
Catastrophe Queen

Tell me how do you differentiate between Heroes and Villains,Is it based on appearance or is it something else? Read to find out.

NatchViper100 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


A hallway was seen, in it were people running across into rooms and out, these people were doctors and nurses, some as they were running were asking,

"Where's the IV drip?"

another asked, "Are there any free wards?"

and another asked, "When's Lady Reina arriving?", The hospital was in complete chaos over the fact that heroes were in serious conditions. Then all of a sudden a nurse rushed in and announced,

"Everyone calm down, she's here!!" , Everyone following that announcement were calm waiting for the person whose arrival was announced, at the same time someone walked in and every doctor and nurse at the scene shouted in joy,


Her name was REINA TSUKISHIMA, Her ability was HEAL( I.E with a single strand of hair she can heal any kind of injury).

"Silence, did you forget that we're at the hospital?" The lady cautioned, she had a butterscotch colored hair and eyes, her hair was tied up in a bun with a big pink ribbon, she had the figure, height and face of a child but do not be fooled she was turning 32 years that year, she wore a cute cream colored flay dress with a doctor's coat and cream colored flats.

"We're sorry" they apologized,

"Right, give me the names of those in critical conditions" She ordered one of the doctors,

"Here they are" the doctor said giving her a list, she then glanced through it and said,

"Arrange it for me in a scale of preference"

"Yes ma'am, in that order the one closest to death is Hunter that is ARTEMIS HELAWARE, she has three broken ribs, one which punctured her left lung, her wind pipe has been cut, she also has a concussion from a heavy crack on her skull" The doctor said,

"Where is she?"

" She's in Operation room 32"

"Tell me the rest as we go" She told him as they began to run towards the location of Operation room 32,

"The next is Heatstroke that is EZEKIEL MEGUMIN, he had excessive burns all over his body, and because of that some of his muscles were burnt which were his Achilles tendon, his triceps etc"

"Did you figure out why?"

"According to the tests we ran he had a class upgrade"

"I see. Next" she said as they reached Operation room 32,

"The next is Electro that is CLOVER ASSEN,

he has a very strong and a fast acting poison in his system which is slowly making him paralyzed"

"Poison?" She asked as she put on her surgical gloves,

"Yes ma'am"

" How unfortunate, it surely looks like they encountered DARK FALL" she sympathized as she entered the Operation room 32, once she entered some doctors had already begun operating on her, she moved one of the doctors aside and wore her mask, she plucked a strand of her hair and it turned into a jelly and she put the jelly in Hunter's mouth and immediately her wounds began to heal at an incredible speed, once it had healed she left the room and asked the doctor that was with her,

"Where's the next patient?"

"In Operation room 27" he answered and they immediately left towards the next destination, when she reached Heatstroke, she did the same thing to him and he was healed, she did the same to rest of the patients until there were none left.

Once she was done she opened the door to an office and entered and then slammed it shut, she then collapsed on the couch in her office, not a while had passed when a knock was heard, she groaned tiredly and said,

"I'm not coming so piss off", the office door was opened regardless of what she said, a lady entered, she had an Ebony black colored hair, which was short and sleek and eyes, she wore glasses , she wore a black suit and short heels, she held a file in her hand,

"Oh, it's you Summer" Reina said,

The lady's name was SUMMER SHADE, she was the Personal assistant of REINA,

"Sorry to disturb you but I have the files you asked for" she said handing her the file, Reina stood up and and collected the file, opened it and glanced through it and then suddenly her face had a serious expression,

"Is it that bad?" Summer asked,

"Yes, it is, what I don't understand is why now"

"I don't understand"

"DARK FALL I mean, they've been silent for 3 years I had thought that they vanished"

"That's what everyone thought as well but now they've suddenly shown up that means"

"They're back and stronger than ever.. Summer, call DAZAI, we need to have a meeting to discuss this and cancel all my flight trips" She ordered,

"Yes ma'am" Summer answered and left the office,

"What are you really up to Nemesis?"