
Any Place, Anywhere


It was already going to be an impossible night for sleep being forced to stay two cabinas away from Rory, but now? After she said she loves me and wants to marry me? It's torture. 

The trees look thicker and darker tonight, and I can't help but glare out at any danger that might be willing to challenge me. I'll destroy everything, burn everything, to keep her. 

The only reason I left with Dex is because tomorrow is a special day for him. And because my father actually put five guards around the girls' cabina.

The phone rings with a call from Dom, and a jolt of adrenaline shoots straight through my heart with the instant thought that something's wrong. By the time I answer, I've already made it to the door. 

"Talk to me," I manage to say. 

"Everything's fine, boss. The guys are just wondering what we do if one of the girls goes running off again."