
Celestial Birth

"Celestial Birth" follows the tumultuous journey of Darren Croford, a once-powerful leader in the criminal underworld, who meets his demise at the hands of those he once trusted. Betrayed and left for dead, Darren finds himself reborn into a new world, shedding his former identity to become Sin Dreith, the illegitimate son of the powerful Dreith family in the Whay Kingdom. Determined never to be manipulated again, Sin sets out on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. Sin vows to surpass anyone who dares to challenge him. With unwavering resolve, he strives to become the strongest force in the world, determined to make those who once stood above him kneel at his feet. Driven by a relentless thirst for power, Sin becomes the bane of the Dreith family, Cold-hearted and unyielding Sin's influence spreads like wildfire across the Eagan continent, he becomes a figure of both fear and fascination, his every move cloaked in shadows and deception

inquisition326 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A road filled with thorns

Chapter 7 

All the people that were in the hall had already left and were all spread out through the forest as they had knew that at their level even if they ran the whole time they would at least need three if not more days to travel that distance if they followed the path. 

In the forest in particular were ten people leading them was Luxin Cristfall, he was one of the boys that Sin had beaten on the second day. "Damn Tinux, coward how can he fear a nobody like this. All he did was catch me by surprise and now that brat is scared" said Luxin with all the other kids that followed him listening. 

Tinux was the younger brother of Luxin and after the beating he got he didn't even tell his brother who was knocked out first about what happened to him as he was too embarrassed, all he did was tell his big brother was that the boy was to not be taken easily.

Linux with his pride wounded and his reproductive organ damaged he refused to listen and thought of a plan to kill Sin.

"Sir, are you sure about this" said the boy that walked to Linux's right side, Linux turned to look at the boy in his eyes and said haven't I already promised to get you to the academy if you did just this, are you looking down me now"

"Heavens no sir it's just that if we were to lead a beast from the red zone which would be a beast in the hero realm wouldn't it catch up to us and kill us before we manage to get to the boy". questioned the boy.

Hearing those words Linux turned one more time to face the boy but this time he burst out with speed and grabbed the boy's throat and pulled him closer to his face and said "what the hell does you're life count for compared to mine it should be an honor for you to die for me" Linux then also turned to face the other's as he tightened his grip around the boy's throat that he started turning red and said.

"Your lives have no meaning and worth if not to serve me, you are nothing and will forever be nothing so decided whether I kill you personally right now or take the risk against a beast and survive and then get into the academy".

The group then gulped as they looked at Linux and said, " will follow the sir's will". 

"Good, what about you anymore questions" Linux asked the boy he was choking, "no sir" said the boy in a choked voice. 

"Thought so, now let's hurry up we don't have much time left. Said Linux as he let go of the boy.

Crack! A green stone that hung on Linux waist broke, "they found him let's hurry up" said Linux as he and the kids beside him started running.

Walking through the forest Sin was seemingly walking carelessly but in fact he had been vigilant, Sin had already found out that there were two people following him.

Sin although not sure what they wanted he had decided to not appear as if he knew that he was being followed. Swoosh!! And the boy's that were behind Sin jumped from were they were and landed in front of Sin. 

"Hey, come with us" said the boy on the left. Sin looked the two up and down and found out they were peak stage foundation establishment warriors, they were wearing soft armor that would allow easy movement that was brown in color.

"Who the are you guys?" Questioned Sin, hearing Sin's response the two boys just looked at each other and nodded. The boys then pulled out the daggers that they had hidden in their armor and rushed forward. The two boys were Linux right- and left-hand man, they were from a subordinate clan that followed the Cristfall family.

The two boys had been training in a duo fighting technique that would allow them to display strength that above what they would be able to produce when they were alone, taking into account that they were brothers and they trusted each other the power they can display grew. 

With the combination of the two boys, they had displayed strength of a warrior at the integration. With their charge Sin had already been prepared so he moved back as the dagger aimed at his chest. Moving back Sin had then twisted his hip and threw out a kick that aimed at the boy that was on his right.

The boy's had already known that Sin was powerful but didn't know just how exactly, they had thought that he would be at best at the early stages of the integration stage if he wasn't at the peak of the Foundation establishment. 

So they had been prepared, the boy raised his arm in an attempt to block, the kick was already in motion and Sin hadn't realized the the boy's had tiny little spikes that were built into the amor he wore. 

The kick had such a strong force that it dislocated the boy's arm, with the the kick Sin had felt a sharp stinging pain that rushed through his body that it caught him off for a second that the other boy had moved in closer and kicked him in on his abdomen. 

The kick although strong was still nothing to Sin as it had only moved him backwards for two steps, this result was already good as Sin had already reached the peak of the integration stage so no one at Foundation establishment would have the strength to hurt him.

The two boys moved back and spoke, "are you alright brother" said the boy that kicked Sin, " its just dislocated I'm fine" answered the boy with his left-hand dangling while he held his shoulder with his right.

"I don't think the armor will do much against him" said the boy with the dislocated shoulder. "Yeah it only just stunned him, it's either he has a high tolerance or his at the middle stage of integration stage" 

While the boys were talking to one another Sin had taken a moment to try to figure out what happened to him, it didn't make sense that he would get hurt his armor was one of the best at the sky grade and would protect him against even middle ascension realm experts.

With all those things taken into consideration he didn't understand how he got hurt.

"Hey what did you do to me" said Sin in a soft yet angry voice that seemed to make the two boys tremble from hearing it.

Sin now released his aura, and the two boys were shocked when they realized he was a peak stage integration warrior, "I'll ask you one more time what the hell did you do to me" asked Sin as he now stepped closer. Getting no response Sin burst out with a shocking speed as he reached out his hand to the boy that kicked him. 

Sin's fingers wrapped tightly around the boy's neck. "Look at me" Sin said as his eyes stared into the boy's eyes. The boy looking into Sin's eyes felt as if sky was falling as he knew that it wouldn't take much effort for the boy in front of him to kill him.

"I really hate repeating myself" said Sin as he released the boy's throat and grabbed his head and slammed it into his knee. The impact had knocked him out as his body fell to the ground unmoving after Sin let go.

The other boy seeing this didn't think for a second that his brother passed out he thought he was dead and now he would follow. Turning his neck to face the other brother he was surprised to see the boy running away. 

"No, no, no" said the boy as he ran through the forest at high speed. "I have to get out of here and tell the young master". The boy told himself but the next minute a shadow flew passed him and stood in front of him, boy failed to stop and had ran straight into Sin's fist that he had placed in front of himself. 

With the boy running Sin had chased the boy and even passed him, after passing him he stopped and threw out a jab which the boy had ran into. Crack!! And the boy had fell backwards with his legs lifted into the sky. 

With the boy out cold Sin had bent down to look at the boy's armor. Taking a proper look Sin could identify that the armor was an earth grade that had spike on it. 

 Taking off his gauntlets to prick is finger on the spikes, pricking his finger although he didn't hurt himself he got stunned. " I see now, this must be from some beast." Sin had figured out what stunned him but was still not sure how he got affected with both his armor leggings and boots. "must be the effect of the armor". Sin thought.

After Sin had confirmed that he was fine he was clueless as what to do with the two boys, he had been contemplating about this while he dragged the boy by his leg to the other boy.

Roarrr!!!!!!, a loud beast was heard which made Sin twist his neck in the direction. "shit" Sin said as he could now see what seemed to be giant worm that was moving in his direction, the worm was diving in and jumping out of the ground as it quickly approached him.

Seeing the beast Sin had already knew that he wouldn't out run it, but he still wouldn't wait for his death. Sin took out his dual Sabers and slashed at the two boys.

The boy's woke up to a stinging pain as they saw Sin who was creating cuts all over their bodies. "Don't worry I want be the one killing you" said Sin now he could see the the giant worm was only a hundred meters away from him and would soon reach him. Sin grabbed each of the boys legs and spun around spilling their blood on the ground, the boys had stopped screaming and shouting in pain when they heard a loud beast roar. 

Sin after spinning around begun tossing the boy's into the sky in different directions, and immediately after he ran with everything he had.

"Body enhancement, speed ×5" said Sin as we cast spells on his body, one of the spells was a secret technique that Mary had taught him and told him he should only use if his life was ever in danger.