
Celestial Chronicles: Crimson Ascension

Akira was abandoned at a small church in the woods and was raised by a nun. He was taken to a temple when he was 5 to awaken his mana and there he met Jake and Naomi and the three of them were trained by David. When they reached he age of 10 Akira, Jake and Naomi awakened their mana property. Soon after, they were attacked by five assassins and where able to take down four of the assassins but were badly injured during the process. The last assassin left was Dexter, Who was stronger than all of them and his main purpose was to kill David and the nun Sesilia. Akira tries to fight, but he is outmatched and got pierced through the chest, leaving behind a huge hole. Without hope and on the brink of death, a mysterious power overflows in him when he sees sesilia and David impaled. Unleashing the mysterious power, Akira reaches a new level of power which helps him defeat Dexter. They all escaped through a portal made by David and find themselves in a strange building surrounded by people.

Void_Fox_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs


5 Years Later,

Three people—Akira, Naomi, and Jake—are seen fighting each other. Akira wields dual katanas, Naomi welds a metal staff, and Jake wields a war hammer.


The war hammer clashed with the dual katanas as Jake and Akira exchanged attacks. Naomi runs towards them and jumps with her staff in hand, getting ready to attack. Sensing the incoming attack, Akira pushed Jake away, dodged Naomi's attack, and countered by punching her, but she blocked the punch with her staff.

"You seem to have gotten stronger and more adept at dodging," Jake said.

"And faster," Naomi said.

"Yeah, I guess you aren't that little crybaby I knew all those years ago," Jake said with a smile.

David watches their fight from the sidelines. "Akira is definitely a prodigy," David muttered to himself.

"Hey, what are you muttering?" a familiar voice said from behind David.

"Oh, you're finally here," David said with a smile.

"Yeah, aren't you awakening their mana property today?" Sesilia said 

"Yeah, after their sparring session," David replied.

Akira saw Sesilia from the corner of his eye.

"Sesilia!!" Akira yelled. "Is that really you?"

Suddenly tears started to roll off Akira's cheek and fall to the ground.

"Huh… what are you crying for!!" David yelled "Finish your sparring match then you can meet Sesilia"

Akira then wiped his tears and dodged the surprise attack from Naomi.

"How did you get this good at dodging?" Naomi asked.

"Well, we all have things we are good at," Akira said as he activated his aura, which covered his katana. He swung his blade at Naomi. 

The shock wave created by the swing was so strong that it pushed Naomi back.

"Let's end this," Akira said as he entered his battle stance.

"Yeah, I agree," Jake said as he activated his aura, which covered his hammer.

Naomi also activated her aura, which covered her staff. Then Naomi and Jake teamed up and charged at Akira. Akira was running, and then he suddenly deactivated his aura.

~What is he thinking deactivating his aura~ David thought

David started sensing the unusual flow of mana around Akira. Akira suddenly stopped charging and closed his eyes.

~What is he thinking closing his eyes in a battle field~ David thought

"Hey David, you can feel that right?" Sesilia said. "I mean the unusual flow of Akira's mana"

"Yeah, I can. But I don't know what he's planning. We'll just have to wait and see" David said

When Naomi and Jake were close to Akira, he opened his eyes.

"Oh Shit!! Akira, don't!!" David yelled

"STOP!" Akira yelled. A huge pressure fell upon Jake and Naomi.

They tried to move, but they couldn't. Akira then put his blade at their throat.

"We surrender," Jake said.

Akira removed his blade and put it back in its sheath. Then Jake and Naomi were able to move shortly after.

"I guess it only lasts for 20 seconds," Akira said.

David walked up to Akira and started yelling at him, telling him how dangerous using an advanced technique like the dragon's tongue is.

"But I'm okay," Akira said.

"Really, is that what you think?" David said and started counting down from 10.

Sesilia walked up to Akira. "That was really reckless, but I'm just glad you're not hurt." 

David's counting suddenly reached 1. Then Akira coughed up blood and felt a sharp pain in his throat and chest.

"I tried to warn you," David said.

Akira fell to the floor, his ears ringing, and he lost consciousness shortly after. Jake, Naomi, and Sesilia ran towards Akira. 

"What's Happening?" Sesilia said it in a worried voice.

David picked up Akira "Don't worry, it's just a backlash from forcefully using an advanced technique."

"But I'll admit he has talent. You guys should go into the temple and get ready to awaken your mana property I'll be there shortly."

_ _ _ _ _ _

Akira is seen lying down on a bed in a room. By the side of the bed, Naomi was sleeping in a chair.

"Ahh…" Akira woke up feeling pain in his throat and chest.

The sudden movement woke Naomi. "Don't try to talk. Your throat was damaged."

Akira was looking around the room.

"You're wondering where you are; you're in the medical section of the temple," Naomi said

~Medical section. I didn't know this place had such a place~ Akira thought.

Naomi stood up from her chair and went out of the room. She came back almost immediately with David, Sesilia, and Jake. Who all were happing seeing Akira awake.

Akira suddenly started crying. And I came out of bed and hugged Sesilia.

"Are you crying because of the pain?" Sesilia said

"No, I really missed you," Akira said with a weak voice.

"Let's go and dress up so we can awaken our mana property."

"Uhm, we actually have already," Jake said

"when?" Akira asked

"Three days ago, when you lost consciousness" Naomi said

"Then I better go awaken mine" Akira said with a smile.

They all left the room, leaving only Akira inside. He changed his clothes and went out to meet them. As he left the room, he saw Nami in the hall.

"Follow me; I'll show you the way to the awakening chamber," Naomi said.

Akira and Naomi walked down the hall and soon met a door in front of them. Naomi pushed it open, and Akira saw all of them there, with a table in front of them and a glowing orb on it.

"What's that?" Akira asked

"That's the Property crystal," David said. "Put your hand on it."

Akira stretched his hand and placed it on the crystal. It started to glow brighter than before, and the silhouette of a sword, shield, and spear could be seen in it. Then it stopped.

"So, you have weapons property; it's not bad," David said

"Weapon is under epic. But Naomi and Jake got gravity and weather, which is legendary." 

Akira's hand was still on it, and it started glowing again. This time there was a silhouette of an atom chain.

"What, dual property?" David said

"And by the looks of it, its atomic," Sesilia said

"Dual property?. What is that?" Akira asked

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