
Catastrophe Queen

Tell me how do you differentiate between Heroes and Villains,Is it based on appearance or is it something else? Read to find out.

NatchViper100 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


Zeke lay on one of the hospital beds in one of wards, his hands and feet along with his abdomen and forehead were bandaged, Cleo sat by his bed as he slept peeling the skin off some apples she had brought in a grocery bag. Some seconds later he opened his eyes, he closed it shut due the sudden ray of light that shone in the room through the opened window, he opened them again but it was blurry but he still looked around and noticed a blurry figure and asked,

"Who are you? and where am I?"

"Cleo and you're at the hospital, you were found injured and unconscious" She answered still peeling the apple,

"I see" He said as he sat up on the bed,

"You shouldn't stand up yet, you're wounds aren't completely healed". Cleo adviced as she layed him down,

"So did you hear anything else?" He asked her as he glanced at the window,

"No Nothing"

"I Lost you know" Zeke told her expecting she would ask about it,

"I know, I'm not dumb you know, It's written all over you" Cleo said as she looked at him and noticed that he grinding his teeth in anger, she sighed,

"Back then when my mom was alive, sometimes I would come back crying with a bad report, do you know what she would always tell me, she would say "Failing is a stepping stone to Success, so chin up Princess, you haven't lost yet. All you have to do is learn from your mistakes, 'kay". It always calmed me down and I hope it does the same for you" she advised him as she helped him sit up and gave him a plate of sliced apples,

"Thanks. You always know a way of calming me down" Zeke told her collecting the plate from her smiling,

"Isn't that my job, now eat up and get better, Auntie would be here soon " Cleo said as she got up to leave,

"How about my dad? Will he come?" Zeke asked her as he ate a slice,

"You know how he is, he's an egotistical person, only with the results he desires would he ever care about anyone" Cleo told him getting angry,

"Thanks a lot" Zeke thanked her as she left the room.

Cleo was walking down the hallway of the hospital when her phon rang, on the caller Id the name Yami was seen, she picked it up when she had entered the restroom with nobody around,

"How many times have I told you to not call me at this kind of time" She whisper shouted at him,

"Sorry but this was urgent" Yami apologized on the other line,

"How urgent?" She asked,

"BLOOD MOON urgent". He said seriously

"So they've started to move"

"Yes and we've located their next destination" He told her,


"Princess Jasmine's birthday party"

"I see. Those bastards are getting cockier by the day" She said as she began to emit blood lust,

"So what now?"

"Decide among yourself who's coming with me and meet me at the exact day of the birthday" She said as she cut the call.

Yami also put down his phone when he noticed that everyone was listening in,

"So you all heard it all right? How are we going to do this?" Yami asked as he turned to meet them, All of them came out from where they were hiding,

"How about Rock Paper Scissors" Natch and Litch said at the same time,

"That's the best choice" Hades said,

"At least it's short and no one can cheat" Merlin said,

"I agree" Yagami said, she had Purple colored hair and eyes which looked sharp and serious like those of an assassin, she had a bob cut with on end longer than the other, she wore a black and green tight outfit which made it easier for her to move and also a mask. Her ability was NEEDLES.

"I agree" Orochi said,

"Same" Happy said,

"So we all agree on that?" Yami asked for further assurance, which they all nodded to,

"Right, Rock Paper Scissors" Yami said and they all put their hands, Happy, Orochi, Litch, Natch, Merlin lost while Yagami and Yami remained. They played again, Yami played paper while Yagami played scissors, that means that Yagami won, when Yagami saw that she smirked saying as she left the room,

"Let me prepare to accompany Master" While everyone else grumbled at the fact that they couldn't go while cursing Yagami.