
Celestial Fairy (Celestial Grimoire Si in Fairy Tail)

Its cross posted from QQ, This is about MC reincarnating as little brother of Lucy in the world of Fairy Tail with power of Celestial Grimoire.

Heliel43 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Thanks for supporting: random_debuff , simone currò , Llamore , Harry Mendoza , BotsBoy 408 , Rockinalice

Help the poor guy if you can:



"Oh, not you," I groaned, jumping out of bed and pointing at the guy lounging in my chair, his hands casually tapping away on my laptop. He barely looked up, just waved at me lazily.

"Please don't tell me you're some evil version of me trying to take over my body," I muttered, bracing myself for what could be the fight of my life.

The guy in front of me was basically a mirror image of who I was before reincarnating as Lucas. Short black hair, glasses with lenses so thick they made his eyes look unnaturally huge, and the ordinary, unremarkable face and build of a typical Indo-Aryan. Just your average Nepalese guy of Brahmin origin, with roots in India.

"Don't be an idiot," he replied, hitting the enter key on my laptop. The familiar opening notes of "Snow Fairy," Fairy Tail's first theme song, began to play.

"I'm your subconscious. We're not really supposed to meet—I do my job, you do yours. But, well, here we are, thanks to some unusual circumstances. Even the impossible can happen here."

The impossible? What's so special about this place? It's just my room.

"This is a dream, dumbass. Did you forget about the Lucidity perk already? Normally, I just feed you random images from your memories to keep you entertained while you sleep, but thanks to that perk, you've finally become aware." He glanced around the room, as if to prove a point.

I looked around, realization hitting me like a ton of bricks. Of course this was a dream. Outside the window, the yard and garden were just as I remembered them, complete with the same blue scooter parked out front. It was my old room, plain and white with no posters on the walls. A table cluttered with books and my laptop sat in one corner, a chair in front of it. My clothes were strewn across a long sofa in a mess. The fan on the ceiling hummed softly, and the door was wide open. Outside, familiar plants, a farm, and trees—mango and litchi—stood in the yard. But the house was empty.

It was just me and... well, me.

"So, am I gonna see you every time I fall asleep?" I asked, flopping down on my bed with a sigh.

"Probably not. This is just where I hang out. But outside this house? It's a dream. Anything we imagine can come to life—even nightmares, so watch your back," he warned.

"But today's not about dreaming. We've got work to do."

"Work?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's time to refresh your memory."

He paused, letting the words hang in the air before speaking again, his voice echoing with a sense of nostalgia and power.

"In a land far, far away lies the Kingdom of Fiore..."

Gasp "Ahh!" I jolted awake, flinging myself out of bed. I groaned, rubbing my head as the memories of my dream came flooding back—crystal clear, like a photographic memory.

So, Lucidity lets me stay aware when I dream, and meeting my subconscious was... an experience, to say the least. That asshole made me sit in one spot for what felt like a whole week—time dilation between dreamland and reality is apparently a thing—while we rewatched all of Fairy Tail up to the Tower of Heaven arc.

And how did I rewatch Fairy Tail when I barely remember the details? Turns out, I forgot, but my subconscious didn't. According to him, "I don't forget, like ever."

Well, all things considered, it's a good thing. My subconscious is like a recorder of my entire life, so if I ever forget something, he can fill in the gaps.

Let's just hope I can explore my dreams and do all that cool stuff Lucid dreaming supposedly allows, according to those YouTube videos from my last life.

"Good morning," I called out, only to be met with a soft snore in response. Lucy had replaced me with a pillow, cuddling it as she stayed wrapped up in her blanket.

I glanced outside and was greeted by a beautiful sight. Dawn was breaking, with the first rays of sunlight barely peeking through the clouds. The full sunrise was probably an hour away.

Usually, I'd wake up my sister, but this time, I'll let it slide. It's kinda my fault for waking up way earlier than usual, and there's no need to waste her beauty sleep.

With that thought, I took to the skies, soaring over Magnolia City as the town slowly came to life. People were starting to open their houses and shops, the lamplights flickered off one by one, and a few city guards patrolled the streets.

Within minutes, I landed near a lake just outside the city, my goal already set in my mind. Normally, I'd start my day with a bath, but since I was up so early and planning to work up a sweat, I figured I'd save the bath for later.

Time to improve these Flames and Sparks because, honestly, I'm tired of throwing around these two weak spells. They barely did any damage against Lullaby or even those dark wizards from Eisenwald.

So, let's go all out. If I keep casting these spells continuously, they've got to get stronger, right?

Half an hour later, I collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath. Yeah, I might've miscalculated—big time. Normally, training magic means emptying your magical reserves (though not completely, unless you want to faint or die in the worst case) and letting them refill, repeating the process to make them stronger, like muscles.

But here's the problem—I can't seem to empty my magical reserves. Even after continuously casting spells, the moment I stop to catch my breath, my energy is back to full. I can't even burn through 20% of my reserve before it completely refills.

"Why can't I roll something powerful for a change?" I whined to the heavens. What I didn't expect was my Grimoire to start glowing the moment I opened my mouth.


You rolled: Skill Beyond Belief (The Dragon Prince)

An elf is perfection, at least according to Elves. Everything they do or make is just a little better. By taking this, your blows land more precisely, your handicrafts are more elegant, your designs more refined, and magic, above all else, becomes precise and flexible for each spell to encompass a wide variety of functions, from snuffing a single candle to bowling people over in a gale.

Cost: 200CP

Roll successful

Purchase the roll?

I wanted to reject it so badly. It was just another utility perk—not the firepower I was hoping for. But... imagine if my near-unlimited mana became super flexible and precise.

I can cast spells like crazy, but there's no control involved. Even when I'm using the same spells, sometimes they drain more magic, sometimes less, because my casting relies more on luck than skill.

But if my magical skills and control got a serious boost, could I not only improve but also create my own spells or master the powerful magic of this world?

Screw it. Gimme that perk, Grimoire.

Total: 0CP

Yeah, that zero CP doesn't look great, but damn, the effect of the perk hit me instantly as a sudden wave of enlightenment washed over me, and I began to float.

The raging magical energy inside me suddenly calmed, flowing like a gentle river instead of a stormy ocean.

I pointed my finger at the lake, focusing all my magic into a single spell. Unlike before, where I'd recklessly fire off my spells, this time I gathered my energy with precision, draining a full 69% of my reserve into this one move.

"Blast Burn!"

The world in front of me erupted into fire and flames as the lake boiled, the air turning a hazy yellow and orange as the heat surged. I quickly flew back, casting Healing Hand around myself as I narrowly avoided a scalding explosion of water.

"Holy shit, how is boiling water deadlier than actual fire?" I muttered, darting through the air as the pain slowly faded, my healing spells now noticeably stronger.

Well, at least I'm not cannon fodder anymore if this is what I can do now. My usual Flames spell used to take up 5% of my magic and was pretty weak. If I tried to overload it, the results were... less than pretty.

But now, with my control over magic drastically improved, along with my magical senses and intuition, I managed to create a new, powerful version of Flames: Blast Burn.

Like a mature Charizard on Victory Road.

Grinning like an idiot, I took off, hoping no one saw me nearly set the whole damn forest on fire.

"What the heck are you doing here?" I blurted out, pointing at the pink-haired maid who was busy washing dishes in our kitchen. Not that I wasn't secretly grateful—today was my turn for dish duty, after all.

"Welcome back, Master," Virgo greeted me in her usual monotone, yet oddly cheerful voice. "Just doing my duty as a hardworking maid."

"Oh yeah, where's Lucy?" I asked, finally landing inside after flying through the window, still hovering slightly off the ground.

"The mistress went to the guild—something about a fight between Igneel's son and Titania," she informed me. Oh, right, that was supposed to happen today, wasn't it? But this early? I admit, I lost track of time while flying around the forest after the lake incident, but it couldn't be more than 9 a.m. yet.

I hope Lucy didn't freak out waking up alone and not seeing me around.

"So, Master, now that you're here…" Virgo began, her voice losing some of its monotony as a blush crept onto her pale cheeks. "Will you have a bath…?" She stepped closer, "Or will you eat…?" She whispered, her warm breath tickling my pointy ears. "Or will you have… me?"

I didn't know how to respond. I mean, are we even close enough for this conversation? Either she's an easy woman, or she's already gone full dere-dere for me.

Okay, Lucas, play it cool. Don't jump on the train at the first stop.

"I'll take a bath," I said, pulling away from her grasp with a hint of embarrassment—not because I was flustered, but because I was sweaty as hell and probably stank to high heaven. No way I'm getting cozy with anyone in this state.

I savored her disappointed expression as I made my escape to the bathroom, completely missing the mischievous glint in her eyes as she glanced at the locked door.

I enjoyed the shower, but when I caught sight of myself in the mirror, I froze in shock. Holy shit. I used to look a little elvish, but still relatable as a human. Now? My pointy ears were fully extended, long and straight like an anime elf's. Every blemish and scar on my skin was gone, and even my cavity-ridden teeth were now perfect—not a single mark.

That last perk was the final nail in the coffin. I realized I was no longer human. My once lush golden hair and crystal blue eyes were now shinier than ever, complementing my elongated ears.

Just like the perk promised, I had evolved past my former self. My body was like a work of art, sculpted to perfection, like a statue of a Greek god. My skin was soft yet firm, nearly impenetrable, and my body, though flexible, was incredibly strong—I easily lifted my entire weight with one hand on the floor.

And, yeah, my dick got better too, so that's a bonus.

What's concerning is that there's no bad feeling in my gut, no nausea at the thought of losing my humanity. The Elven arrogance is so strong it's actually making me feel good now that I'm a proper elf, a higher being, a supreme rac—oof!

I punched myself in the gut, feeling my body ripple with the impact as I tried to calm down. Chill, Lucas. We're not going down that "supreme race" rabbit hole.

The Fairy Tail world has enough problems; it doesn't need magical Nazis added to the list.


You rolled: Rolling...

You rolled: Medium Kit [Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch]

The perfect kit for becoming a fortune teller, or so it seems. The outfit and crystal ball will fool people into thinking you are a fortune teller, but it grants you no actual abilities as a seer. However, you can use your crystal ball to imprint single suggestions into individuals seeking advice, such as telling them to throw their most prized possession into the ocean. After the victim follows the action, he or she will regain control of herself, and may very well change her mind.

Cost: 200 CP

Roll failed

100CP Banked

Total: 100CP

Good riddance. I don't need fortune-telling, especially not this repeat roll.

Suddenly, the ground behind me rippled as my magic senses picked up the intruder. The pink-haired maid emerged, her usual outfit swapped for a bikini-style maid uniform as she bowed in front of me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, crossing my arms and making no attempt to hide my body. Why should I? This perfect body deserves to be admired and worshipped.

Ahem. There go my newly acquired, racist elf hormones again. I already miss being a modest human.

"Apologies for the intrusion, Master." She bowed, her rosy cheeks betraying her cool demeanor. "I'm just following my instincts as a dutiful maid." She nodded with seriousness, though the barely concealed desire in her eyes made it hard to take her seriously.

"And what duty would that be?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Washing your back?" she murmured, more to herself than to me.

"Oh, really?" I asked, stepping closer to her. "And why would you do that?"

"Because, it's my job." She looked at me with her doe eyes. "And I enjoy doing it." that's the fucking lie and you know it! That bedroom eyes don't belong to the maid, especially inside the bathroom.

She was playing a very dangerous game, especially when my hormones were raging uncontrollably.

Fuck it. If that's the game she wants to play, I will too. I'm a hormone filled teenager with a big dick, sue me. And it sure as hell didn't start from me as I closed the door like a gentleman, it was she who intruded here with clear desire.

If I make a mistake here it's totally her fault. I'm just a shota and she is millenia old girl with a maid fetish. If anything it's her fault for exploiting a poor hormone filled teenager like me.

The desire was leaking from her face. I'm not sure how she managed to keep her maid role but the look she gave me was more like a hungry wolf who found the perfect prey.

"Hmmm." I hummed while looking at her.

"Hmmm?" She looked at me with a confused expression.

"You know what I think?" I whispered, my hand slowly reaching toward her chest, intending to tear her bra off. "You're just a slut, asking to feel pain and pleasure, just like when I shoved the icicle in you last week, you're just masochist bitch, looking at her master like a puppy." I said, my hands slowly running down her body, reaching her butt, smacking it roughly as sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed inside.

The look she was giving me was pure lust, her eyes were wet and she looked like she was ready to jump on me right there and then.

"I should've shoved that to your cunt rather than your nose." I whispered, biting on her shoulder as she squirmed in my arms but didn't dare to move. "You'd like that, won't you?"

She tried to speak but the only thing that came out was moaning.

"Hmmm? What's that?" I asked, pinching her nipple. "You want me to stop?" I asked, my hand running down her body. "I think you don't want me to stop. You want me to continue and make you feel good." I whispered as she moaned at me, nodding her head.

"I want you to make me feel good, master." She said, her voice squeaking. "Please, I want you to make me feel good."

"Good girl." I said, leaning to her ear. "Good girl." I said in low tone, my tone turned into sneer from gentle as I slapped her across the cheek, her face twisting into shock as she registered what I did.

"What a useless maid I have, instead of servicing me, you are asking me for pleasure, such a useless maid deserves punishment," I sang, the pink nipple between my thumb was just as erect as my dick as I pinched it very hard, intending to cause more pain..

Her breathing was already hard and her body was shaking like crazy but she looked so cute that I could melt my heart to her.

"Sorry for being a bad maid, master." She purred, her moaning turning into sensual as her body convulsed, easy orgasming from the pinching and slaps.

So my sexual skills have also improved or what? Or maybe she is more sucker for pain and submission than I expected.

"Master, can I wash your back?" She asked, looking at me with rosy cheeks. Her mind already cleared from the hazy look she got when she came. Do Celestial Spirits not have post nut clarity?

"Sure thing." I said, laughing at her.

She nodded and stood up, her hands moving toward my back. She started washing my back with soap. Ahh, this might be thousands of years of experience I'm facing as she gives more pleasurable back rubs than Lucy.

"You're really good at this." I said, moaning as her fingers rubbed my back.

"Thank you, master." She said, her fingers running up and down my back. "Is there anything else I can do?"

"You can wash my front." I said, looking at her eyes without any hint of shame. It might sound like a question, but it was not and she and I both knew it.

I grabbed her hand, pulling her toward in front of me.

Her eyes widened, she looked like she just got the biggest prize in her life. Even if that face was expressionless, those dilating pupils, shuddering hips, dripping pussy and erect nipples were clear proof that despite her mask of dutiful maid she was very horny, especially when I pinched, pushed and dragged her around.

She nodded and moved to my front. She looked at me for a few seconds, her eyes were running all over my body before she started washing.

"Master," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion as her hands traveled lower, her eyes never leaving mine. "Can I...?"

"Yes," I breathed, my own need growing with each passing second. "Do it."

She nodded, her hands shaking slightly as she knelt before me, her eyes fixed on my erection, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. With a deep breath, she wrapped her lips around me, her touch soft yet firm, starting a slow, torturous sensation that threatened to push me over the edge.

Meanwhile my toe found itself around her lower lips as I rubbed on that slippery hole, earning more moans as I grinned, looking at Virgo's eyes while she pushed the whole my length in her throat.

"Glurk! Glurk! Glurk! Glurk!"

In a few minutes my member was already inside her throat, her tongue wrapped around my rod like a snake, milking me for all I was worth, a warm sensation that only hardened me more. It looks like I found my own throat goat.

"Faster," I commanded, my voice rough with desire, my hands gripping her hair roughly as she obeyed, her head bobbed increasing in speed and intensity.

"Master," she moaned, looking up at me through her lashes, her eyes pleading. "Please, I need..."

"What do you need?" I growled, my control slipping as her tongue worked its magic, bringing me closer to the edge.

"I need you inside me," she cried out, her body trembling with need, her hand never stopping its relentless pace.

"And why should I waste my first time with a useless maid like you?" I asked, slapping her across again as her body shuddered in pleasure.

"Then use my body like a doll, you need practice for your lovers right? Learn from this body, abuse this body, fuck this body!" She shouted, her monotone voice finally breaking as she came once again. My toe pinched her clit while she serviced me.

She does bring up the good point. Besides losing my V card with her is more than I could ask, and experience with a woman's body is something I really need as I don't want to embarrass myself with my partner.

"Then stand up," I ordered, lifting her up and turning her around, pressing her against the wall once more. "Show me how much you need it."

She nodded, her hands scrambling to guide me as she positioned herself, her body quivering with anticipation. With one swift thrust, I entered her, filling her completely, our bodies merging in a symphony of pleasure and pain.

"Master," she gasped, her head falling back as I began to move, my hips slamming against hers, each thrust deeper than the last.

"That's it," I groaned, my hands gripping her hips tightly, my body driving into hers relentlessly. "Take it all."

Her nails dug into the wall, her body writhing beneath mine as I pounded into her, our breaths mingling in the air, heavy and urgent. "Yes, master," she moaned, her voice breaking as waves of pleasure crashed over her, her body convulsing around mine.

"Look at me," I demanded, slowing my pace, my eyes burning into hers. "Tell me you love it."

"I love it," she whispered, her eyes glistening with tears of release. "I love everything you do to me."

"Good," I growled, picking up the pace once more, my body demanding its own release. "Because there's more where that came from."

She nodded, her body surrendering to the waves of sensation, her voice rising in a chorus of moans and cries as I pushed her further, claiming her completely.

Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap!

Our bodies slammed together, the sound echoing off the walls, each impact punctuated by her cries and my grunts. The world narrowed down to just us, the heat of her body, the slick slide of our flesh, the desperate need driving us both.

"Harder," she begged, her voice breaking. "Please, master, harder."

I obliged, increasing the force of my thrusts, my vision blurring with the intensity of my actions. Her nails dug into my back, drawing blood, but I welcomed the pain, using it to heighten my senses, to deepen my connection to her.

"You're mine," I declared, my voice raw with emotion. "Forever and always, you belong to me."

Her response was a sob, a release of all her pent-up emotions, her body convulsing around me as she climaxed once more. I followed soon after, my own release crashing over me like a tidal wave, overwhelming and consuming.

We collapsed together, our bodies intertwined, the world fading away into a haze of satisfaction and exhaustion. For a moment, there was only peace, the calm after the storm.

"What now?" she whispered again, her voice soft, vulnerable and satisfied.

I looked at her, my heart pounding in my chest, my mind already plotting our next move. The game wasn't over, not by a long shot. There were still lessons to be learned, boundaries to be pushed, pleasures to be explored.

"Now," I said, a smile playing at the corners of my mouth. "We begin again."

At least until Lucy comes back. I don't want to her see her brother fucking her own Spirits. It's going to be a weird as hell conversation the moment she will find out.

I strutted through Magnolia like a peacock, a giddy bounce in my step and a grin plastered on my face. The only thing that felt off was the hat perched on my head, hiding my magnificent hair and ears. As much as I hated to cover up such a masterpiece, it wasn't the time to flaunt my inhuman features. Not yet.

Humans tend to be wary of the unknown, and some react... poorly when confronted with anything too extreme. I needed to do a little recon before I could safely let my elf flag fly.

A sudden burst of cheering and shouting pulled me out of my thoughts. Curious, I flew towards the commotion, spotting a crowd of my guildmates gathered around the same makeshift arena where I'd once faced off against Erza.

"Oh, what's up, guys?" I called out, landing beside Gray and Lucy. Gray looked momentarily startled before relaxing, while Lucy immediately yanked on my ear.

"Brother, what did I say about wandering off on your own?" she demanded, slipping into her 'angry big sister' tone, complete with a glare sharp enough to cut steel.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry!" I whined, trying to placate her. "You were just so cute, sleeping peacefully, I didn't want to wake you." I offered a sheepish smile, hoping a bit of flattery would get her to let go.

"Next time you go for early training, leave a note, dumbass," she huffed, finally releasing my ear. I winced, quickly adjusting my hat to hide my pointed ears.

"Wait, how did you know I went for training?" I asked, puzzled. I was pretty sure I hadn't told her about my early morning plans.

"Oh, I had him keep an eye on you," she admitted, gesturing to the blue bird perched nearby. It was her bronzed key spirit, who cocked its head before letting out a soft coo.

My blood ran cold as I stared at the bird. If that feathery little snitch had been spying on me and reported back to Lucy—especially about what happened with Virgo—I was in deep trouble. Before I could think, I shot toward the bird at super speed, panic setting in as I imagined the fallout of its possible revelations.

Its nothing too bad outcome, but it will cause too many awkward situations.

The bird let out a terrified squawk, frantically spreading its wings to take flight, but it was too slow. I caught it, pulling it gently to my chest and starting to pet it. What? I couldn't exactly throttle it with Lucy looking right at me.

"Did you see everything?" I murmured, my face a mask of gentleness while my eyes darkened with a dangerous glint.

"Coo?" The bird responded with a confused tilt of its head, trying to play cute. But I wasn't fooled. I was the epitome of cuteness, not this feathery rat.

"Did you see everything while I was in the bathroom, or did you not?" I whispered, careful to keep my voice low. I knew this bird could communicate with Lucy telepathically, so I had to tread lightly.

It shook its head violently, its tiny body trembling with sweat. The frantic denial only made me more suspicious.

"I will swing my balls across your face like a grandfather clock. Don't ever let me catch you ratting me out to Lucy, lil bird, or I'll boil you in a pot, pluck your feathers one by one while healing you so you can't escape back to the spirit realm. Then I'll make a turkey out of you and...than which I will have proceed to sex with. Yes, I will Fuck the fear turkey out of you!" I hissed, my voice laced with a sinister threat.

The bird's fear turned to outright terror, its wings flapping frantically in a desperate attempt to escape, but I held it firm.

"Now, act natural, or I'll show you that wasn't just a threat—it was a promise." I released the bird, and it shot off like a rocket, disappearing from sight with tear-filled eyes.

"What was that about?" Lucy asked, her voice tinged with concern as I landed beside her.

"Don't worry, I would never cause trouble for your spirits. That was just a... civilized conversation between two children of the sky," I replied sagely, flapping my arms like wings in a mock display of innocence.

Nearby, Cana and Mira giggled, clearly amused, while the guys snickered at my expense. Even Levy giggled.


I settled on Lucy's back, my weightlessness ensuring she didn't feel a thing, while I enjoyed my perfect vantage point. She even looked pleased at physical contact, while not weighting down on her due to my Soar magic. So I just enjoyed my seat and looked around like a kid in candy shop.

Cana caught my attention with a wave, her usual mischievous grin in place as she raised an eyebrow at me. "Yo, Lucas, wanna bet on who's gonna win? Natsu, our most (in)famous Salamander, or Erza?"

I gave her my best deadpan look. I wasn't falling for that sucker's bet. Natsu was going to lose so badly it wasn't even funny. In the anime, no matter how strong Natsu got, Erza was always steps ahead—at least until the final season and the reveal of E.N.D.

Oh crap—E.N.D.! I'd almost forgotten about that little issue.

"Here, 20K jewels on Erza. She's gonna beat the crap outta him. And here's an extra 10K on her dragging the fight out, giving Natsu hope before crushing him even harder." I stacked my cash on Cana's barrel.

As I watched from the sidelines, I couldn't help but grin. Lucy, Gray, and the rest of the guild were equally eager to see the clash unfold.

Erza's presence alone silenced the chatter, her commanding aura demanding respect. But Natsu, as always, seemed unfazed, his fists already igniting with flames. "Don't go easy on me, Erza!" he shouted, his excitement palpable.

Erza nodded, her gaze steady. "I wouldn't dream of it."

The crowd erupted into cheers, but there was a tension in the air. Everyone knew Erza was a force to be reckoned with.

"Go get her, Natsu!" Happy cheered, his little paws pumping in the air. "Aye, sir!"

Erza's Requip magic flashed, and she donned her Flame Empress Armor, perfectly countering Natsu's fire-based attacks.

"Natsu! Natsu! Natsu!" Half the guild cheered, while even the nearby civilians gathered to witness the spectacle.

Natsu grinned, thrilled at the challenge. He charged forward, his fist ablaze, but Erza was ready. She blocked his attack with her sword, the force of the collision sending shockwaves through the arena. The crowd went wild.

"Come on, Natsu, you can do better than that!" Gray yelled, his competitive spirit showing as he rooted for his rival.

"Yeah, Natsu! Show her what you've got!" Lucy added, her fists clenched in anticipation.

I watched, my eyes narrowing as Natsu launched punch after punch, each more intense than the last. But Erza dodged and parried with grace, clearly testing his limits.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of back-and-forth, Erza decided to get serious. She disarmed Natsu with a swift motion, sending him skidding across the arena. Before he could recover, she slammed him into the ground with her shield, the impact shaking the entire arena.

"Damn… she's not even breaking a sweat," I muttered, shaking my head in amazement.

"She's dragging it out, just like you said," Cana remarked, smirking as she pocketed a few jewels.

But Natsu wasn't done. With a roar, he unleashed his Fire Dragon's Roar, a massive wave of flames surging toward Erza. For a moment, it looked like he might have the upper hand, but Erza switched to her Adamantine Armor, her impenetrable shield absorbing the flames with ease.

"Is that all, Natsu?" Erza taunted, her voice steady.

Natsu, breathing heavily but still grinning, charged again. "Not even close!"

The battle raged on, but it was clear Erza was in control. She deflected Natsu's attacks with ease, countering with precise strikes that left him struggling to keep up.

The crowd's energy reached a fever pitch as Natsu, battered but determined, pushed himself to his feet. He was panting heavily, but the fire in his eyes hadn't dimmed. Everyone knew what was coming.

Natsu took a deep breath, gathering every ounce of magic power left in his body. The air around him shimmered with heat, and the ground beneath him cracked under the intensity of his aura. Flames erupted around him, growing hotter and brighter with each passing second.

"Here it comes!" Gray shouted over the roaring flames.

"Fire Dragon Secret Art: Phoenix Blade!!" Natsu bellowed, unleashing a torrent of flames that shot toward Erza like a blazing inferno. The sheer force of the attack sent shockwaves through the arena, and for a moment, it seemed unstoppable.

But Erza was ready. With a flash of light, she re-equipped into her Adamantine Armor, her massive shield absorbing the flames with ease. The crowd watched in awe as the flames began to dissipate, unable to break through her defense.

Natsu, breathing heavily, launched himself at Erza with a final, desperate attack. "Fire Dragon Secret Art: Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!"

But Erza was faster. She sidestepped his attack, re-equipping into her Black Wing Armor. With a powerful leap, she took to the sky, her wings slicing through the air.

The guildmates erupted into cheers, chanting both of their names as the fight reached its climax.

"Erza! Natsu! Erza! Natsu!"

Erza shot down at Natsu like a meteor, her gauntleted fist glowing with immense magical energy. The crowd watched in stunned silence as she drove her fist into Natsu's midsection, sending him hurtling into the sky.

Erza wasn't done. She rocketed after him, catching up in an instant. With a final, devastating blow, she punted Natsu back toward the ground.

The ground shook as Natsu crashed into the arena with a thunderous impact. For a moment, the entire guild fell silent, all eyes on the crater where Natsu lay.

As the dust settled, it became clear—Natsu was down, unconscious, his body spent. Erza landed gracefully beside him, her wings folding back as she looked down at her fallen comrade.

The fight was over. She had won.

The silence broke with a wave of cheers and applause, the guildmates celebrating both fighters for their incredible display of strength and determination.

"Damn… what a fight," Gray muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

As the crowd began to disperse, I turned to Cana, who was busy counting the jewels I had handed over earlier.

"Well, well, well, looks like I was right," I said, trying to keep the smugness out of my voice.

"Yeah, yeah, don't rub it in," Cana replied, rolling her eyes but smiling nonetheless.

"Yo guys, let's heal Natsu," I called out, dragging Gray and Lucy over to the unconscious Dragonslayer while smiling widely.

This was the most intense fight I'd seen, and it didn't disappoint. My day just kept getting better—50k richer, having lost my V card, and getting unbelievably stronger in a single day.

And then I spotted a beautiful silver-haired woman, her smile radiant as she looked around.

"Mira, just the woman I was hoping to see. I need your help, please," I said, my face set in pure puppy dog mode that always settled most of the older Onee-sans into 'Ara Ara' mode.

"Oh my, of course." The silver-haired angel smiled. "I'm happy to help such a cutie like you." She patted my head, already fallen for my cuteness, while Lucy grumbled behind me.


That was my first full lewd so I think I can be excused. Was it too cringe or occ? Let's discuss and learn.

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