

Love? "That's possible man" I am utterly in love with a certain curvy beauty!!! He is BLAKE CROSBY, the most wanted bachelor in NEW YORK CITY Mouthwatering, powerful, Influential, very rich and have I mentioned Irresistible! Well he is literally every ladies crush! Blake had always believed love wasn't meant for him Not until HER!!! His Sexy PA

feeesah · Urban
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Chapter 33

Standing behind me was Gavin and his drop dead gorgeous date my best friend.

Lyn looked so pretty in her red long evening gown. It showed a little bit of cleavage nothing too much, and it had a long slit coming up to her thigh. She looked so beautiful standing there.

"Well they are the ones joining us" Jax whispered to my ear but Lyn and Gavin heard us

"Them?!" I can't believe how nervous I was thinking it was Blake's family member or relative that will be joining us. I don't think I'm ready yet to meet them

"Yes, we haven't seen each other since you became my best dude girlfriend. So I was looking forward to meeting you when Jax here told me about the dinner. Luckily he said we could come" Gavin explained. He stretched out his hand to me thinking it was for a handshake I held it just to be pulled up into a hug. How he maneuvered me into hugging him is surprising but he did it

"Welcome to the circle Paisley, I wish you both the best experience" he wished me.