
CEO Daddy: The Runaway Mommy

Juliet Estelle, a beautiful model who is spreading her wings in Fashion Design, was shocked by an incident when she woke up from her hangover. A small child was in her room and was looking at her lovingly. Before Juliet could call the police to return the child to his parent's house, she heard a loud noise coming from outside. "Listen to the kidnappers inside, you have been surrounded by the police! Now surrender yourself..." ....

Madame_Lancaster · Urban
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27 Chs

Slept With Him

The sun rose on the east side, and its light slowly poured in through the room through the window.

Juliet, lying on the bed, turned around to find the proper position to continue sleeping. However, unconsciously her hand hit something hard until she woke up a little.

Juliet frowned, stretched out her hand, and rubbed the big solid body several times. Then, she realized that it wasn't a cute little milk bag. Her closed eyes opened in an instant. Her hands covered the chest of a man. The man's dark blue shirt wrapped his strong muscles. His chest was hard and hot, causing Juliet to jump up and quickly pull her hand away.

Juliet lifted her head and accidentally bumped into Justin's chin. The man was still sleeping peacefully.

'Unlucky! How can I sleep in the same bed as him?!' Juliet exclaimed in her heart. She backed away, again and again, to create a distance between the two.

When Juliet saw her still intact clothes, she gulped and breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as she felt relieved, the man in front of her opened his eyes.

The eyes were facing each other, and Justin's sharp black eyes were so piercing that Juliet was completely shocked. She quickly got off the bed and headed straight for the door.

The figure that escaped from sight with a flushed face, everything was clearly seen by Justin.

Justin lay on his side, reaching out to touch his chest, exactly where Juliet had just touched. His eyes were bright, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

His mood was at its best recently.

Meanwhile, the panicked Juliet immediately opened the door. She saw that her bedroom door was open and was right across the hall!

In other words, her room was across from Justin's bedroom, but she didn't notice before!

Juliet bit her lip in anger and frustration. Could she have walked into the wrong door after getting drunk last night? Oh, Lord! She actually slept with Justin for one night!

Although annoyed, Juliet was also a little grateful. Luckily, Justin is gay. If not...

Juliet did not continue to think. Instead, she shook her head in exasperation, pushed the strange thoughts out of her head, and rushed into her room.

She was still wearing yesterday's clothes, and when she took them off to take a shower, she smelled alcohol and light smoke on her clothes.

The smell of smoke, burning tobacco, like pressing the memory button. Memories of last night flashed back into her mind. She was drinking on the balcony, and then Justin came, asking for a cigarette. After that—

'My thighs, do you want to think about it?'

'No, your thighs are not thick enough.'

The dialogue between the two repeated itself in her memory, and the temperature on Juliet's cheeks rose rapidly.

"No, this must be my imagination. No way...." She shook her head, thinking that Justin wouldn't say such a thing.

She remembered that she was leaning on Justin's feet, but why was she sleeping in Justin's room? Why didn't Justin take her back to his own room to sleep? Could Justin do it on purpose?

"No, he's gay. He can't possibly be attracted to women." Juliet tried to conclude.

At this moment, she raised her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror. Her white skin looks flushed continuously.

Juliet was secretly determined that she had to give up her bad habit of drinking beer.


Juliet, who had just showered and changed, sat in her room for a long time.

It felt like she wanted to hide from Justin, didn't want to see the man. She was very shy.

After a while of silence, Juliet tried to calm herself down. 'Forget it! No big deal, isn't it just sleeping in the same bed?' she thought. After all, if Justin was really gay, that's pretty much the same as a woman, and she could presume that she slept with a woman all night.

Thinking this way, Juliet felt much better.

However, when she opened the door to her room and wanted to leave, her efforts to calm down just now were completely in vain.

Her gaze met with Justin, who also just happened to come out of his room. The two looked at each other and fell silent.

The corridor was filled with the scent of perfume emanating from their bodies. However, the different scents were equally entangled in the air and made the smell inexplicable.

Juliet gulped, clenched her fists, and then mustered up the courage to speak to Justin, "Sorry, I really didn't mean to enter your room. Please forgive me."

Just as Juliet was thinking about how to deal with her shyness, Justin replied, 'Hmm.' So that Juliet could breathe a sigh of relief.

The corridor that was originally about two meters wide looked narrow at this moment. The two of them stood there and didn't move until the door at the end of the stairs opened.


JJ was still in his pajamas and was running towards Juliet quickly. His presence eased the awkward atmosphere between Justin and Juliet.

"Juju, where did you go last night? I came to your room, and you weren't there. I was so restless I couldn't sleep."

The atmosphere that had just subsided became awkward again.

Juliet's face turned red, and she explained to JJ quietly, "Last night I was drunk and... fell asleep somewhere else."

JJ didn't think much of it. Instead, he touched Juliet's cheek and forehead and asked, "Are you okay? The teacher said sleeping outside would cause a cold."

"I'm fine." Juliet was desperate to find a hole to bury herself in right now, and Justin's presence next to her made her very uncomfortable.

Juliet hugged JJ and changed the subject, "Why haven't you showered yet? Let's hurry up and change clothes. You might be late for school."

After that, Juliet brought JJ to the room quickly.

Justin was still standing there, staring at their backs, and the corners of his lips lifted slightly.


When Juliet and JJ came downstairs together, Justin had already gone to the office with Assistant Dean.

His absence made Juliet heave a sigh of relief.

"Juju, what's wrong with you?" asked JJ when he saw Juliet sigh.

"Nothing. Let's have breakfast."

The two of them entered the dining room and sat side by side.

Juliet was unfocused at the moment. Her mind was full of ways to find a partner company that would cooperate with her. She has visited almost all the companies, and there are not many left. What should she do?


Juliet was unconscious until JJ called her for the fourth time.

"Huh?" Juliet had a sandwich in her hand but didn't eat anything.

"What's the matter with you? Is something bothering you?" JJ asked anxiously.

Juliet smiled, seeing his concern. "Um, just a little problem."

JJ didn't ask but looked at her earnestly. Then, after wiping his mouth with a napkin, he hooked his fingers toward Juliet and motioned for her to come closer.

"What?" Juliet frowned when she saw JJ approaching her.

JJ quickly kissed Juliet's cheek, and then he smiled sweetly. "A kiss full of love to give my Juju full power!"
