
CEO’s Genius Wife

“You are like a ray of light that brightened up the darkest moment of my life.” “The moment my eyes landed on you, I already planned everything to take you.” ____ Cheng Yuze was the CEO of the KGF Bank, the most powerful and influential bank in Ru City. His characteristics were known as cold and distant, especially toward women. This man was handsome, rich, and most importantly, intelligent, very intelligent which was what he was always proud of. Opening her eyes, she found that she had lost her memories. She didn’t remember anything besides her name. Before she could figure out the situation, she was pushed into marrying the Eldest Young Master of the Cheng Family by her stepmother because of the agreement from a decade ago between the two families. Cheng Yuze found this wife of his seemed to be stupid. No matter what he asked, she always responded to him with ‘I don’t know.’ which made Cheng Yuze so furious that he could cough up blood on the spot. How would everyone react if they knew he had such a stupid wife? _____ Beware‼️ -This is an original story. -The cover is an AI image.

itsmokaa · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 3: A Lowly Servant.

Since the day Cheng Yuze and Han Lixin got the marriage certificate, he never returned to the villa. The first reason was he didn't want to meet such a stupid person who was his wife, and the second reason was he didn't want to live in the same room as her.

Cheng Yuze never cared about choosing a partner. Anyone was fine for him. He would go along with his parents' choice; they could choose anyone since he never cared about that kind of stuff. However, he couldn't tolerate having such a stupid person as his wife.

"We should just join the fun! What do you think?" The same middle-aged man with a big belly suggested.

The people in the room glanced at each other, considering that it actually made sense since their wives were there as well. Moreover, everyone had their own thoughts; they all wanted to establish a closer relationship with the Cheng Family through marriage.

"Boss..." Jian Yu, who stood behind Cheng Yuze, leaned in slightly and whispered to gauge the other party's opinion.

"Let them be. Currently, our company needs their help." Cheng Yuze picked up the wine glass from the table and took a sip. His sharp gaze focused on the wine in his hand, lost in thought. He didn't bother engaging with those people since they weren't discussing work.

Cheng Yuze was acutely aware that they lacked anything besides interests in women and money. Coming up with plans to improve the company never crossed the minds of those old geezers. If he had a choice, he wouldn't even want to work with them.

"It's a shame QUEEN doesn't contact us like before, or else we would..." Jian Yu straightened up and let out a regretful sigh.

"Jian Yu," a cold voice cut in, causing Jian Yu to fall silent immediately. He almost forgot that his boss wouldn't feel good whenever that name was mentioned.


Cheng Yuze muttered the name inside his heart. The hand holding the wine glass tightened, almost shattering the fragile glass.

"Please continue enjoying yourselves! I have some matters to attend to at the company, so I'll take my leave first. When you arrive at the villa, I'll personally greet you there!"

Cheng Yuze stood up, placed the wine glass on the table, and turned towards the three middle-aged men in the room. He didn't forget to bow slightly as a sign of respect for them. Although these old geezers relied on money rather than their intellect to survive in the business world, they were still considered seniors in the industry. Therefore, Cheng Yuze couldn't afford to be arrogant towards them despite his success in the business world.


In the afternoon, the sun hung high in the sky, radiating intense heat across the land. In this moment, a procession of cars streamed into the Cheng Family villa. The license plates represented the upper echelons of society, ranging from members of the most powerful families in the country to those with inherited wealth spanning generations.

Han Lixin observed the continuous influx of guests, then glanced down at her own attire, which had not been meticulously chosen. Mrs. Cheng hadn't instructed her to dress up to welcome the guests, leaving Han Lixin unsure whether she should change into something more appropriate or retreat somewhere in the mansion to avoid the arriving guests altogether.

Walking to a quieter part of the mansion, Han Lixin found solace in the tranquility. Fewer people passed by here, allowing her a moment of respite. Standing still, she gazed silently at the sky above. Her life... until now, she hadn't managed to unravel the mystery of her own identity. The memories in her mind remained elusive, and she didn't even know where to begin to piece together her lost past.

"Ma'am..." A maid approached, her presence barely noticed until she bowed her head and bent her knees in deference. "Madam wants you to go over and help everyone bring drinks to the guests..."

As the words left her lips, the maid lowered her head in guilt. What she had just conveyed wasn't fitting for someone of Han Lixin's status. After all, she was also a mistress of the house; she shouldn't be tasked with duties typically reserved for the servants. The maid couldn't fathom why Madam was subjecting Young Madam to such menial work.

Han Lixin remained silent for a moment before addressing the maid, "You may go. I'll be there in a minute."

The maid bowed her head and bent her knees once again before retreating respectfully.

"Life becomes harder..." Han Lixin looked up at the sky with a slight smile on her lips. She then turned around and walked toward the other side of the villa, where many guests were gathering. Han Lixin had been ordered by Mrs. Cheng to perform tasks similar to those of the servants inside the villa, causing almost every guest to mistake her for one.

As Han Lixin carried a tray of wine, someone bumped into her, causing all the wine glasses on the tray to fall to the ground and shatter into pieces. The red wine also stained the clean white high heels of the person who had just collided with her.

"I'm sorry!" Han Lixin hurriedly bowed her head and apologized.

"Sorry?! Do you think saying sorry will absolve you?!" A shrill voice erupted. The speaker continued angrily, "Do you not have eyes?! How dare you bump into me?!"

"You were the one who ran into me first, miss." Han Lixin raised her head suddenly, her brows furrowed. It was true! The person in front of her had bumped into her first.

"A lowly servant like you dares to talk back to me?! Doesn't the Cheng Family teach their servants manners anymore?!" The lady shouted, drawing the attention of other guests. The person berating Han Lixin arrogantly was none other than Yun Ning, the only daughter of the Yun Family, which owned almost all the five-star hotels in Ru City.

Yun Ning was clad in a long red satin dress, her hair cascading over her shoulders as she held a brand new white purse in her right hand. Despite the stain of red wine on her high heels, they still managed to catch the eye. However, their owner seemed far from satisfied.

"Quickly, licks my shoes!" Yun Ning pointed imperiously at her stained high heels, commanding the person before her. She could already envision the other party's pale countenance as they begged for forgiveness, a hint of disdain flickering in her proud gaze.

"Do you not find your behavior a tad unreasonable, miss?" Han Lixin inquired calmly, her black eyes meeting Yun Ning's gaze steadily.

"Haha! Unreasonable?! And who are you to utter such words to me?!" Yun Ning folded her arms, laughing mockingly.

"You are the daughter of an influential family, yet your behavior doesn't reflect well on your family's reputation," Han Lixin remarked with a soft sigh, disappointment evident in her gaze as she looked at Yun Ning.

"You crazy...!" Yun Ning's fury boiled over at the remark. She lunged forward, intending to slap Han Lixin in her rage.



Before Yun Ning could even touch Han Lixin, she suddenly slipped on the spilled red wine and tumbled into the water in the blink of an eye.