
Celebration of life: Beyond Veiled Boundaries

From one world to another, the working cogs of the afterlife have suited the souls within those worlds. Slightly beyond the sight of living people is a system of order that keeps all in check. Away from worlds of magic (as was in the previous books), here is a world as we know it. But peel back the laws that prevent the living among the dead, befall a strange way of life for one individual. In all honesty: this 132 chapter book is more the removed sections of another. This is a very broken long draft, I would actually not have this one in paper copy. But the elements of this book are basically for 'Shroud Over Their Eyes'. Welcome to my headache of untangling this multiverse.

Squeaky_Kittah · Urban
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136 Chs

13 - Can't leave it be

The hanger hooked, another failed sizing. She was too embarrassed to ask for a measurement and she felt out of place in such a grown-ups shop. The store was half a sex toy emporium and the other half in fancy corests and bras. She was to small a number measurement for the cups she needs. Her past bras were altered with added lengths with extenders or pinch sewn down a bit. It was times like this that she needed girl freinds or her mom. Her heart sunk at the after thought of remembering about her mom. She puts her current bra back on.

"Just look at this place." Just another thing to hate right now. Luna punched a wall.

"Are you alright in there?" The lovely sale assistant that has been real nice in answering her awkward questions this far.

"Yes. Just my hand on the ecstatic." She gets her shirt one quickly and she sighed. One thing at a time. Deep breath. She collected the sorted piles of rehung or what she will be paying for, "I guess these will do. I will alter them or buy your extensions." She steps out and she made sure that nothing is left behind. Nothing dropped.

"What's a thief doing here? Watch that girl she steals." The giggle cloud laughs at her. She ignores them, hanging the ones she isn't purchasing on the return racking.

"I will buy these." She has the basket to hand. The gaggle of children here laugh at her chooses and further at how unbelievable the sizing. Luna stands with waiting at the checkout. The assistant at unable to tell if this was all true or not. The group approached, steal her phone from her pocket and has it tossed to a random dressing room. They all laugh at how clever they think that was. Thinking all her money was in that phone. No regard of the screen cracked or that a mirror shattered. One them punched for causing that.

"CCTV. Replay and get back to me. One our dressing room mirror smashed." The assistant continue scanning through everything, "Secure front door." The burglar alarm drops a fence down at the only entrance in. She sighed, "And now my till is locked."

"It makes sense. If someone was stealing out of it, you should have a system in place for Securing it." Luna nods, "I am glad you consider not putting you most expensive stock by the door too. I am always telling the electronics place to stop leaving the nice tvs right there."

Amused by the odd way this conversation carried and seems quite incriminating on the surface, the assistant plays along at keeping things causal calm. But the group were soon shaking the gate and a more annoying alarm buzzed. They all held ears. The sound cuts with police entering the gate and the site manager with a laptop from a back room. The assistant manager also from the back room went to the smashed mirror. A police officer with finger print kit, dusted the phone. Lifted the prints on the surface. The cop then lifted prints from inside the phone case and the tenner. The device posed in show to all the children. Luna pats around looking for her phone and sighed.

"That is my phone." She looks down and looks guilty.

"And yet..." The laptop spun, "It was just now stolen from you and thrown into the mirror." She looks up and looks at the footage with everyone else. She looks at her screen.

"And now you broke my screen too. I can't get another phone right now." She shakes with nerve and raise mental strain, "Why can't you all just leave me alone?" Given the shop assistant has been listening to her struggle with talking about her mother being gone while asking about sizing and shopping around. How recent it had to been.

"You are on bereavement leave from school, then." The shop assistant standing up for Luna, "Do these kids bully you at school?"

"Normally I can shrug this off." Luna whimpered, "But right now." Passing tissue.

"Like she can afford to pay for all that. It's just an act." Group mentality against one.

"Well is you as a group that will be buying a new mirror." The manager nods in certainty, "We will pat check all of you. Even this girl you claim to be a thief. She just a customer like you all are."

"Can I make my purchase first before you kick us all out?" Luna trying to get composure back, some hiccups making it hard, "I really need those."

"Yes. That's fine. We will do your pocket check frist." She nods in putting her wallet at the counter, her broken phone and the key. She knows this should be nothing else. She gets pat down and they find nothing. They moved the kids separately to pat them all down. She ignores them all being loud about it.

A police officer calls from one their phones. Pc number and all. Explained that these underage folks are in school during school hours. The was a bunch of hot air for a bit. Yet then further with breaking the news that the group was not only bullying another customer but broke a shop mirror with failing to steal a phone or antagonize this customer. It being on video. Hot to cold. Small responses. Closed sharp words. Everyone can hear this call, it's on speaker. Being filmed by a camera crew. Just everyone luck that the police called to this scene was on a cop show. Luna seeing the vests knew this crew, how she watches cop shows. It was a reminder of her grandfather and that it was a family even to watch cop shows and quiz fortune shows. She is however just upset with the timing of all this. Had to be while Bra shopping. But seeing a TV crew with the police made it surrealistic moment, helping her mind calm down further.

"49.58" The assistant finally has everything packed neat. Luna picked up her wallet, started unzipping the wallet. The kids were being escorted out, "She's not with them and in fact was a victim. They broke her phone too." Its still sitting there on the counter to see. She takes a deep breath and unzips more. She so nervous that she can't hold bank notes. But she does so eventually and the assistant accepted it, "Why are you alone anyway?"

"A lot of things. My house was burnt. My only school friend died from medical conditions. Both my parents with different cancers." She sounded so nervous too, "I had to temporarily live with my solicitor, the only person my parents contacted before they were gone." She held the wallet open as the change and recipient goes in, "I have lost everything." She packs her stuff back it her pockets and was given her bag, "But I know that this pain is a passing phase." She takes it carefully, "I am not going to be sad forever and I don't have to live with bullies." She crossed her arms at not wanting to leave until they do, "There has to be light at this dim corridor, a bend around that hides green pastors." She watched how they were forced into three different cars. She watched the police follow these three cars. She sighed at not being ready but forced herself to start moving.

"Oh, don't forget this." The poker card she had it with her wallet, "Its very nice tarot card."

"Someone is letting me look after it for a bit." She takes it with her left hand, "She said that she was a great poker player. I guess she must be into Tarot too." The card is held to the chest, "Need to check me over again?"

"No... its fine." Luna nods and since change of subject held her nerve back to somewhat normal. She sees that the masks of all those kids are leaving the area too now. She able to step out the barrier without it going off. Right as time freezes with her out the door. She didn't want to be fall a victim of demons proving the theif thing and breaks out the freeze. She steps aside avoiding a pair of undertakers coming in to check the mirror and footage. They are gladly quick and breezey. Time fades back while she was pivoting to look back. She waved a last time and was in the clear. She looks at the poker tarot card, glad to have it. It's such a pleasant thing that she wanted to give the undertaker a gift for letting her borrow such a precious charm.

There was a neesh little shop for these sorts of things, that has no Seer or Tricksters. She found this place herself and is quiet proud for it. She is a repeat customer there for the crystals and prayer papers. This place was a little off putting for the normal public and is located at a shaddy alley. The owner isnt human, a tall lanky dark nightmare thing, at least that's what she can see. She can buy stuff using not human money. She doesn't need to be guilty for spending her solicitor card.

It's a little further down from this bra shop. She knows a few stops on the way. She makes her way to deeper market place, stopping at some spots of things she wanted to consider for later. She frowns at not being able to buy a gift for Gale without it being his money. Which only further made her need to find the creepy store. She makes some purchases at a cheap bargain place for house and beauty. She did indulge in a few bathroom soaps, the travel dish to keep them and some clay face masks. She loves what good it does her skin and the relaxing she does while wearing it.

She steps form this place, both carrier bags and everything in closed pockets. She makes it around to seemingly stepping a direction towards food. She freezes time, entering it softly in watching people turn into statues. She makes looks in checking and turns the opposite way.

The slip through to back of these stores is tiny for even bins to wheel through. Even still, she makes it to the doorway and slips in. She puts the shop bags to a empty table beside. The owner dislikes shop bags blocking the already cramped isles. She was here no to long ago, she hovered at all the stuff she normally gets. It was about time to just buy restock, a big dent in her financial situation. She got a basket for this hull, because very picky in the quality. If she was big large amounts, she was going to buy nice stuff. She stops to some display has a scarf and a pack of tarot. She lowered at there being some really nice pieces of charms at the bottom. She sighed with the weight of emotion on her shoulders. She lifted looking at the deck and scarf. Her reflection seems to wear it, but she has a bad notion for some reason. Turns to look at holy waters, sand, salts and paper packs.

All was missing was holy wood stakes, she always joked. It was a flat thought this time, she was even hurt a little. Moving around to collecting the prayer papers for herself and new inks. She hovered at maybe a new pen but she can tell she was spent. She ignores her favorite section today, she wants to buy them but can't. Making it to the counter basket up to the empty till. She is normally instantly waved and gesture by now. She pouted worried of the store owner being OK. Looking over counter to see if they were there. She moved in more pouting, looking at the walls and corners. She notice that he would have normally sighed annoyed of her if she did look over his counter like this. She looked around another go, looking carefully this time. The back door is never half open. She pulls it to the being slumped at the floor. She panics at reaching to shake them for a response. She looks at how it was still half through a gate. She picked arms up and drags them into the store. Brushed faces for twitches and more shakes. She can't tell if they were just tired or injured badly. She finds the key for display items. She rushed to the prayer papers blanks, placing them will remove any curses. Some stir of motion but not enough. The prayer paper was literally turned instantly to flames on contact. Next option was the scarf, she had a bad felt about it but it clearly was like the prayer Paper. She quickly takes it from the display and slides the floor to be at the owners side. The scarf placed to their hands and brought its hands to the chest too. Finally the being has some awareness. She sighed gratefully that the guy is OK. She gives the keys back. It studies where it way, how it was half out the door and the main store being open. She pats in checking and gesture to anything bad. The being jolts at recalling and sits up. A thin black body gaint, scratched a chin for little bit and it's other hand feeling the scarf. The scarf melting in blue flames. She steps away from the flames and to give the store owner space. She tilts in being worried for them, they waved left hand flat.

They got up and looked at everything, every shelf and where she had been. It was like it was rewatching her. Given she was a good person, it pats her shoulder passing her to the counter. It packed all the things to a big shopping bag. It recalled her past interests from previous times and it had even put the tarot deck too. It gave it all to her. She posed to pay, but it waved her off. She gets it, it was pay back for the nice gesture. It likely knew something she doesn't, given it doubled all the things and more. The bag itself was strange too, a leather sewn bag with impossible space while being average weighted. Another pat at her shoulder as she was escorted to the door. The other shop bags into the leather mystery bag. Locked the door behind her. She waved them and leaves peaceful. She considered that maybe it know of her recent pains of loss. An abnormal fella in a clay mask that isn't a Trickster or human. She oddly felt better from that place, normally she shivered or something by now. Not this time.

She back to the main high street, time still frozen. She breaths in being ready, claps to return... but it didn't work. She looks around if that means it was due to someone else. She looks about a while.

"Lord's grace." She turned around with Alex all panic like, "I know I find you around here but like where have you gone?"

"I had to buy new crystals." She shurgs, "My favorite store isn't exactly for normal people." He looks so lost, that was more a problem that she use to this, "Well whatever." She knocked his arm, "You worry about me? You don't think I can't look after myself."

"How can you do that?" He rubs the pain of his arm.

"Normally I keep my tips a secret but..." She rummaged the mystery leather bag and took out a jar with runic pattern, "I don't want to know what it is but I lightly dust my hands every morning. Allows me to slap hands or punch people. Well ghost people like you." She puts it away.

"What shop sells ashes?"

"I can't explain this right. If anything I think we're on a silent agreement. I tend to buy the wax, prayer paper and ash. They buy the random stuff I find in frozen time or items from my dream." Alex shook at this.

"That doesn't sound human."

"Why would a human sell holy water that makes demons screech?" She posed a point. Alex huff at needing to change subjects. She tilts at his phone gesture and she checked it, "Ah... well while I was bra shopping. Those idiots smashed my screen." She took it out and Alex did a miracle. The screen started working, "Cool."

"Its temporary." He crossed his arms with wings that twitched, "The undertakers are trying to use you. I am glad to found you before them."

"Everyone wants me for something, Alex. You are no different. I don't know which side you are on." She looks at the messages from Gale. It was that the police just asked him about his prints were on the bank note they dust3d for prints, "I didn't smash the mirror. I wasn't even using that dressing room."

"Sorry what?" Alex shook woth being distracted.

"The bra shop." She puts the phone away, "Someone chewing your ears off. I know that feeling." She puts the bag on correctly and it changed to fit with her shape and outfit. She takes no notice of this change, she had bags like this before. Alex backed off all jittery of that voodoo. She snorts at him, "Anyways, other then doing a terrible impress of a demon. What was it you were also needing to bother me for?"

"A lot of things. I am going to haunt you until the day you die." She shurgs nonchalantly of such threats.

"Well dead people be dead people. Hang about like a ghost and harrass my ever boring living life with fun pranks." She crossed arms, "Can I return to time now?"

"Oh, yeah." He snaps finger and lost her again. She laughed at how she is back to facing food stores. She has the two carriers back in her hand but the new changed leather bag. She makes it to the market store, Alex having a melt down nearly again. She picked up a basket and walks in peaceful. She has a hand written shop list out and pen crossing off a bunch of the oddity items. She finds the tarot card again, holding it with her shop list and she trots the length of the store thrice over. A very full basket. At the checkout alone, she was able to organize and pack it all into the bags she has plus one. She has it all along one arm.

"I don't even want to ask." Alex was talking to a mask person. The mask hide in her approach to leave the store.

"If it's to beg for me to see my biological folks, maybe I might consider plucking a feather each time you ask." She darkly muttered quietly, "Now, if it's the book bothering you. I might consider options." She doesn't even look that direction with looking around, she can sense things around here. The unseen being disrupt. She makes it to sitting on a bench, and took out drink to sip.