
It's The Little Things

There was no better way to spend a weekend than touring the city of Washington DC with his family. Sure, Brian's weekends were never dull, typically consisting of either escaping up to his cabin to do some fishing or going to the bar, picking up a girl and spending it with her. But in comparison those activities where not nearly as fun as spending time with his family.

On Saturday morning, Brian dressed in a pair of jeans and a gray t-shirt. He felt strange heading out of his apartment without a tie around his neck or a collared long-sleeve shirt, which was usually as casual as he went. Heading down to his car, he got in and drove across town.

His brother had shared with him that he and Eden had not taken his suggestion the night before and had not taken the kids to the zoo. So, that was the plan for today. The day in the sun, at the zoo, with the kids, was the kind of rest and relaxation Brian needed.

"So, this case of yours. Are you going to tell me anything about it, or just keep me guessing?" Ian asked as they stood watching Esme feet oats to a goat.

The girl giggled wildly as the animal ate from her hand.

Brian glanced at his brother with a small shrug. "A judge was killed. He was a high-profile judge and worked with the government a lot. He saw plenty of drug cartels and crime rings throughout his career. Then yesterday an attorney that prosecuted the majority of the judge's cases was found dead."

Ian raised a brow looking at him. "Really? Interesting. Did you know them?"

Brian nodded slowly. "I worked a couple of the cases the attorney prosecuted, and I have been in the judge's courtroom more times than I care to count. It's just a time-sensitive case. Bennett wants it solved quickly, as he should. It looks like it may be a case of someone killing for revenge, so no one knows how far they will take things. Sometimes this sort of thing turns into sprees."

"Well, be careful," Ian said, glancing at him as he poured a bit more oats into his daughter's hand.

"I always am careful," Brian said with a small reassuring smile. "I have never been shot."

"Yes, by some miracle," Ian said. His expression holding a small genuinely thankful smile. "Come on Esme, the goat probably wants to sleep now that it is so full."

"Aw, okay." The girl said as her father picked her up.

"Come on, Esme, let's go get something from the gift shop," Brian suggested.

"Brian, she has plenty of toys," Ian said in disapproval.

"But Daddy! I want a gorilla stuffy! I don't have one of those!" Esme said looking at her father with her usual pleading eyes. The ones that could get Brian to literally buy her the moon.

"No gorilla stuffy?" Brian asked with a small tisk of disapproval. "Well, let us fix that. Where did Eden and the boys go?" Turning a little he slowly walked backwards gazing around for his sister-in-law and nephews.

As he gazed around the petting zoo searching for them, he caught the gaze of a woman standing on the far side, just on the edge of the trees. Hidden a little beneath the shadows. Brian was long used to the occasional glances from women, more than used to women checking him out. It was one of the things he loved most. But something was wrong here. Something triggered the button in Brian's body that caused his gut to twist uncomfortably in his stomach. Brian stopped walking narrowing his eyes a little as he gazed at her. She was shorter, and looked like she had darker hair, but that was all he could pick up from this distance.

"Eden," he called over to his sister-in-law when he spotted them.

"Something wrong?" Ian asked, glancing at his brother. He must have picked up on the change.

"I am not sure," Brian murmured as he continued to watch the woman, his face forming a frown. From this distance, he could not tell if he knew her from somewhere.

He felt better when Eden and the boys walked over to join them. He glanced towards them a moment with a smile before his gaze turned back to find that the woman was now gone.

"Where did she go?" Brian asked out loud, scanning the treeline across from them carefully.

"Who? Brian, what is going on?" Ian asked, looking at his brother with a small, worried frown.

Brian scanned the trees a moment longer before shaking his head slowly. "Nothing just got a strange feeling. Come on let's go get these kids a new toy."

Pulling out his phone he dialled Matthew's number. Along with being his own personal driver, the man served as his own private security detail. Though Brian didn't often use that aspect of his services. But with his family in toe, there was no chance he was taking a risk. Holding the phone up to his ear.

"Detective Harper, sir?"

"Matthew, I am at the zoo, and I need you to meet me outside the tiger exhibit in less than 15 minutes. Wear something casual that won't draw attention. I have a strange feeling that someone was just watching me."

"Yes, sir, be there in 10 minutes, sir."

"Good," Brian said ending the call.

"You are calling security?" Ian asked, his frown deepening.

"Brian? Ian? What is going on?" Eden asked looking at them.

"Nothing don't start bombarding me with questions, it will only stress the kids out. Look I am probably overreacting, but you know I am cautious by nature. Just trust me okay?"

Ian and Eden shared a look before they both nodded, stepping into the store.

When they finished up at the store, they headed to the tiger exhibit. Where Matthew nodded to Brian, falling in step behind them. Brian had gotten used to paying attention to his surroundings, keeping an eye out for anything that seemed off to him, and using Matthew's services when he was working high-profile cases. But this was just a typical revenge plot, sure a judge and attorney were murdered but that did not make it any riskier than his other cases.

He was probably just overreacting because his brother was in town with his children. The woman was probably just someone checking him out. Some women he had slept with at some point, maybe.

Everything was quiet and ordinary as they continued to each of the enclosures. Brian treated the kids to a churro and a large ice cream cone before he headed back with the family to the minivan rental. He paused a moment to let some distance drift between them, glancing at Matthew.

"Follow them to their hotel, then to the restaurant," Brian ordered.

"Yes, sir," Matthew said.

Supper at The Cheesecake Factory was very relaxing and enjoyable with his family. After a pair of scotches and knowing Matthew was sitting outside in the parking lot keeping a watchful eye on everything, Brian's gut managed to unknot.

His family was safe and sound, the woman was probably nothing.

. . . .

Sunday was filled with a more sophisticated tour of the city. Brian dressed in a formal black suit, headed down to the main lobby, out the doors and over to the long limo that Matthew stood beside.

"Detective Harper," he greeted opening the door for him.

Brian nodded. He slid in leaning back in the seat. The drive to Ian's hotel was not long, Matthew parked outside the door, and waited until the family stepped out before he pulled open the door for them. Greeting each of them formally as they climbed into the back.

"Another limo?" Esme squealed as she climbed in, settling into one of the seats.

Brian laughed softly looking at Esme "a tour of the White House and Capitol Hill would not be complete without a sophisticated form of transportation. Now, who wants some children-friendly champagne?"

"Oh yes!" Esme said giggling in excitement.

Brian smiled unscrewing the cap on the bottle, he filled three champagne glasses passing one to each of the children. "You three look very classy today," he said.

Reggie and Maxim were dressed in matching dark gray suits, Reggie wore a tie while Maxim wore a bowtie. Esme was dressed in a simple pink little girl dress, which was dotted with flowers.

Brian glanced at Eden and Ian who were smiling.

"Only you could think of something like this for three children under ten," Ian said with a small laugh.

"Reggie is eleven," Brian said grabbing a bottle of true champagne he twisted off the cork so not a drop spilt. Pouring some for Ian and Eden, then a bit for himself.

The tour of the White House and Capitol Hill was very good. The family was treated to a private, more inclusive tour thanks to Brian's friend. The tour gave them the full experience and the children were very excited when they got to sit at the president's desk to get a picture. Although Ian had been right Esme and even Maxim were a little young to truly understand the experience. Though Esme desperately enjoyed being treated like a princess all day.

Back at Ian and Eden's hotel, Brian lounged in the living area his feet up on the coffee table.

"Thank you for today," Eden said as she sat down after having retrieved some drinks. "I can't believe how much fun they all had."

Brian smiled nodding "I think we know by now I know how to entertain those children."

"I wouldn't brag about that too much, I think that is mostly because you are a child yourself," Ian said.

Brian smiled with a soft laugh. "Hey so question. Would you feel alright if Matthew tailed along with you guys tomorrow at Six Flags? It would make me feel better."

Ian and Eden shared a look.

"Is this about what happened at the zoo again?" Ian asked. "Are you going to let us know what that was about?"

"No, because I don't know what it was about. I barely even have a suspicion. It was probably nothing. But I'd prefer to be safer than sorry. Please, you won't even know Matthew is there, and it will make me able to focus more on work."

Ian slowly nodded "if you think that is best."

After a moment of silence, Eden said "so no girl is buying your time at the moment?"

Brian laughed softly shaking his head. "No, not at the moment. I have decided that I am done with sleeping around. I crave something real now, I haven't had a serious relationship since college."

Ian nodded slowly, draping his arm over his wife's shoulders. "Yes, who could forget Kathy? She was amazing, didn't put up with your crap."

Brian shook his head a little with a laugh. "Anyways. I am in the middle of trying to buy a puppy."

"A puppy?" Eden asked. "Why?"

"Because it gives me something else besides myself to look after. Plus, it gives me a good excuse to not spend my nights only at the bar."

"Well, I look forward to meeting this girl that manages to tie you down," Ian said looking at Brian.

"Me too," Brian said with a soft laugh.

. . . .

When Brian arrived back at work on Monday, he was well-rested. He was rather disappointed that he would be missing the day at Six Flags with his brother and his kids, but he had already planned to spend the night at his hotel to make up for it.

"Brian, our team finished the forensic report, as promised," Zayn said, passing him the file the moment he got off the elevator.

"I have called a meeting in 10 minutes, so the team can go over it," Chris said from the doorway to his office.

Brian stopped in his tracks, barely a step out of the elevator. Grabbing the file. He felt less than prepared for so much so early. He wasn't used to being at the office before 8. Forcing down a yawn he crossed to his office.

"Elise," he called over his shoulder.

"I will bring your coffee to the meeting, sir. Did you want the coffee and espresso?" Elise asked.

"Just the coffee, save the espresso for the usual time," Brian ordered.

"Sure thing, sir," Elise said heading off to make him the requested coffee.

"Thank you."

Hanging up his jacket, he placed his computer on his desk. Flipping the file open he gave it a scan, then headed to the conference room. Very relieved to see his coffee sitting nice and hot at his seat. He took a long drink.

"Alright, let's solve this case quickly. I am not a fan of waking up this early," Brian said as he walked around to the front of the table.

There was a murmur of agreement from the team.

Brian placed the file down leaning over it as he nursed his coffee and read. "Well, it is the same cause of death. If that doesn't confirm a pattern I don't know what will. Have you gotten any hits of medical backgrounds on our suspect list, Freja?"

"Not yet, though I've only made it through a few dozen of the deep background checks. I will aim to get through the rest before the end of today."

"Keep me informed," Brian ordered.

Freja nodded.

"Did anything useful turn up from either of the crime scenes? Anything that we can go off?" Chris asked from his seat, glancing at Zayn.

"No, sir. Both scenes were void of evidence."

"Freja, divide up the video feeds from Boyd's apartment and Evans' office. Give them to Blake, Victor, and Frank to look over. Chris, you can prove yourself useful by watching a few too. Look a few hours before the times of death, see if a vehicle appears at both locations."

The Officers all nodded in agreement, though Chris looked a little skeptical at the thought of following Brian's order.

The team spent the rest of the morning at a standstill. There were no leads, and the team would need at least the rest of the day before the lists were complete and videos were watched.

Brian sighed heavily as he flipped through the file and examined the photos. Nothing was lining up quite the way he had hoped it would. He stared at the file all morning and didn't get any further into the story as he had in the meeting. Perhaps he would get more answers after he took a break for lunch.

Grabbing his coat, he stepped out of his office, slipping it on as he walked. Turning his gaze up to watch Elise return to her desk from the breakroom. She looked rather flustered.

"Is something wrong, Elise?" Brian asked.

She jumped a little, glancing up at him. "Oh, n-no, sir. I just realized that I forgot my lunch today."

Brian looked at her with a small smile. His mind jumped to what his brother had said Friday night. He didn't have feelings for the woman. He didn't. He had never slept with any one of his employees. It was a line he was not willing to cross. It was why he had hired Katie; she was a beautiful woman but not, particularly his type.

"Ah, I think that has happened to the best of us at one point or the other. Why don't you accompany me out for lunch? My treat."

Elise looked at him in surprise, holding his gaze for a moment like she was speechless for the moment. "Oh, sir, I couldn't. I wouldn't want to impose."

"Please, Elise you wouldn't be. Blake and Freja have decided to work through lunch, and I always find it more enjoyable with someone to talk to. Besides I'd rather you not go hungry. I insist." A welcoming smile spread across his face. He forced himself not to split his face into the dazzling smile that made women do whatever he wanted.

Elise hesitated a moment before she slowly nodded. "Well, if it's an order I suppose I would be smart to follow it."

Brian smiled brightly with a small nod. "Yes, you would. We both know how I get when my orders are not followed."

"Scary," she said with a small laugh.

Brian felt his face form a small frown "you find me scary?" he asked.

Elise looked at him with a small shake of her head. "No, sir. That was a joke. I'm sorry."

Brian hesitated a moment before slowly nodding.

"I'll join you for lunch, sir," Elise said after a moment of silence.

Brian nodded walking over to the elevator, he pressed the button. "How does Italian sound?" he asked as they stepped in.

Elise looked up at him, with a smile and nod. Her gaze held his as her cheeks reddened a little. "My favourite."

"Mine too," Brian murmured softly, his own warm smile crossing his lips.

Getting out of the elevator he headed over to his car, pulling open the passenger door for her.