
Cell Division

Once upon a time, the arguably best scientist of earth, discovered, that souls were not just a figment of imagination, but instead, a very real phenomenon. Trying to hide his revelation from the public and the government for fear of capital punishment for acts against unity, he accidentally dies and travels to world similar to his own by traversing the void, a place where souls die. Struggling for years, he manages to escape his prison. A feat no soul had ever before managed to achieve. Outside, he will, perusing the goal of finding knowledge, uniting humanity and finally having time to relax, become a cell and creating many more of his kind, so that they together may face the dangers of the multiverse and the threat that is coming for him and his new home from the void. He shall divide and grow unceasingly until he may attain true immortality, even in the new hell, that is waiting for him.

MasteroNothing · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The smell of Fish

5 minutes earlier

Symone wasn't the smartest or the most socially competent person, not that he ever claimed to be, yet he was not stupid.Unless of course compared to an absolute genius like Sawyer. Yet even he with social skills that approached Zero, he still realized, that something was wrong with Sawyer and not the usual wrong that would happen to all masters of their craft. No something was WRONG. In all his time as an Assistant researcher he had never seen Sawyer so scared ... yeah that had to be it. Sawyer was gripped by his Curiosity and so decided that after thinking and waiting for a around 6 minutes and Sawyer not showing any signs of returning, he had better check on his Mentor, lest Sawyer in his... Whatever he was having... injure himself or something worse.

Quickly Symone went to the server room.

Upon arrival he noticed that it was almost like a sauna in the room. 'I should quickly find Sawyer those temperatures can't be healthy Symone guessed.

"Hey! Mr. Sawyer ! Let's get out of here !"

"Mr. Sawyer...! "

"... "

The person Simone was searching for however was currently done disabling the buildings water supply and proudly walked back to his lab to warn his assistant to vacate the building. Yet when he arrived the lab was devoid of any Complex live except Sawyer. And Symone wasn't there either.

'No that fool couldn't possibly have gone looking for me.Or could he? Maybe he just went to the Toilet. I should probably look for him and tell him to quickly leave. Even if the building should generally be safe. Better safe than sorry.'

However even after searching the toilet adjacent to his Lab he found no traces of the dunce.' No he could not have '. And then it clicked.

Faster than he had ever before he ran up the emergency stairs since the elevator was likely shut down already because of the fire.

When he arrived on the server floor near the top of the building he was out of breath.

And that is when he smelled Fish

'Well at least my plan seems to have worked' He thought half glad he may not be executed for causing disunity half regretful for not informing Symone sooner. It was not to late he believed and soon rushed through the emergency exit into the room where he spotted Simone at the back of the room unconscious from the fumes released upon the burning of tons of plastic

'Welp too bad for him may he rest in peace. Amitabha'

At least this is what he thought.In reality he was already rushing through the fire to rescue that Disciple of his from certain death After all it was he himself who caused the fire in the first place.

While rushing through the servers he felt the Fire touch him and hurt his skin yet he prevailed. He was not someone to give up on a friend, a disciple of his so easily.

Not when they had a potentially infinite life before them. What where a few burns and shock against that?

Once he Arrived at his disciples side he quickly tried dragging him towards the exit.

However every step he took was filled with pain and fire and shocks from electronics that melted of the servers.

Yet he kept on dragging and dragging and once he arrived at the door and got past it together with his assistant, he fell down unto the ground.

However Sawyers cloths which he wore below his lab coat had caught fire

Desperately Sawyer tried putting himselve out by rolling on the floor in the process slipping down the stairs.

After that he did not get up anymore


Was dead.