
Celestial Simulator: Why Cultivate when others do it for me?

In a world of cultivation, Xu Han, a reincarnated youth, is bestowed with a miraculous gift—a unique system that offers him unprecedented advantages on his journey to become a true cultivator. With this extraordinary system, he can harness the efforts of others, inviting them to simulate their cultivation journeys while he reaps the abundant rewards. “Ding!” But as the system activates with a resounding chime, Xu Han's consciousness trembles with anticipation. The voice echoes within his mind, declaring the arrival of a new phase in his transformation. "Xuan Ji has entered the simulation at your invitation. After traversing the simulated realm for five years, it is time to reap the bestowed rewards..." "Congratulations! You have reached the Qi Gathering Realm Level 1 cultivation." "Technique acquired: Heaven Shattering Palm - a Heaven Level Technique." "Physique awakened: Celestial Jade Immortal Body - a body that holds the power of the heavens." "And behold, your acquired artifact: Celestial Void Sword - an Immortal Grade weapon." Embarking on this thrilling path of cultivation, Xu Han discovers that his destiny is intertwined with the boundless possibilities offered by the system, propelling him towards a future brimming with power and intrigue.

Depressed_Author · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Demon of Outer Court

"Congratulations on your breakthrough, Brother Zhu," Xu Han's voice rang out, sending a chill down Brother Zhu's spine. The onlookers, too, had their faces pale in response.

As they turned their heads to locate the source of the voice, their eyes met a face that exuded an aura of wickedness, a face that concealed its sinister nature behind a deceptively friendly smile. If they hadn't witnessed his ruthless actions before, they might have been fooled into thinking he was just a harmless neighbor.

The fear that gripped them went beyond mere beating.

When Xu Han obtained his courtyard as a new disciple of the outer sect, he quickly attracted the attention of these greedy individuals. Recognizing the need for decisive action, Xu Han devised a plan to deal with them.

He understood that a mere beating wouldn't be enough to deter them. So, he subjected them to a relentless week of daily beatings, aiming to crush their spirits and extinguish any lingering thoughts of revenge.

Their fear wasn't solely rooted in the physical beatings, but also in Xu Han's cruel methods.

As he will break their limbs with his bare hands, displaying a level of brutality that surpassed the norm.

He also employed various other cruel forms of torture, such as sealing every window and filling the house with smoke, that was damaging to cultivators, suffocating his victims. He would make cuts on their bodies and sprinkle salt on the wounds, causing unimaginable pain, intensifying his terror and leaving an indelible mark of his demonic nature.

If it weren't for the intervention of an elder, he would have prolonged this torment for an entire month.

This method had saved him from further trouble over the past 4 to 5 years.

"Brother Zhu, let's see how much stronger you've become," Xu Han said with a smile, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"O-Okay... okay," Brother Zhu stammered, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination.

Positioning himself a mere 10 feet away from Brother Zhu, Xu Han prepared for the impending clash. Their incredible speed allowed them to cover the distance in a split second.

"Brother Zhu, I won't hold back," Xu Han announced, a mischievous grin playing on his face. He reached for his belt, pulling out a simple longsword with a silver blade engraved in dark silver and a wooden handle. It was a low-grade Human Level weapon.

Brother Zhu's unease grew as he caught sight of Xu Han's grin. Taking a deep breath, he mustered his courage and replied, "Okay."

Brother Zhu assumed a fighting stance, summoning spiritual qi that swirled around him, condensing in his hands to form a layer of ice. It was evident that he specialized in ice elemental cultivation.

Xu Han tightened his grip on the sword, causing the inscriptions on its blade to emit a golden glow. Spiritual qi was drawn towards the blade, transforming into frost that clung to its surface.

With a swift motion, Xu Han raised the sword high above his head. His hair and robes danced in the wind as a confident smile adorned his face. His eyes locked onto his target, and with a resounding shout, he unleashed his devastating attack, exclaiming, "Frozen Blade!"

In an instant, a brilliant blue slash shot forth from the sword, slicing through the air like a frozen wave in motion. The sheer power behind the technique emitted a chilling aura, causing onlookers to take a step back in awe.

"What! You've reached Body Refinement Realm Level 4?" Brother Zhu exclaimed, his disbelief evident.

Undeterred, Brother Zhu gathered his strength and retaliated with determination, shouting, "Arctic Gale Punch!"

Icy energy surged from Brother Zhu's fist, forming a whirlwind of frost. The clash between the Frozen Blade and the Arctic Gale Punch created a magnificent spectacle, sending ripples of energy through the surroundings.

The audience, keeping a safe distance, watched with rapt attention as the raw display of power unfolded before their eyes. Xu Han, however, proved his superiority. With precision and finesse, his Frozen Blade shattered through the Arctic Gale Punch, leaving Brother Zhu wide-eyed and defenseless. Though the slash's power was somewhat diminished, it maintained its momentum, striking Brother Zhu's chest.

Brother Zhu was sent hurtling through the air, coughing up blood until he crashed into a nearby boulder. Gasps filled the air as onlookers marveled at the incredible feat, their eyes wide with awe and a touch of fear.

With an air of pride, Xu Han stood tall, his eyes fixed on Brother Zhu, who trembled in fear and coughed up blood. A faint smirk played on Xu Han's lips as he addressed the crowd, his voice laced with confidence, "It seems I've been too lenient, allowing anyone and everyone to challenge me. Let's see if anyone else dares to step forward."

Xu Han's gaze swept across the onlookers, but their eyes quickly averted his, replaced by a mix of fear and resignation. They instinctively took a few steps back, their thoughts swirling with a sense of trepidation:

"Why bother? If someone as powerful as Brother Zhu couldn't stand a chance, what hope do we have?"

"Even if we surpass Brother Zhu's strength, it is only by little and Xu Han handled him with single strike. It's a futile battle, we're destined to lose."

"If it is simple defeat, we're not afraid, but the consequences that follow are too dreadful to bear."

Despite his current pitiful state, Brother Zhu was undoubtedly regarded as a genius within the outer court. His previous accomplishments and talents served as a stark reminder to others, deterring them from entertaining any foolish ideas of challenging Xu Han.

"Humph!" Xu Han's scoff of disdain only solidified their unease, deepening the sense of fear that lingered in the air.

His attention then shifted to Brother Zhu, who attempted to flee, albeit not very far. Xu Han didn't give chase, but instead, he taunted with a sinister tone,

"Run! Run as far as you can, but you'll only find yourself back in the clutches of the sect. It would be wiser to return obediently. Otherwise, every time our paths cross, I'll shatter your bones, carve cuts into your flesh, and sprinkle salt on your wounds. Let's see how far you can run then."

Brother Zhu trembled at the mere thought of his arm being broken, his body scarred with cuts, and the sting of salt on his wounds.

Consumed by fear, he couldn't resist the overwhelming urge to halt in his tracks and meekly surrender to Xu Han. He came Infront of Xu Han, his head bowed in submission.

Internally, he wanted to slap himself for harboring thoughts of revenge against this fearsome demon..

The chilling words not only affected Brother Zhu, but they also sent shivers down the spines of the onlookers.

Their collective thoughts resonated in eerie unison:

"What a wicked individual!"

"He truly lives up to his reputation as the Demon of the outer court."

Though they were cultivators, their capacity to feel pain remained fully intact, heightening their unease and adding an eerie atmosphere to the scene.

"Demo... Brother Xu, spare me," Brother Zhu pleaded, but before he could utter the word "demon," he quickly silenced himself, realizing his mistake. Xu Han understood what he wanted to say, but he chose to ignore it. The more his reputation deteriorated, the fewer people would dare to confront him, and that meant less trouble for him.

"Hah, I thought you would attempt to escape, but it seems you're quite obedient," Xu Han remarked, a cruel smirk forming on his lips as he placed his pale hand on Brother Zhu's cheek and delivered a light slap.

"If I spare you now, others will think I've gone soft and will come bothering me, disrupting my cultivation. And you know what I hate the most? Trouble. So, tell me, how should I punish you?" Xu Han's voice dripped with sadistic amusement.

As Brother Zhu remained silent, his eyes filled with fear, Xu Han's interest waned. Without hesitation, he delivered a forceful slap, sending Brother Zhu flying through the air making him cough blood again, his body crashing onto the ground.

"Next time, anyone who dares to challenge me will have two bones broken and their wounds sprinkle with salt," Xu Han declared, his voice laced with cold determination as he looked around. Without bothering to look back, he turned and began making his way home, leaving Brother Zhu behind in his wake.

Once Xu Han retreated, Brother Zhu quickly scrambled to his feet and followed suit, limping away from the scene. As the onlookers observed this unsettling display of power, a mixture of fear and curiosity held them in place for a moment before they dispersed, going their separate ways.

News of today's incident would surely spread like wildfire throughout the outer court, making Xu Han's image more fearful.