
Celestial Redemption

In a world reminiscent of ancient China, where cultivation and gods coexist, Yu Xueyue and Liang Tiancheng, two celestial beings deeply in love and bound by marriage, are punished and stripped of their divine powers. As a result, they descend to the mortal world to endure mortal lives without memories of their former celestial existence. Aurthor's note: If there is any suggestion for the story tell me in the comments and i will see if i can do it as and any suggestions of the name and personalities of characters as well.

luka1 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Dawning Realities

The soft light of early morning filtered through the windows of the luxurious room, casting a gentle glow on its opulent furnishings. Yu Xueyue stirred from her slumber, the events of the previous day slowly coming back to her. With a small sigh, she stretched her limbs and sat up, glancing around the room that had become her home.

Pushing herself to her feet, she padded towards the window and peered outside. The view was breathtaking; the pond, adorned with various blooming flowers and a picturesque bridge, caught her eye. In the center of the pond stood a pavilion, an inviting oasis of tranquility and serenity.

In her mind, a flashback to the previous night replayed their conversation. Tiancheng's words echoed as if they were still hanging in the air. He had told her that she could consider staying here and that this place could become her home. But he had also given her the choice; if she felt uncomfortable or unwilling to stay, he would help her find another place. The memory of his considerate words and the genuine kindness in his eyes brought a warm feeling to her heart.

"No, no," she replied, flustered. "I didn't mean that I don't like it here. I was just wondering if it wouldn't be a trouble for you."

He had laughed, a sound that was as soothing as a melody. His eyes sparkled as he looked at her, seemingly amused by her concern. "You're not a trouble, Xueyue. I want you to stay here."

His voice had been gentle, his eyes kind, and the combination had an almost mesmerizing effect on her. It had been the first time she had heard his laughter, and as she watched his face light up, she found herself unable to look away.

"Xueyue," his voice, had brought her back from her thoughts. "I want you to consider this place your home from now on. If you ever face any trouble or discomfort, don't keep it to yourself. You can always talk to me."

"Yes, I understand," she had replied, her heart warmed by his genuine concern.

He had looked momentarily surprised by her words, but then his expression softened. "I'm glad you think that way. It makes me happy."

With the conversation coming to a close, he gently stroked her hair, his touch soothing. "It's getting late now. Why don't you get some more rest? We can continue this conversation tomorrow."

As Xueyue reflected on the previous night's exchange, she felt a mixture of emotions within her: gratitude, curiosity, and a growing sense of comfort. The uncertainty of her circumstances was still there, but somehow, the presence of Liang Tiancheng seemed to mitigate it.

Turning away from the window, she knew she couldn't remain lost in her thoughts forever. The new day beckoned, and she was resolved to face it with an open heart. As she moved towards the screen, a knock on the door drew her attention.

"Come in," she called, a blend of uncertainty and readiness in her voice.

The door opened, revealing Liang Tiancheng standing just beyond the threshold. His soft smile and enigmatic presence made her feel at ease. "Good morning, Xueyue."

"Good morning," she replied, returning his smile with one of her own.

"I hope you rested well," he said, stepping into the room with warmth in his gaze.

Xueyue nodded, her fingers playing with the fabric of her robe. "Yes, thank you. The room is... beautiful."

He chuckled softly, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "I'm glad you find it to your liking."

"I've asked the servants to prepare breakfast," he said gently. "Would you like to join me?"

The rumble of her stomach betrayed her hunger, and she blushed, feeling embarrassed. "Yes, I would."

"Then let's go," he said warmly, motioning for her to lead the way. As they left the room together, Xueyue felt a newfound sense of anticipation for the day ahead, her heart open to the possibilities that awaited her in this unfamiliar yet intriguing world. They walked through the mansion's corridors side by side, Xueyue taking in the elegant decor and the sense of grandeur that permeated the air. It was a stark contrast to the life she had known just a few days ago, yet with every step, she felt a growing sense of belonging.

As they entered the dining area, the table was set with an array of delicious-looking dishes. A warm aroma filled the air, making Xueyue's stomach grumble once again, much to her embarrassment. Tiancheng, however, seemed unfazed by it, his lips quirking up in a barely perceptible smile.

"Please, have a seat," he said, gesturing towards the cushioned chairs surrounding the low table. Xueyue took a seat, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. She watched as Tiancheng elegantly seated himself across from her, his demeanor both regal and approachable.

"Help yourself to whatever you'd like," he said, his voice gentle as he began to serve himself some of the dishes.

Following his lead, Xueyue carefully selected a few dishes, the variety of flavors and textures delighting her senses. The first bite of the food brought a smile to her lips. It was a simple pleasure, yet it felt like a luxury she hadn't experienced in a while. They ate in companionable silence, the quiet broken only by the clinking of utensils and the occasional shared glance. The time seemed to pass quickly, and before Xueyue knew it, the meal had come to an end. The servants discreetly cleared the table, leaving her alone with Tiancheng once again.

He leaned back in his chair, studying her with a thoughtful expression. "Xueyue, I hope you're finding yourself comfortable here."

She nodded, a genuine smile gracing her lips. "Yes, I really am."

"I'm glad to hear that," he said, his eyes warm. "This mansion is vast, and there are many places to explore. Whenever you feel like it, feel free to wander and familiarize yourself with the surroundings."

She appreciated his consideration, feeling a sense of freedom and opportunity in his words. "Thank you, Tiancheng. I'll make sure to do that."

He inclined his head, acknowledging her words. "And remember, if you ever need anything or if there's something on your mind, don't hesitate to come to me." The sincerity in his voice touched her heart, and she met his gaze with gratitude. "I really appreciate your kindness, Tiancheng. It means a lot to me."

"You're always welcome," he replied with a reassuring smile. "Now, would you like to take a walk around the gardens? The morning is beautiful, and it might help clear your mind."

Her heart fluttered at the suggestion. The idea of strolling through the gardens with him was both exciting and nerve-wracking. "I'd love to," she replied, her cheeks tinged with a soft blush.

They rose from the table, and Tiancheng led her through the mansion's hallways once again. This time, they stepped out into the open air, greeted by the refreshing breeze and the vibrant colors of the flowers in full bloom. As they walked side by side, Xueyue felt a growing sense of connection with the world around her. The worries and uncertainties that had clouded her mind seemed to dissipate with every step. She stole a glance at Tiancheng, who was lost in thought, his eyes fixed on the beauty around them.

"Thank you for everything, Tiancheng," she said, breaking the silence.

He turned to her, a soft smile gracing his lips. "It's my pleasure, Xueyue. I'm here to ensure you're safe and happy."

Her heart swelled with warmth, and she couldn't help but feel grateful for the twists of fate that had brought them together.

With every passing moment, Xueyue was beginning to understand that her life had taken an unexpected turn, one that held both challenges and promises she was ready to embrace. And so, under the gentle morning sun, they continued their walk, two souls navigating a new chapter of their intertwined destinies.

As they strolled along the winding paths, Tiancheng shared stories about the different plants and flowers they passed by, his knowledge of nature evident in his words. Xueyue listened with fascination, captivated not only by the information he shared but also by the passion in his voice.

"You have a way of making everything sound so enchanting," she remarked, her gaze lingering on a cluster of delicate blossoms.

Tiancheng chuckled softly, his eyes gentle as he met her gaze. "Nature itself is enchanting, Xueyue. All we need to do is take the time to truly see and appreciate it."

As they continued their leisurely walk, their conversation drifted to more personal matters. Xueyue found herself sharing snippets of her past, the memories both painful and bittersweet. Tiancheng, in turn, spoke about his own experiences, offering her a glimpse into his world.

With each exchange, a sense of camaraderie deepened between them. It was a connection forged through vulnerability and understanding.

As they approached a tranquil pond adorned with water lilies, Tiancheng gestured towards a bench beneath a willow tree. "Shall we take a moment to rest?"

Xueyue nodded, her heart fluttering as they settled on the bench. The stillness of the surroundings seemed to envelop them, creating a serene backdrop for their conversation. She gazed at the water's surface, where ripples formed as small fish darted beneath.

"It's peaceful here," she mused aloud.

"Yes, it is," Tiancheng agreed, his eyes fixed on the water. "I often come here to think and reflect."

A comfortable silence settled between them, the unspoken words carrying a sense of companionship. Xueyue's thoughts drifted back to the previous night and to the way Tiancheng had made her feel seen and valued. She realized that the mansion wasn't just a luxurious dwelling; it was a place where new relationships could flourish, where wounds could heal, and where a new chapter of her life could begin.

"I'm really grateful for everything, Tiancheng," she admitted softly, her gaze never leaving the water.

His gaze turned to her, and his expression was gentle. "You don't need to thank me, Xueyue. Seeing you find comfort here is enough for me."

She met his eyes, her heart full. "I don't think I'll ever be able to repay your kindness."

A soft smile curled his lips. "You don't need to repay anything. Just promise me that you'll take care of yourself and allow yourself to embrace the possibilities that lie ahead."

"I promise," she replied, her voice sincere.

Their eyes held for a moment longer, and in that exchange, unspoken promises seemed to pass between them. It was a promise of support, of understanding, and of a friendship that was beginning to blossom.

As they eventually rose from the bench, Xueyue felt a newfound sense of determination. She was ready to face the challenges and embrace the opportunities that this new life had to offer. With Tiancheng by her side, she knew that she wasn't alone in her journey.

The morning had unfolded in unexpected ways, leading her to a deeper connection and a growing sense of belonging. As they walked back towards the mansion, Xueyue felt a gentle breeze against her skin, as if nature itself were whispering assurances of a brighter future.

The chapter ended up becoming longer as it wanted to convey their relationship. plz comment.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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