautiful you are, you're still born with an inferior life! This is the real- life example, I've exchanged your life for all these compliments, while you can only look up to me pitifully!"