

Love? "That's possible man" I am utterly in love with a certain curvy beauty!!! He is BLAKE CROSBY, the most wanted bachelor in NEW YORK CITY Mouthwatering, powerful, Influential, very rich and have I mentioned Irresistible! Well he is literally every ladies crush! Blake had always believed love wasn't meant for him Not until HER!!! His Sexy PA

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Chapter 34

Paisley POV

It's been two months already since we started dating and it has been a blissful experience.

Blake and I still have not had any intercourse. At first I found it weird and I had to question him

"Don't you find me sexually attractive" I asked one evening while he was making us dinner

"Of course I do! Why would you doubt that?"

"Well you've a weird way of showing it.  I mean come on Blake it's been over a month and not once did you initiate anything. It's kind of disturbing you know" I was frustrated, filled with questions that I had no answers to.

He stopped what he was doing and stared at me in surprise "It's torture every time I'm with you. All I can think of is having you in my arms and making sweet love to you. But babe, please give me a little more time OK" Time! Not again