
CEO Daddy: The Runaway Mommy

Juliet Estelle, a beautiful model who is spreading her wings in Fashion Design, was shocked by an incident when she woke up from her hangover. A small child was in her room and was looking at her lovingly. Before Juliet could call the police to return the child to his parent's house, she heard a loud noise coming from outside. "Listen to the kidnappers inside, you have been surrounded by the police! Now surrender yourself..." ....

Madame_Lancaster · Urban
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27 Chs


After dropping JJ off at kindergarten, Juliet plans to go back to looking for a partner company. Still, just as she's halfway there, she receives a call from Karen.

"Juliet!" Karen's excited call was deafening after Juliet answered it.

Juliet took the phone away from her ear and then brought it back slowly, "What's wrong? Why are you so excited?"

"JAX company emailed me!" Karen's voice was full of excitement.

"JAX company?"

"JAX! America's No. 1 original brand, JAX!" They emailed me asking to meet in the afternoon." Karen was excited, "This is really great news!"

Juliet's brain seemed to go blank for a few seconds. "I... did I hear you right?" asked Juliet.

"No. It's true! Juliet, I'm going to the studio to look for you, and we'll prepare for the meeting this afternoon." Karen hung up the phone as soon as she finished speaking.

It took Juliet a long time to come to her senses from her daze. But, slowly, the corners of her lips lifted.

Juliet rushed back to her rented house, which they had turned into a studio. When she arrived, Karen came by chance.

Seeing Juliet coming in sweating, Karen, who was opening the door, asked hesitantly, "Where are you from?"

Juliet stroked her hair, pretended calm, and said, "I've already set out to find another company. when you suddenly called me."

"This early?" Karen pointed at the clock on the wall as soon as they entered. "It's only half-past eight."


Hearing Juliet's words, Karen immediately hugged her with emotion.

"Compared to your perseverance, I'm completely useless! I haven't contributed anything till today...."

"Aren't you still paying attention to the email? It's also a contribution."

Karen felt funny at Juliet's words, and she let go of her hug.

"Uh... did you just buy this dress?" Karen frowned as she looked at Juliet's clothes. "Channel brand's newest fall collection!"

"...." Juliet felt almost dead because of Karen's question. After racking her brains, she finally answered in a low voice, "Fake stuff." She had no other choice. She didn't bring her clothes to Justin's residence and could only wear whatever was there.

"But… this one is very similar to the real one," Karen mumbled while shrugging her shoulders. "Alright, let's go over the meeting this afternoon. Anyway, we have to catch this company."

Juliet nodded immediately and was relieved when Karen didn't ask any further.


The meeting with the JAX company was set for two in the afternoon. However, to avoid an unexpected accident on the road, Juliet and Karen leave early and arrive at the office 20 minutes early.

The company is located in the center area of ​​a technology company, on the first ring road of City J. The JAX Company occupies the entire building in this office area, from the first floor to the 30th floor.

After they greeted the receptionist at the front desk, someone came to receive them and took them to wait in the negotiation room.

The enormous negotiation room was tens of square meters in size, and after the assistant gave them water, they were asked to wait for a while.

The silence added a bit of tension.

Karen gripped her cup tightly. It had been a very long time since he had been nervous the last time. "I feel more nervous than when I came home with a zero score on the exam and asked my parents to sign it," she muttered under her breath.

Juliet was amused by Karen's words. The two tried to comfort each other, and the tense atmosphere eased a bit.

Soon, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes entered the negotiation room. Karen and Juliet immediately stood up to greet him.

"This is Morgan--our design director and also the person in charge of today's assessment." The assistant behind Morgan introduced the two to Morgan.

"Director Morgan." Juliet and Karen greeted simply.

Director Morgan sat across from the two, and the assistant stood behind him on alert.

When Juliet was about to give Morgan the sample version she prepared, Morgan immediately raised his hand and said straightforwardly, "Miss Estelle, I don't want to see your previous work."

His words brought Juliet to a halt. She and Karen looked at each other and didn't quite understand what Morgan meant.

"I have heard that you are a Model before. However, I did not expect that you are also involved in costume design." Morgan spoke while looking at her with great interest. "To be honest, this invitation came from our big Boss directly. He said we were more looking forward to your latest designs."

Hearing this, Karen was overjoyed. Since it was the direct boss speaking, it meant that their opportunities were wide open.

Juliet frowned at his words. The Big Boss of the JAX Company? In her mind, she felt like she never knew anyone at JAX, let alone Big Boss.

"It is purely out of appreciation for Miss Estelle wanting to try a new field, so he is willing to give you this opportunity. On his terms...." The director confirmed his tone and winked at the little assistant beside him.

"This is the male model's information from us. You need to design and make an original suit for him. The deadline is 24 hours."

The assistant handed Juliet a file.

"Also, tomorrow I need to see the results of your work before 2:30 pm. If it is approved, I will sign the cooperation agreement right away. Otherwise, I can't help." Morgan added a few more sentences.

"This... 24 hours? Isn't that too short?!" Karen was starting to get worried.

"Is there any problem?" Morgan raised an eyebrow, and he wanted to take the file back. "Partners who can cooperate with JAX are no ordinary people…."

Before Morgan could retrieve the file, a smooth white hand tugged at the information one step faster.

"No problem!" Juliet smiled with confidence.
