
chapter 4

Chapter 4.


'your girlfriend just called me freak. Marta said starring at Royal. Marta felt oddly desolate. But small Wonder, she thought. After all ,she'd arrived expecting a romantic reunion with Hermes, leading to a passionate make our or consummation, and instead here she was, an intruder into someone else's Love life.

There was a strange silent in the room that she needed to break.

Marta cleared her throat. I guess you don't have any moral scruples about your own conduct?.

'correct. 'But I'm not married and never have been. That makes a difference. He paused 'Nor am I a home breaker.

The atmosphere tingled again , filled with silent ..

'id you'll give me this woman's address, I'll go. Marta said coldly and clearly.

Royal picked up a message pad and wrote on it. It's on the other side of the garden. You'll be able to pick up a yellow cab at the end of road if you can't walk that far with your suitcase.

'I hope you don't expect me to thank you. Marta accepted the slip of paper, then stalked into the hall and picked her suitcase.

'I gave up believing in miracles a long time age. Royal unfastened the front door and held it open for her. Have an amazing life Ms Wellman.

The door slammed , shutting hry out in the sunlit day.

'To hell with him and his opinion, Hermes will soon be back and our lives together will begin she muttered, hefting hey case down the steps.

Marta gave a Last look at the house. 'And there isn't a thing you or anyone can do about it, she added, just as if he was listening.

She walked away, without looking back, but found herself wondering, at same time,if he was standing at one of the windows watching her go.

Broodingly,Royal stood at that study window, watching Marta's slim figure walk away. He was already regretting the quixotic impulse to suggest Melissa as a temporary refuge for her.

I should have taken her to the train station,put her on the next train North . Saved a hell of trouble all round and many tears and heart break.

He saw her stop and put down her case , flexing her fingers before transferring it to her other hand and walking on.

Het straight back looked vulnerable, He knew that if he'd been dressed he'd have felt obliged to go after her , take her to Melissa and introduce her , even.

For a moment,he let his thoughts dewell on Hermes Attwood, and the things he would have to say to him on his return.

That be said, I have a problem of mg own to deal with. Royal said, heading to the room.

He went swiftly up the stairs to the first floor which led to his private suite . For his next task he needed to be fully dressed, with his thoughts firmly together. Royal stepped into the dressing room, grabbing don't underwear, a yellow robe . He was on his way to the bathroom when he realised that his bedroom door at that end of the passage was standing ajar and he could swore on his balls he'd left it closed.

Still holding his armful of clothes, he tiptoed along the passage, Mouth tightening,he recognized the orange towel from the guest bathroom on the Second floor.

'What could that witch be up to this time around, he swore under his breath. He pushed the door wide and stood in the doorway. Jessy was propped against the pillows of hid bed, the duvet draped across her hips.

'Hello Darling. Her flirty moves were pure invitation. What a decade you've been. Did you manage to get rid of the little Ms freak?.

Royal leaned against the doorpost. 'What are you doing, Jessy?.

'Waiting for you of course, you did told me to.

'No. 'I said I will see you later. Not the same thing at all. Royal said already pissed off.

'Don't play hard to get , boo. Jessy moved slowly, stretching her arms above her head. 'Doesn't this bring back some happy memories?.

'I won't deny that. 'But also remember that you're engaged to James Robert . Maybe you should, too.

'Bill can be boring some times, imagine he ditched me to to go on a family vacation, Jessy said with a hint of anger. 'That's why he didn't take me to the party last night.

'And this is pay back time for being boring? Royal signed. 'No' Jessy. That's not how it works. 'You have changed. Now go and get dressed, and I'll call a cab for you.

'Of course, Mr Robert might want to know why I ended up naked in your bed last night. He might believe you'd taken advantage.

'You actually ended up naked in the spare room, Royal snapped. I had to bring you here because you were drunk , and making a mess of yourself at the party. I'd have taken you home ,but the cab driver refused to go any further in case you threw up . I undressed you for the Same you. Don't forget that.

'what we have is over. We've both moved on , so let's leave it like that.

Jessy threw back the cover and walked towards Royal, dressed only in lingerie. 'I could make you change your mind, she said licking the tip of her upper lip.

Once, he said. But not any more. Once I have damned all though of decency, and reached for you. But my mind had stopped wanting you a long time before my body did. He said more gently. 'You could probably bring a stone statue to life Jessy . You're a beautiful and curvy woman. But you're not my woman.

' you Royal turning down a pussy? , Or perhaps you have lost it, Jessy said as she went past him . 'And I'll get my own cab, she threw back over her shoulder