

NEW SYNOPSIS: A young boy who was considered weak and hopeless, even when he came from one of the most powerful family, the moonstone dynasty Rejected by everyone even by his own family, Ralph thought of himself as useless and accepted his fate as a weakling. But then his fate changes when a strange system hailing from the future found him. With his new system Ralph now has access to a cheat code to become the most powerful there is.... But all things comes with price, dangers and missions awaits the young lad, will he overcome it? ________ [ A/N: This Cover Isn't Mine; I personally added the words ] [Daily Updates Starts From October First ]

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Raphael checked his wrist watch, before looking back at the package. 

 'Quite too early for this, who knows, maybe it's some prank.'

 This isn't the first time he had received random packages, each package turned out to be more disastrous than the last. 

 He was sure that it was a prank and his dad can't just drop a package , especially something this small. But then, he squatted close to the package. "This is quite smaller than the rest. . . hmph? a note?"

 He picked up the package and saw a white note strapped to it but to his dismay , it was blank. Having held on to the package, he felt a little of it content.

 His hand sent a message that whatever was inside was purely metallic. 

 "What the hell is this?"

 He checks his watch again, only for him to heave a sigh and nod in disappointment. "The event would have started already. And this package. . .", he observed like a curious kitten. " There's something of about it. "

 He trailed back into his apartment and dropped it on the table in the living room. 

 He approached a switch close to the door and flicked it up; restoring his apartment power supply. 

 " Guess I am going to miss out on today's event but regardless, what the heck is this stuff and what was it doing outside my porch?"

 Knock Knock

 His right brow rose when two knocks resounded on his door. He turned on his feet and approached the door with caution.

 He had never gotten visitors except prank knocks.

 'Isn't everyone supposed to be at the event or something?' 

 He grabbed onto the door knob with caution and twisted it, and swiftly opened the door wide enough but there was no standing there. 

 A feeble wind was what was left in the wake of the opened the door. 

 'Ugh, there's no one here.' He looked away as his face reddened with anger. A sigh escaped his lip as he ignored it. 'Prank knocks. . . they never get tired.'

 He shut the door close and walked back to the table where he had kept the package. 

 The package was still laying there like a lifeless animal. Raphael, who was curious to know what was inside, didn't want to take the risk of falling for another prank. 

 "I think I will just inform the authorities about this, today ain't going to be one of those days I will overlook matters like this."

 He took out his phone from his pocket and sort to call the authority which was literally way far down in his contact list.

 As he tried to tap on it, his phone screen began fluctuating. 

 "Ugh?!"The phone kept traversing different areas of its component and kept cracking like a disorganized TV set after a few seconds. "Jeez! I am going to need a new phone! What the hell just happened."

 Raphael dropped it on the table and walked back to the door and back again to the table. His phone still kept fluctuating and it went on like forever. 

 "Should have asked for a new pair of phone last December for my gaming activities. Crap! now I am going to be stranded till next December."


 The package exuded a booming sound that caught his attention. His phone returned to normal but the screen was completely green. 

 "What the hell."

 Then the package exuded red, black, white lights from within. Melting its cover, unveiling what was in it the whole time. 

 Raphael gasped at this, he backed away upon seeing what was before him. It had strange looking features, almost like a volleyball except it looked more extraterrestrial.

 "Good lords!.", He snapped seeing it glow. He bursted out of his room immediately. Staggering backwards without control. He crashed on the wall and threw himself into action and ran for his life.

 The sphere on the other hand kept illuminating the room with its fixated light colors with a seemingly red window frame crafting its existence in his room. 

 [Supposed Host Is Terrified] 


 [Supposed Host Is Experiencing Extreme Heart Palpitations]

 [Downloading Procedure Is Almost Complete: 90% installed]




 Tap Tap Tap!

 Raphael kept running through the shadowy turned walls of his academy, he could feel the world darken around him bit by bit. Red lights illuminating the top, influencing his surroundings and messing with his vision as they turned red.

 He rushed towards the elevator that was just up ahead

 [Download Complete]

 "Ah!.", He shrieked and tripped over abruptly upon hearing the distinctive voice of a female In his head. "Who was that?!"

 [Installing the Ethereal God Evolution Cheat system]

 " Ah! Wait what!."

 [Don't you wish you could become one of the Ethereals, Lord Raphael?]

 Raphael brought himself back on his feet and dusted his clothes. His mind was extremely busy as to what was currently happening to him. 

 " Ethereals. . .", his mind repeated the name as he looked for a meaning to it. 

 [Installation Complete]

 "Wait what!."

 Black tattoos embraced the top of his forehead and the corners of his eyes that were glowing crimson red. Beneath them homed another set of tattoos. His hair turned white glory and he owned the crimson earrings that magically appeared attached to both his ears. 

 [Welcome Lord Raphael Moonstone Of The Seventh, I am Helena, an integrated primordial existence comprising both science and technology that exceeds that of the celestial tower and this planet. I am a gift from the Ethereal Gods to you.]

 Raphael could barely understand the words she said. What was she talking about and how did some Ethereal Gods learn about his existence and why was he given a gift?!

 "There must be some kind of mistake. You have the wrong guy. Trust me, I am just a regular guy with no innate ability.", he panicked trying to convince the female voice in his head. 

 [ You incapability to inherit the Abilities, traits of your parents interest the Ethereal Gods. You have been given an opportunity to become one of the most powerful beings in the celestial tower and if possible, the whole world. This is your time to become a God, Lord Raphael. ]

 [With me, you will become unstoppable, and that is a promise.]