

NEW SYNOPSIS: A young boy who was considered weak and hopeless, even when he came from one of the most powerful family, the moonstone dynasty Rejected by everyone even by his own family, Ralph thought of himself as useless and accepted his fate as a weakling. But then his fate changes when a strange system hailing from the future found him. With his new system Ralph now has access to a cheat code to become the most powerful there is.... But all things comes with price, dangers and missions awaits the young lad, will he overcome it? ________ [ A/N: This Cover Isn't Mine; I personally added the words ] [Daily Updates Starts From October First ]

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10 Chs

Time Freeze



 The vent court housed a series of students who were invited for the occasion. 

 Music beautifully playing in the background of their grand event.

 Everyone, well not everyone as some could be seen taking over the dance floor with their crazy dance steps.

 "That kid didn't come here today.", One of the seniors, Klaus Vlagus snickered as he downed his cup of red wine. 

 " Yeah, that reminds me, where's he? Didn't he get an invite?", The lady with him pouted with a false mask of worry. 

 "Hell no he didn't." 

 "Awwnnn , how sad." 

 Klaus Vlagus was one of the top students to amass control over his ability to influence the elemental; Fire. Him and every make were tucked in the usual black uniform outfit with a red tire and inner white shirt. 

 The one way to differentiate between the Juniors and the seniors were the badges earned. 

 Klaus was indeed one student who always had the props of getting any badge he wanted. Hailing from the royal family of the Phoenix, Klaus still had a special trait other than influencing the elemental. 

 His dyed black jet hair glistened under the sunlight, the lady was in the usual suit and skirt uniform like every other girl. Appearing to be a senior as she also hosted a lot of badges. 

 Nicole Winchester. Her blonde hair rests down her back, her steel blue eyeballs were mesmerizing to look at, her lips looked soft but they were blue with that icy feeling. 

 She flicked her finger against the tip of her cup and the liquid in it became extremely chilled! even rising smokes escaped the cup. 

 "Wasn't it cold enough?", 

 "I love my stuff cold , it's nothing new.", Having this bad girl style and a curvaceous body that Klaus stylish stole glances off. 


 Klaus faked his cough and turned away from her. 

 "Are you okay?", 

 "Yeah yeah, I am alright.", He lied as he ordered for another drink. 

 "It would have been fun if Ralph was here.", 


 Klaus shifts his focus from the drink he ordered and sets his gaze on the hot Nicole. "Why the sudden urge to want him around. "

 "What?, he's from the top royal bloodline in the globe."

 " Still doesn't make a difference when he barely didn't inherit anything, he is a sore loser Nicole, he is only good for being beaten up and used for comedy skits. He has no use, sooner or later he's going to die."

 " Oh would you shush it!." She barked at him in a lower tone. "You very well know the person you are talking about is protected by the towers authorities! What happens if they hear you?!", Her voice almost whispers.

 " Eish!.". Klaus ignored and returned his focus to his drink. He wasn't scared if he got caught saying such, already he found out a few days ago that the tower would be laying off their hold on Ralph as his parents refused to show much interest in his existence. 

 Nobody came to visit him during the last parents meeting up session and they have left a notice to be absent for such activities. 

 Irrespective of their status, the tower still wishes to take up their responsibility and place Ralph out of the equation till they give a befitting response.

 "You really don't care do you?"

 Klaus smiled devilishly and came over Nicole and positioned himself in front of her. "I only care about being the best.", His hand wrapped around her waist as he leaned forward but she stopped him halfway. 

 "I am not In the mood hot boy and I hope we don't end up in the same guild."She pushed him away and turned back to the counter but he came behind her , hugging her from behind despite her resistance.

 "Why do you always avoid me?"

 "I should ask you the same, and you should get back to your side chick before she blows a steam."


 He released her at that moment she walked away without looking back at him. He took he decency to ignore her hips and focus on what she had just said.

 'What the hell does she mean? Does she know about me Rida? that can't be possible. Even if it was, who could have told her!.' 

 His head became busy, trying to deal with the situation Before it gets out of hand. 

 "There is only one person that knows!. Raphael Moonstone!." ,he stormed out of the vent court , his eyes purging with fire and hatred. "Where's that little brat!."




 Raphael was basically back to his room. He didn't know how he was going to explain this to his family. He had to tell them at some point, and the academy, how they were going to react to this. 

 The once weakest fellow got some cheat code to become undeniably powerful? 

 Ralph couldn't help feel his heart squeeze at the thought about Everything.

 [Host feeling uncomfortable]

 Ralph ignored the female voice in his head and made his room tidy for once in his life.

 He thought of still going to the party but not looking like this. 

 He stood in the front of the mirror in the living room. and observed his looks, regardless, he looked more handsome than before. 

 He looked like one of those Greek gods, so Charming and undeniably powerful but he didn't feel so. 

 Somehow he wished he didn't take up the package, he would still be living a normal life without fear. 

But then,

 [Warning: Angry Level 2 Fire Elemental Approaching ]

 "Klaus! What happened now! Why is he angry???" He ran out of the room and caught Klaus storming towards him. A fire ball began to take form in his hands.

 "You little brat!.", He roared and shot the ball of fire at Ralph who froze for a moment didn't feel terrified by this, but why? It like he felt invincible at that moment.

Just then,

 The whole world around him froze. Time came to a stop , rendering Klaus and his attack immobile. 

 "Holy. . . shit!. Did i just do that???!"