
CEO’s Genius Wife

“You are like a ray of light that brightened up the darkest moment of my life.” “The moment my eyes landed on you, I already planned everything to take you.” ____ Cheng Yuze was the CEO of the KGF Bank, the most powerful and influential bank in Ru City. His characteristics were known as cold and distant, especially toward women. This man was handsome, rich, and most importantly, intelligent, very intelligent which was what he was always proud of. Opening her eyes, she found that she had lost her memories. She didn’t remember anything besides her name. Before she could figure out the situation, she was pushed into marrying the Eldest Young Master of the Cheng Family by her stepmother because of the agreement from a decade ago between the two families. Cheng Yuze found this wife of his seemed to be stupid. No matter what he asked, she always responded to him with ‘I don’t know.’ which made Cheng Yuze so furious that he could cough up blood on the spot. How would everyone react if they knew he had such a stupid wife? _____ Beware‼️ -This is an original story. -The cover is an AI image.

itsmokaa · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: Stupid Wife.

Han Lixin woke up in the morning and began her day as usual. She was accustomed to waking up early and was a light sleeper, easily roused by the slightest noise. Her identity as Cheng Yuze's wife remained a secret, as the Cheng Family chose not to publicize it due to her perceived lack of intelligence, which could bring shame upon the family.

Descending the stairs, Han Lixin was greeted by several passing maids. Despite not receiving respect from the Cheng Family, she was treated respectfully by the servants in the house. Han Lixin had a knack for putting others at ease and always greeted the maids with a warm smile. Making her way to the kitchen, she encountered Aunt Zheng, a middle-aged woman dressed in dignified attire, who held a higher position than the other maids in the mansion.

"Good Morning, Aunt Zheng!" Han Lixin greeted her with a radiant smile. Aunt Zheng served as the female butler in the villa, overseeing the maids on behalf of the master.

"Good Morning, Ma'am!" Aunt Zheng responded warmly, her smile reflecting genuine hospitality as she arranged the food on the plate.

"Do you need any assistance?" Han Lixin offered, stepping closer to Aunt Zheng and examining the prepared food.

"All the dishes were ordered by the Old Madam! Can you eat them? If you'd like anything else, just let me know, and I'll prepare it for you!" Aunt Zheng began preparing additional dishes while gently inquiring about Han Lixin's preferences.

"It's alright. I can eat anything. Let me lend a hand so we can finish quicker!" Han Lixin volunteered, taking a box of meat that was placed on the kitchen island and beginning to wash it. Despite her lack of business acumen, Han Lixin was resolute in her determination to lighten the workload for everyone in the household.

Observing Han Lixin's swift and enthusiastic efforts to assist, Aunt Zheng found herself at a loss for words to deter her. An hour later, all the dishes were neatly arranged on the dining table. Han Lixin stood beside the table, her gaze fixed on the entrance to the dining room, anticipating Mrs. Cheng's arrival.

"Why don't you take a seat, Ma'am?" Aunt Zheng entered the dining room, surprised to see her young mistress standing still without moving.

"Mother hasn't appeared yet, so I didn't dare to sit," Han Lixin replied awkwardly, touching the tip of her nose. She felt a strong resistance within herself against her current actions. She had a faint sense that she wasn't the type of person to obey orders or allow others to dictate her actions. However, Han Lixin preferred to avoid conflict whenever possible. In this instance, she feared sitting before her mother-in-law's arrival might result in reprimand, so she chose to remain standing for the time being.

Aunt Zheng regarded Han Lixin quietly, her expression tinged with a soft sigh. Despite her unassuming demeanor, Han Lixin held a significant identity as the Eldest Young Miss of the Han Family, a renowned anceint business family known for their strategic acumen passed down through generations. However, her appearance remained shrouded in mystery, even to Aunt Zheng and most others in the city.

When Aunt Zheng first laid eyes on Han Lixin, she was taken aback. The transformation of the enigmatic Eldest Young Miss into someone so diminished, relegated to a position of scorn within her in-law's family, seemed almost incomprehensible. However, the reality was undeniable. As a mere female butler with no authority, Aunt Zheng could only resolve to serve her new mistress with diligence and respect.

"I'm organizing a gathering party! Tidy up the backyard, we'll host it there later," Mrs. Cheng announced gracefully as she entered the room. Her wine-colored dress, adorned with a delicate cloud pattern, draped elegantly over her figure. She exuded opulence, her form adorned with an array of jewelry, the diamond ring on her finger glinting as she carried a silver Hermès bowling bag.

"Yes, Madam! I'll ensure everything is prepared," Aunt Zheng responded respectfully, bowing before she withdrew to attend to her tasks.

"Good Morning, Mother."

"We have guests today! Don't embarrass me later!" Mrs. Cheng stated firmly as she took her seat. Han Lixin remained silent, seating herself to the right. The breakfast between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law commenced in quietude.


Luc Paradis, the renowned five-star restaurant, was owned by one of the prominent families in Ru City, the Wu Family. Exclusively catering to the powerful upper class, the restaurant barely allow an entry to even the regular upper class without connections, let alone the middle class.

To accommodate its elite clientele, Luc Paradis offered three tiers of membership cards. The silver card granted VIP status, the gold card conferred VVIP privileges, and the coveted black card was reserved for special customers.

The issuance of the black card was a matter of utmost importance, handled exclusively by members of the Wu Family. When a special customer presented themselves, all staff members were required to serve them with the utmost dedication, treating their presence as if it were the Wu Family itself.

Thus far, only members of the Wu Family had been seen holding the black card at Luc Paradis; no new faces had yet been spotted among them.

A black Subaru Crosstrek was parked outside Luc Paradis. The chauffeur emerged to open the car door, revealing a pair of sleek black oxford patent leather shoes as their owner stepped out. The man was strikingly handsome, with softly arched eyebrows, a straight nose, and naturally full lips.

His dark brown eyes cast a seemingly cold gaze at everyone present as he strode into Luc Paradis. Another young man emerged from the passenger seat, dressed in a formal blue suit. Despite being in the presence of his boss, this individual's appearance was equally striking, accompanied by an amiable smile as he hurriedly followed inside.

The two men approached the passage leading to the VVIP lounge, where several rooms were located. However, they were intercepted by two security guards.

"Access is restricted to gold cardholders only, Sirs!"

"Jian Yu," the man finally spoke, his voice cold as he regarded the security guards with indifference.

The young man named Jian Yu swiftly retrieved the gold card from his pocket, holding it between his fingers. With a friendly smile, he gently stated, "Room G24."

The security guards exchanged a glance, both registering surprise in each other's eyes. Obtaining a gold card in this city was no small feat; it was reserved for a select few with powerful backgrounds. As they observed the man before them and the identity of the young man beside him, realization dawned. The Eldest Young Master of the Cheng Family, Cheng Yuze's sole assistant, was well-known to the public as Jian Yu. Consequently, it didn't take long for both security guards to discern the identity of the person standing beside Jian Yu.

"Please follow me, Sirs!" One of the security guards promptly escorted them to one of the rooms in the VVIP lounge mentioned by Jian Yu earlier.

"Thank you." Jian Yu maintained his friendly smile as he slipped a small tip to the security guard. Holding the door open, he allowed his boss to enter first before following suit and closing the door behind him.

"Meeting you face-to-face, I realize you're young and talented indeed, Yuze!" A middle-aged man raised his wine glass in acknowledgment as Cheng Yuze entered. The other party offered no response, his gaze cold as he took his seat.

In fact, today's meeting was meant to foster camaraderie among the new shareholders of his company. Initially reluctant to attend, Cheng Yuze harbored suspicions about the intentions of these old geezers, uncertain if their gathering held any potential pitfalls. For now, he sought to steer clear of trouble as much as possible.

"I heard there's a party at your place. Is Mrs. Cheng planning to find you a partner?" Another middle-aged man, his belly protruding, inquired with keen interest as he swirled his wine glass.

Cheng Yuze remained silent, his lips pressed into a thin line as he furrowed his brows, a memory surfacing.

Almost forgotten amidst his concerns was Han Lixin, the stupid wife he had married, albeit reluctantly!