
Happy For You

- RAYA -

When I come out of the shower, full of giddy excitement about the day ahead, Rory is tossing and turning in bed. We're having a morning ceremony, but it's still early enough that I didn't want to wake her yet. Now I rush over and grab hold of her arms. 

Why didn't we think about the fact that she might have another nightmare? At least this one isn't as bad as they used to be, because she's only whimpering. It's not the screaming I became used to when she was staying in the room next to Dex and I. 

"Rory, wake up." 

I shake her gently, hoping not to startle her too much. But it's not enough to pull her out of whatever horror she might be encountering at the moment. 

"Rory!" I yell. Her eyes fly open, and she sits up panting with the sheet clutched against her chest. "Are you okay? You were having a nightmare." 

"I was?"

"Yeah. It seemed like it." 

She looks around at the room like she doesn't remember where she is.