
CEO’s Genius Wife

“You are like a ray of light that brightened up the darkest moment of my life.” “The moment my eyes landed on you, I already planned everything to take you.” ____ Cheng Yuze was the CEO of the KGF Bank, the most powerful and influential bank in Ru City. His characteristics were known as cold and distant, especially toward women. This man was handsome, rich, and most importantly, intelligent, very intelligent which was what he was always proud of. Opening her eyes, she found that she had lost her memories. She didn’t remember anything besides her name. Before she could figure out the situation, she was pushed into marrying the Eldest Young Master of the Cheng Family by her stepmother because of the agreement from a decade ago between the two families. Cheng Yuze found this wife of his seemed to be stupid. No matter what he asked, she always responded to him with ‘I don’t know.’ which made Cheng Yuze so furious that he could cough up blood on the spot. How would everyone react if they knew he had such a stupid wife? _____ Beware‼️ -This is an original story. -The cover is an AI image.

itsmokaa · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 6: A Request.

"You..." Mrs. Yun's face darkened, resembling the bottom of a pot. How could she be expected to do such a thing?! Apologizing in front of all those people would be the most humiliating experience of her life. If word got out, she might never regain her standing in society.

"Alright," Cheng Yuze replied, indifferent to Mrs. Yun's reaction. He simply nodded slowly.

Mrs. Yun nervously gulped as she glanced at the handsome young man. His voice was cold and distant, devoid of any favoritism towards Han Lixian. In other words, even if Han Lixian hadn't voiced her request, Cheng Yuze would have done it himself, and Mrs. Yun would not have been able to escape the situation.

"Fine! Since everything happened because of a misunderstanding, I should apologize!" Mrs. Yun finally relented, realizing she couldn't afford to offend the president before her. Cheng Yuze exuded an aura of aloofness and pride. His business acumen rivaled that of seasoned veterans in the industry. Moreover, the Yun Family still needed the Cheng Family's support in their business endeavors.

"Indeed! Let's not forget that Xinxin is officially your wife now! Though it seems like no one knows about it at all!" Han Lixian remarked, crossing her arms and offering a warm smile.

"Second Young Miss Han, there's no need to beat around the bush." Cheng Yuze furrowed his brows, leaning against the wall with a deadpan expression, observing the young lady before him. Despite her warm smile, her eyes betrayed no warmth. He anticipated that whatever came out of her mouth next wouldn't be in his favor.

"Sharp observation," Han Lixian acknowledged with a nod. "My request is simple: I want the Cheng Family to publicly acknowledge Xinxin as your official wife. Can you do that?"

Mrs. Yun's jaw dropped in shock. How could this woman have the audacity to make such a bold request to the proud Cheng Yuze? She was just a young miss from an ancient family, not the family head.

From what she had gathered, the Cheng Family had no intention of publicly acknowledging the Eldest Young Miss Han due to her perceived incompetence. Born into a business family, yet lacking in business acumen, she was deemed weak and ignorant, unfit to represent the Cheng Family. Keeping her in obscurity was a means of avoiding embarrassment.

"I will comply with your request, provided your sister grants permission," Cheng Yuze affirmed, he bet his stupid wife was reluctance to be in the public eye.

Han Lixian was momentarily taken aback. She had overlooked a crucial detail about her sister. Han Lixin was unlike any other woman she knew. When not afflicted by amnesia, Han Lixin was enigmatic, shunning the limelight and preferring to assist others covertly. Furthermore, she cherished solitude and actively avoided unnecessary attention.

Han Lixin was a woman of remarkable resilience and intellect, traits that had always impressed Han Lixian. Her elder sister possessed a sharp mind, capable of navigating even the most complex challenges. To Han Lixian, Han Lixin's amnesia represented not just a loss of memory, but a loss of an integral part of her identity.

The thought of Han Lixin, once revered for her intelligence, being ridiculed and debased if her current state were to be made public was intolerable to Han Lixian. She couldn't bear to see her sister subjected to such humiliation. Therefore, she knew she couldn't make a decision on her sister's behalf without consulting her first.

Since the day Han Lixian and Han Lixin parted away, Han Lixian had observed that her sister's core personality remained intact, undiminished by her memory loss. She was confident that Han Lixin's intellect remained unscathed. Currently, Han Lixin's sole vulnerability lay in her lost memories.

"Alright! I'll ask her!" Han Lixian affirmed, turning towards Mrs. Yun. "Don't forget what you need to do!"

With that, she strode out of the security room, paying no mind to Mrs. Yun's furious expression.


In the spacious room, adorned with simple black furniture, the master's preference for subdued hues was evident. Upon the king-size bed rested a young lady, her eyes slowly opening.

Han Lixin sat up, her hand gingerly touching her head, which throbbed slightly. The fever still lingered, refusing to abate completely. Surveying the room, she recognized it as Cheng Yuze's, her husband's, though he hadn't returned since their marriage.

Han Lixin felt neither disappointment nor sadness about this arrangement. It was merely a union orchestrated by their elders. Cheng Yuze didn't love her, and she didn't harbor any affection for him either; theirs was a marriage devoid of emotion.

In truth, they could coexist, each pursuing their own endeavors without interference. Had it not been for Mrs. Cheng's constant antagonism, Han Lixin would have been content to carry on living in the house. She believed that by remaining silent and indifferent to the affairs around her, she could maintain peace. However, reality proved otherwise.

Everything was amiss. The more she turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the mistreatment she endured, the more trouble seemed to find her. The only solution was to push back.

At that moment, the door swung open, revealing a young lady bearing a striking resemblance to Han Lixin. It was none other than Han Lixian. Despite feeling a sense of familiarity upon seeing her, Han Lixin couldn't recollect anything.

"Xinxin! You're awake!" Han Lixian rushed towards Han Lixin, her face lit up with joy at seeing her sister awake.

"Who are you?" Han Lixin's question caught Han Lixian off guard.

Han Lixian had learned of Han Lixin's accident just after graduating from university. Without waiting to celebrate with her classmates or friends, she immediately booked a flight back to Ru City.

However, she didn't even get a chance to meet her sister before being informed that Han Lixin had already married Cheng Yuze and was currently residing with the Cheng Family. Han Lixian was incensed; she harbored a deep desire to throttle the person responsible for producing these events. Nevertheless, her longing to see her sister outweighed her anger, so she postponed her grievances and headed to the Cheng Feng villa in search of Han Lixin.

What followed was beyond anything Han Lixian had imagined; she never expected the Cheng Family to mistreat her elder sister in such a manner. The Han Lixin she remembered from her childhood was a person of immense pride, always carrying herself with confidence, bright eyes, and a gentle smile. Yet now, those once bright eyes seemed dimmed, her countenance hardened with furrowed brows, as if burdened by countless unresolved thoughts.

"I'm your younger sister! Do you not recognize me?" Han Lixian attempted to gauge the person before her, hoping it might trigger some recollection for Han Lixin.

"You are..." Han Lixin's head throbbed with pain. Yet, simultaneously, a fleeting memory resurfaced in her mind. It was a recollection of playing with a young girl who resembled the person standing before her now. She distinctly heard herself addressing the other as "Xian'er."

"It's me! You remember me!" Han Lixian exclaimed joyously, her emotions teetering on the brink of tears. At least, her eldest sister, whom she held in high regard and adoration, still retained memories of her.

Despite being siblings, Han Lixian had been promptly dispatched abroad by Han Lixin to pursue her studies. No matter how fervently Han Lixian pleaded with her sister not to depart, employing various methods of persuasion, her efforts proved futile.

No one could sway the decision made by Han Lixin. When the time came for Han Lixian's departure, she waited anxiously, yearning for her eldest sister to bid her farewell. However, her hopes were dashed as Han Lixin was engrossed in an important meeting.

Over the past five years, the siblings had sporadic contact through the internet. Yet, their bond had weakened compared to when they lived under the same roof, with Han Lixin always occupied with various responsibilities. When Han Lixian finally had the opportunity to reunite with her sister, she discovered that Han Lixin had lost all her memories, reduced to insignificance according to others.

"Mom mentioned I have a sister. What was her name again?" Han Lixin furrowed her brows, struggling to recall the name of a person she had no recollection of. "Han Yue...something."

"Han Yuelin?" Han Lixian's expression darkened, her lips forming a thin line.

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