
Celestial Simulator: Why Cultivate when others do it for me?

In a world of cultivation, Xu Han, a reincarnated youth, is bestowed with a miraculous gift—a unique system that offers him unprecedented advantages on his journey to become a true cultivator. With this extraordinary system, he can harness the efforts of others, inviting them to simulate their cultivation journeys while he reaps the abundant rewards. “Ding!” But as the system activates with a resounding chime, Xu Han's consciousness trembles with anticipation. The voice echoes within his mind, declaring the arrival of a new phase in his transformation. "Xuan Ji has entered the simulation at your invitation. After traversing the simulated realm for five years, it is time to reap the bestowed rewards..." "Congratulations! You have reached the Qi Gathering Realm Level 1 cultivation." "Technique acquired: Heaven Shattering Palm - a Heaven Level Technique." "Physique awakened: Celestial Jade Immortal Body - a body that holds the power of the heavens." "And behold, your acquired artifact: Celestial Void Sword - an Immortal Grade weapon." Embarking on this thrilling path of cultivation, Xu Han discovers that his destiny is intertwined with the boundless possibilities offered by the system, propelling him towards a future brimming with power and intrigue.

Depressed_Author · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Xuan Ji receive rewards

Xuan Ji's eyes shot open, fear coursing through him. He glanced around, trying to make sense of his surroundings. Everything seemed strangely familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time, causing a wave of confusion to wash over him.

It took him a while to piece together his memories, leaving him utterly bewildered. Doubts started to creep into his mind, and he couldn't resist questioning, "Could everything I went through have been just a dream?"

Puzzled by the situation, he voiced his thoughts, "But it doesn't make sense. As a cultivator, it's impossible for me to simply doze off during cultivation, let alone have a vivid dream like that."

His mind was in a state of puzzlement. However, his doubts were quickly dispelled as words materialized in the air surprising him, "So, everything I experienced was real."

[You have survived for 6 years, 2 months, and 1 day in the first simulation of the Celestial Simulation. You are eligible to receive a reward! There is a 24-hour cooldown period before the next simulation.]

[You have received the following reward – Reward: Half cultivation of the Body Tempering realm. (Pure Spiritual Energy)]

After carefully reading the lines of text, Xuan Ji couldn't help but feel a surge of surprise.

"I didn't actually die in real life, and the rewards are here too. The Celestial Simulator was telling the truth." he murmured to himself, his voice filled with awe and disbelief.

He glanced at his own bone structure, realizing that only a little over 6 minutes had passed in the real world, even though he had lived for 6 years in the simulation.

Xuan Ji couldn't shake off the overwhelming sense of fear that suddenly gripped him. Time was extremely mysterious element in the world, and the notion of controlling it seemed both captivating and chilling.

He knew with certainty that not even the most accomplished cultivators above the nascent soul realm, the pinnacle of cultivation, could claim such mastery over time.

"Although the rewards this time may not be substantial, I can't help but wonder if they are directly tied to my performance," Xuan Ji mused, deep in thought.

"I may not have performed exceptionally well this time, but if I can prolong my survival and continue to enhance my abilities, I have a strong feeling that the rewards will grow significantly in both value and significance."

"When I consider everything in its entirety, I can confidently say that this is the greatest opportunity I have ever come across."

Before Xuan Ji could utter another word, the rewards were instantly granted, and he felt a sudden surge of new spiritual Qi coursing through his body, making him close his eyes in pleasure.

"Even though my cultivation level didn't increase, I can feel that my Foundation has been significantly strengthened," Xuan Ji exclaimed in surprise as he opened his eyes.

But sense of disappointment washed over Xuan Ji as he realized he would have to wait for 24 hours before entering the simulation again. Impatience tinged his voice as he muttered, "I wish I could enter immediately, but I have no choice but to wait."


In the tranquil garden just outside his courtyard, Xu Han found solace amidst the vibrant and verdant surroundings. The air was extremely chilly and filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, and the gentle rustling of leaves provided a soothing backdrop to his thoughts.

Sitting leisurely on a wooden and bamboo rocking chair, he savored the cool breeze that caressed his skin. Being accustomed to the colder climate of the northern region, he had developed a fondness for the chilly winds, perhaps due to his affinity for the ice element.

As he relaxed, Xu Han admired the natural beauty that enveloped him. Lingxi, positioned behind the chair, gently massaged his shoulders, providing a pleasant sensation that eased any remaining tension.

"I've immersed myself in the pursuit of cultivation, never sparing a moment to truly appreciate the beauty that surrounds me," Xu Han mused, his voice tinged with a touch of regret.

The lush greenery, the blooming flowers, and the vibrant pond seemed to beckon him, inviting him to pause and find solace in their embrace. It was a stark realization that amidst his relentless pursuit of power, he had overlooked the simple joys and wonders that nature had to offer.

Just as he expressed his thoughts, a loud shout pierced through the tranquility. "XU HAN! COME OUT!"

"Well, it seems that fate has bestowed upon me an opportunity to test my newfound strength," Xu Han said, a mischievous grin spreading across his handsome face as he already know the reason for this persons visit.

Rising from his chair, Xu Han strode towards the door, ready to step outside.

In the sect, killing was strictly forbidden. However, the sect recognized the importance of competition and the drive it instilled in the cultivators. Thus, fights among disciples were not only tolerated but actively encouraged. These skirmishes served as a catalyst for growth, pushing the disciples to their limits and motivating them to strive for greater strength.


Outside his courtyard, a crowd had gathered, their curious gazes fixated on two individuals engaged in a captivating conversation at the center of attention. The air was charged with anticipation, as whispers and murmurs floated through the crowd.

"Brother... Brother Zhu, are you confident that you... you can defeat that demon?" asked a person with a poker face and slim build, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

Brother Zhu, towering at an impressive height of 6 feet and possessing a robust physique, exuded an aura of strength that contrasted with the flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.

He spoke with unwavering resolve, determined to overcome his previous defeat. "He caught me off guard last time," Brother Zhu admitted, his voice laced with a touch of frustration. "But mark my words, this time I will not falter. I will face him head-on and show him the extent of my true power."

"But Brother Zhu, wasn't it you who launched a surprise attack on him and ended up getting badly beaten..." the poker-faced person hesitated.

A fierce glare from Brother Zhu silenced the words on the poker-faced person's lips, forcing him to swallow his sentence. Ignoring the comment, Brother Zhu proudly declared, "I have emerged from seclusion, breaking through to Body Refinement Realm Level 4. Now, defeating someone at a mere Body Refinement Realm Level 3 is a certainty."

However, as Brother Zhu boasted, he couldn't help but notice the cautious distance that others kept from him. Their eyes were filled with a mix of fear and disdain, creating an invisible barrier between him and his peers.

Sensing the unease in the air, Brother Zhu's instincts told him that something was not right. The atmosphere seemed heavy with an undercurrent of tension, and a sense of unease crept into his mind.

Just as he was about to address the uneasy atmosphere and confront his inner doubts, a voice cut through the silence like a chilling gust of wind. The voice seemed to carry echoes of those bad memories, amplifying his sense of unease. Brother Zhu's confidence wavered, his earlier determination faltering in the face of haunting reminders from the past.