
chapter 5

Chapter 5.


Maybe Jessy was right, Royal told himself with wry derision as he stood under the shower a short while later. Certainly he hadn't put himself out to find female company lately.

However, there'd been a girl at the party last night who'd made her interest in him perfectly clear until Jessy had started behaving badly, and their hostess had begged him to remove her.

She was an interior designer, tall, slim, blonde and attractive, and he had one of her cards somewhere probably in his wallet. 'In case you want advice about a room , she'd informed him smiling.' Give me a call. Royal watched as she walked away, his eyes on her ass .

He'd ring her presently, he decided as he towelled himself down. Apologise his abrupt departure, and ask if she'd like to have dinner . See where it might lead.

She was called clawden, he remembered, and it was an amazing and rare name he liked. An unusual name rather like Marta.

His mouth tightened in irritation . He hadn't planned to throw another thought in her direction. But then the image of Marta walking down the road with her case seemed etched on his mind.

All the more reason to call clawden,he told himself cynically. Because Marta was bad news, and he wasn't going to waste another thought on her or any of Hermes's leaving for that matter.


Melissa was a small woman, slender to the point of emaciation and draped in a black caftan ornamented with embroidered wild flowers. She had a rich magenta hair which she wore in tiny braids and charming green eyes.

Her voice was surprisingly deep and husky , probably, Marta thought.

'So you're Royal's waif. Marta was looked up and down, and assessed in one sweeping glance.

' The flat's down here, darling. She led Marta down a flight of outside steps to the basement. There's only one room, but it has its own separate kitchen, and I had the bathroom fitted two years age . The rest of the basement I use for storage .

She opened the room door, and motioned Marta to go in. The sofa turns into a bed , and I can lend you linen and stuff till you get fixed up. Will it do.

'It's amazing, Marta admitted. She bit her lip , ' But I must warn you I don't expect to be staying long.

'people don't . Melissa shrugged. They come and go, and that's fine with me. I'm just a stepping post on their journey. She paused. ' what about the rent , darling?, The green eyes flicked shrewdly over her again and she nodded.

It's sixteen pounds a week. Can you manage it? You're not working, are you?

' Not yet, Marta said quietly . But first thing on Monday morning I'm going to start job hunting.

'what sort of thing are you looking for? Acting or modelling?.

'Heavens , no . Marta felt emotionally battered by the events of the morning, but she managed a weak giggle. In my hometown I taught computer systems in offices and college, but I thought I'd look for a secretarial agency start by temping.

' oh . Melissa gave her a surprise look. You mean real work. Such novelty.

'When you've unpacked, come on up and we'll have some tea , get to know each other properly. I can brief you on local shops, house rules and things at the same time. Lulu and I will be in the kitchen. Just push the door open and call out.

' Thank you. Marta gave her a resolute smile. You're so kind.

'Ah ,well, darling, said Melissa. Royal sent you. And I'd do anything for Royal.

So would I, Marta thought bitterly,as she unfastened her suitcase. The room was large,the furniture was simple and comfortable,and it was spotlessly clean. And amazingly cheap , for London, too. she'd expected to be charged double the amount.

Melissa's kitchen was big and cosy. When she went in, Marta was greeted by the white dog, warbling at full throttle.

'Quite, lulu , you fool. You've got to tell a friend from a for . 'Grab a chair darling,but not the one with the embroidered cushion, that's lulu's.

Melissa poured the coffee into an attractive pottery mugs ,set cream and honey besides them, and a plate of home made strawberry cake which Marta fell on thankfully.

'So tell me about yourself, Melissa said. 'How long have you known my adorable Royal?

Marta put down her mug,het stomach churning in swift apprehension. 'Er not long.

Oh, come on, she chided herself. Tell her the truth, even if she dumps you back on the pavement. ' Actually,I met him for the first time about an hour ago. I... I was looking for someone else entirely.

'Serendipity , Melissa nodded , apparently unfazed. A happy accident.

'Not, Marta said tautly , how I'd have describe it.

'Oh, you clashed. Melissa gave a throaty chuckle. Amazing.

'I don't think he sees it that way , Marta said thinly.

'Well of course not. He's had to beat women off with sticks since he could walk. And now he's a media personality I expect he gets Targeted by all sorts.

'Media personality?' Marta stared at her , while connection in her brain jangled into place. 'Holy Lucifer, she said in a hollow voice. I've just realised he's Royal walker . He interviews celebrities on television. 'Little wonder his face seemed familiar.I knew I'd seen him somewhere. But not, she thought, next to naked on a doorstep.

Melissa smirked. I think I'm going to like you. She paused, frowning. Royal can be abrasive sometimes, because his work demands it, but his heart's in the right place or you wouldn't be here now. Why, he's even got one of hid in- law lodging with him, which I think is carrying charity too far.

Marta swallowed her last morsel of strawberry cake . 'one of his in-laws? She repeated.