
Celestial Redemption

In a world reminiscent of ancient China, where cultivation and gods coexist, Yu Xueyue and Liang Tiancheng, two celestial beings deeply in love and bound by marriage, are punished and stripped of their divine powers. As a result, they descend to the mortal world to endure mortal lives without memories of their former celestial existence. Aurthor's note: If there is any suggestion for the story tell me in the comments and i will see if i can do it as and any suggestions of the name and personalities of characters as well.

luka1 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A Gentle Awakening

Xueyue's eyes fluttered open, a sense of confusion shrouding her thoughts. Where was she? Her surroundings were a marvel of opulence and luxury. She found herself lying on a sumptuous bed with a canopy, adorned with exquisite furniture and decorations that exuded wealth and regality. Her gaze fell on a screen placed nearby, further enhancing the sense of grandeur.

Suddenly, memories flooded back to her—accepting the mysterious man's hand, the darkness that followed, and her fainting. Was this his home? Before she could fully process her surroundings, the sound of footsteps reached her ears, and the door swung open. It was him—the enigmatic man who had saved her. Handsome and possessing a regal presence, his striking purple eyes held her gaze. His voice, when he spoke, was as cool and captivating as his eyes. "You're awake," he stated.

"Yes," she replied, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. "Where am I?"

"You are in the capital of the Tian Kingdom, Piangan," he explained, moving closer and taking a seat in a chair positioned beside the bed.

"Piangan," Xueyue repeated softly, her gaze shifting between her surroundings and the man before her. Sensing his intent stare, she looked at him directly. There was something strangely comforting about his presence, despite not knowing him. She furrowed her brow, puzzled by this unfamiliar sensation.

Caught in his gaze, her thoughts were momentarily derailed. His voice drew her attention back as he asked, "Is it still hurting?"

Flustered by her distraction, she stammered, "N...no, I am not in pain. I was just thinking about something."

He nodded in understanding, his gaze warm and reassuring. "Take your time."

After regaining her composure, Xueyue mustered the courage to voice the questions that had been swirling in her mind. "Who are you, and why did you save me?"

For a moment, silence hung in the air, and then he spoke, his eyes never leaving hers. His voice held a husky gentleness as he introduced himself, "My name is Liang Tiancheng. You might not remember, but we met when you were younger. I also knew your parents, and I was the one who gave you your name."

The revelation left her stunned. "You gave me my name? Then, were you the one who sent me presents?"

A faint smile played on his lips. "Yes, I sent you those presents. Did you like them?"

Xueyue nodded with a smile of her own. "Yes, I liked them. But why haven't I seen you until now?"

"I had been busy with training and other matters," he explained. "However, I was planning to come for your 12th birthday. It's a significant day in your life, as it's when people find out if they've been blessed by a god and have the potential to cultivate."

His gaze held a mixture of regret and concern. "Yesterday, I felt uneasy, so I came to visit your manor, but I was still late. I'm sorry I couldn't protect your parents."

Xueyue felt a pang in her heart, reliving the painful memory of her parents's deaths. Tears welled up in her eyes, but this time they didn't fall. Before she could hold back her emotions, he embraced her gently, his strong arms offering solace. "It's okay to cry," he assured her. "I'm here with you, and everything will be fine."

With his support, Xueyue's tears flowed freely, releasing her fears, unease, and the overwhelming pain she had been carrying. When her tears finally subsided, he gently pulled away, using his hand to wipe the traces of sorrow from her cheeks. "Would you like to take a bath?" he offered.

It was only then that Xueyue realized she was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, now clean and free of bloodstains. Her body, too, felt refreshed. He seemed to anticipate her confusion and explained, "I don't have any female servants, and I thought you might not like me giving you a bath myself. So, I used a cleansing talisman instead."

He appeared slightly concerned that she might be displeased, so she quickly responded, "Thank you for thinking of me, and I'm sorry for making you use an expensive talisman."

A gentle smile graced his lips as he reassured her, "It wasn't expensive, and there's no need for apologies." In his eyes, she saw a depth of understanding and a genuine kindness that tugged at her heart, creating a connection that went beyond mere words.

Xueyue's gaze shifted away from him, a flush of embarrassment tinting her cheeks. "Yes, I would like to take a bath, but what about my clothes?"

"I've already prepared clothes for you," he replied calmly.

"Ah, okay," Xueyue murmured, feeling a mixture of surprise and relief. "I'll take you to the bath." He extended his hand, and Xueyue rose from the bed, reaching out to accept it.

As they moved, passing the decorative screen, Xueyue couldn't help but notice the spaciousness of the room. A bookcase filled with books stood along one wall, complemented by a table adorned with tea sets and a comfortable sofa. A window with closed shutters provided a glimpse of the outside world, and there were even two doors leading from the room. Her thoughts were interrupted when he opened one of the doors, revealing the bath chamber.

Inside, a table was set with various essentials like oils, shampoo, soap, and more. A large screen was placed for privacy, similar to the one near the bed. Behind the screen, Xueyue discovered a bathtub and a small pool, accompanied by a chair and a table. He gestured toward the chair. "Please, have a seat."

Approaching the bath, he placed his hand on the edge of the tub, and water began to flow from his hand as he controlled the water attribute. Xueyue watched in awe as he effortlessly filled the bath, her surprise evident. He checked the water's temperature and added essential oils before turning back to her. "I'm not sure what other kinds of things you might prefer, so feel free to let me know."

Blushing slightly, Xueyue replied, "It's okay; I don't need anything else."

He looked at her, his expression softening. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," she said with a nod, her gaze dipping slightly.

"Very well, then you can enjoy your bath. I'll leave your clothes on the table outside," he informed her before taking his leave.

Watching him go, Xueyue was struck by a momentary impulse to ask him to stay. However, she quickly reminded herself that they were practically strangers, and such feelings were ungrounded. Shaking off her thoughts, she stepped into the soothing warmth of the bath, feeling refreshed.

As the water enveloped her, Xueyue's mind began to wander. She pondered whether she would stay in this place or if he would merely provide her with funds and send her on her way. Her heart yearned to remain, but practical concerns weighed heavily—what if his family objected to her presence? His apparent wealth and noble bearing suggested a privileged background, whereas her own family's wealth had dwindled.

Distracting herself from her worries, Xueyue was determined to ask him about her future once she was out of the bath. After some time, she emerged from the water feeling refreshed. She dressed in the intricately embroidered white robes adorned with blue lotuses that had been prepared for her.

Stepping outside, she noticed Liang Tiancheng sitting on a sofa near the bookcase. He beckoned her over, and she hastened to join him. "Sit," he said, patting the space beside him.

As she sat down, he brushed his hand over her head, her hair quickly drying as he absorbed the moisture. His gentle concern brought warmth to her cheeks. "Next time, dry your hair quickly. What if you catch a cold?"

"I will," she murmured, her ears reddening with embarrassment.

Once her hair was dry, he looked at her with a small smile. "Would you like to eat now?"

Xueyue's stomach betrayed her with a rumble, causing her to blush even more. She chanced a glance at him and found his eyes twinkling with amusement, despite his composed exterior. She looked away, embarrassed.

"I'll have them bring dinner," he said. "It's already evening," she noted.

"Yes," he replied, with a hint of concern in his voice. "You slept most of the day. The doctor said it was due to the shock and exhaustion. Don't worry, you're fine."

Understanding his worry, Xueyue simply said, "I see."

He led her to a low table surrounded by cushions, where they sat cross-legged. Footsteps approached, and a middle-aged servant entered, followed by two boys carrying trays of food. They set the dishes on the table, and the servant instructed them to enjoy their meal before exiting.

Liang Tiancheng assured her, "I asked for a simple meal since heavy food immediately after waking up might not be good for you. But if you don't like it, I can have them prepare something else."

Xueyue quickly responded feeling touched, "No, it's okay. Thank you ."

He skillfully served different dishes into her bowl, his actions showing a level of care that made her blush again. "I can do it myself," she protested softly.

He raised an eyebrow, and a faint smile tugged at his lips. "I want to."

After their meal, the servants cleared the table, leaving them alone once more. Xueyue summoned her courage and asked, "Liang Tiancheng, will I stay here from now on?"

Hello everyone this is my first time writting so there may be some mistakes or some unnecesary details you can tell me in the comments and i will corect them . English is not my first laguage so forgive me if there is any gramatical error.

luka1creators' thoughts