
Catalog Waifu Mission Hell Difficulty

My first Waifu Catalog. This story will have smut but it's going to be a survival story in the beginning before the MC gains enough company credits. We are starting in Game Of Thrones and I'm debating dark souls or dead space next. Zack is going to be all about completing missions with his own plot. Everything he gets has to be earned or paid for at some point. Hope you guys enjoy it.

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8 Chs


Clicking on Tsunade was a mistake. His finger slipped as he was admiring her breasts, and then she appeared. She looked him up and down before flicking him on the forehead. Zack's neck snapped back, and he blasted backward ass over the tea kettle. He landed in a pile of ash, and the woman dressed in her customary green robe put her hands on her hips and looked down at him.

"So you're the guy those slavers put me with. It looks like your little Genjutsu has worn off."

"I have the no loyalty intensity so no mind control," Zack said.

Tsunade cocked her head to the side and looked Zack up and down. "You seem to be having a hard time. I'm not doing anything now, so how about you tell me exactly what's going on and why you need my help enough to risk me kicking your ass." The 5th Hokage said with a smile on her face.

"Ice zombie apocalypse, my mission is to stop it, and we're currently in one of their body caches," Zack said.

She tapped her chin. "Well, that sounds like a good use of my time. What numbers are we talking about?" Zack twitched, and he felt her killing intent wash over him. Cold sweat and thoughts of burning himself alive entered his mind like waking nightmares. "Don't even think about grabbing your phone and selling me. I know how you guys work. The only reason you aren't dead is because you don't seem to be a total piece of shit." She gripped her breasts, lifted them, and let them bounce. "Your mind isn't on the ball, and no world deserves someone like you protecting it."

"Way to let me know how you feel." Zack shook his head. "I just got healed from a horrible infection and extreme frostbite. I would appreciate your better bedside manners. We are going to be working together. I would rather have you as an ally than an enemy." Zack said.

"What have you done so far to prove yourself worthy of being a partner to me?" Tsunade asked.

"I burned a few hundred bodies and two of the Wight Walkers their Jonin if you want to use terms from your world," Zack said.

"That isn't a terrible start, but you have nothing to work with. We're in a cave, and it's sweltering in here. Because of the smoke, I have to use chakra to clean my lungs with every breath. I never thought sensei's little jutsu would be useful, but here we are."

Zack looked up to the smog filling the room and shrugged his shoulders. "It doesn't bother me. I'm used to it now." He stood up and tumbled off his feet into another pile of ash. "Great, I need another bath."

"Oh, you have a bath. Are we talking hot springs, and what does the outside look like? I notice the entrance is piled with rocks. How have you not killed yourself?" Tsunade asked.

"We are in a place called the lands of always winter. There is a blizzard outside that can freeze your lungs in moments. It's also magic, I think."

"So you don't have perfect information about the situation," Tsunade said.

"This is the real army of the dead, not the fake one that some kid with a knife can take out. I wish I had that disgrace of a foe. They only considered raising the people they fought then, and they had maybe a few hundred thousand. Our locals decided they were too good for that and spent the last few thousand years building caches filled with bodies from the other locals for a rainy day." Zack pointed to the doorframe leading to the other room. "There are seven more doors there. Don't touch the handles. Your hand will instantly freeze. Trust me." Zack said.

"You were talking about a bath. I could use one before we get down to business." Lazy was Zack's impression of her. She stood firm and powerful with chakra and super strength. How long would that attitude last outside?

Zack immolated himself, burning his clothes off but cleaning himself thoroughly. "Do you want the next one?"

"Is that a bloodline? No, this is a different world. You don't have chakra. Okay, the multiverse means everything, and anything is possible. I'm okay, so what do you need me for?" Tsunade asked.

It was evident that while the bindings didn't mean loyalty, they did mean cooperation. She jumped from lazing about to helping him quickly. That was good. He needed an experienced war leader.

"To the south, we most likely have the Night's watch, a penal force numbering less than a thousand garrisoning an 800ft wall of ice. Further, we have a vast area called the North, where a scattered collection of Northerners live. They somewhat believe in the ice zombie apocalypse but haven't checked on things in thousands of years. Further, we have the South five kingdoms of backstabbing nobles fighting over scraps of power as the world ends."

"Have you ever taken a life before?" Zack shook his head. "Yeah, you aren't a killer. I can tell that by how you're reporting to me. You summoned me to do what exactly?" Tsunade asked.

Zack had considered offering a tune-up but declined. He wasn't in the mood to help her out too much. He needed to focus on what was important to him. What did he need her for?

"You are a leader of a village of shape-shifting assassin mages that call themselves ninja. I have 25 pints left. I was thinking of purchasing two demon assassins to start with. With their help and your coordination, the plan is to capture and sell Wight Walker stamps and then use those points to flesh out our organization. Rinse and repeat until the battle is won." Zack said.

Tsunade pinched the bridge of her nose. "You planned to shove your responsibility onto me."

"No, I planned to learn how to lead from you, but I think that was a bad call," Zack said.

"We can't go out in that storm. Is there anyone who could clear it?" Tsunade asked.

"With 25 credits, not a chance."

She sighed and turned her back on him. "Don't even think about selling me back to that company. I'm going to look at the bodies in the other room. With any luck, I'll figure out how this technique works and find a counter." Tsunade said.

He let her go because he had more important things to do, like grow his power. How long before the other Wight Walkers laid siege to the cache and they had to fight on two sides? Would the Wight Walkers even show up, or would they send only enough Wights to wear them out before killing them with spears?

Zack fiddled with a flame hovering over his hand. At first, he had to make a spark by rubbing strands of soul mass together. After burning himself, he could make his soul mimic flames. He could also concentrate them to appear almost like solid matter. Fire, even pressure-mimicking fire, didn't like to sit still, so it was a work in progress.

Mass: 12,500,000,000

The sheer girth of his Mass was incredible to the point of being unusable. Zack couldn't do much more than push all the mass into feeding his flamed or attempt at wind. He could make an updraft, but it wasn't natural, only a fire property. Zack was sure he needed at least some cold experience before he could start throwing around hurricanes.

With that, he rose to Density 9 and froze.

There was a wall keeping him from ascending beyond. It wasn't a thick or tall wall, but it was a wall. From his Soul Talent, he sensed that going further would cost him 1000 Mass. It was a price he was more than willing to pay.

Zack felt a change in his soul; it was denser and more accessible to control. Another flame appeared in his hand, stronger than before.

Soul lvl10 

Mass: 125,000

Density: 10

Pressure: 9.3

Max Output: 1,164,153

Soon, building mass would become much harder. Zack wasn't sure he would hit the 20s without burning a few armies. It was past time he worked more on his control. Zack picked up a rock and held it in his hand. The Soul Talent guided him to a practice with the best results. It was like having an intuition, but it was for his system. He held the rock and used only one mass. Zack wrapped the ring around itself and pressed it against the rock. It heated, but nothing else happened, and using more power wasn't the point. This was supposed to teach him something, but he couldn't figure out what.

Hours flew by while he focused and heard Tsunade curse in the distance. Sweat beaded down his face as he focused on his self-imposed challenge. It was something he couldn't understand.

Zack let his mind wander, searching for an idea that could help him move forward. Somehow his mind gravitated toward Tsunade's tits, big fat and in their prime. That's what happened when a waifu was purchased instead of caught in the wild.

If he couldn't beat a rock, then what good would he have been? Those thoughts plagued him as he devoted more time to his practice.

He changed the shape to triangles, spears, and many other shapes, but the geometry wasn't the problem. Zack supposed it was in his execution.

Talent didn't mean he was a genius. It meant he had an instinct that pointed him in the right direction. Zack returned his flame to a halo form and made it spin. The rock in his hand was smaller than his fist, and the ring could crown his finger. He pulled the spinning ring and immediately lost control of it.

Zack concentrated and formed a new ring. It was much harder than just creating a flame and feeding it in a direction or pushing it all around him. The application was so important. It was the difference between a power being a sledgehammer and a scalpel. At the moment, it was a raging inferno with some valuable applications but well below where it should be.

The small blue crown hovering above his finger turned slowly. Sweat covered his face as the rotating ring also spun in another direction. To his eyes, the ring appeared as a tiny ball of flame instead of a fast-spinning halo. He let it rotate around his finger. It didn't rotate more than a few inches in circumference. These were baby steps. He couldn't shoot it at a rock or a wight with his current experience. That would take much more time.

A day passed, and he increased his little fireball to spinning around his body. Then he added a second ball of flame and was back to square one. He had to relearn how to make them spin, much less rotate around his finger. It took hours, and he was starving.

Tsunade could use an interruption anyway.

Zack saw Tsunade staring at a corpse with glowing green hands.

"This is remarkable. I've never seen anything like it." Tsunade said when he walked in.

"You aren't going crazy, are you." She clicked her tongue at him. He smirked and went to cut some meat off one of the moose. "You're going to eat that."

"Is there anything else to eat?" Zack asked.

"If you still have the 25 credits, you should buy Fairie Feast. It's 10 Credits, and we can eat summoned food," Tsunade said.

Zack stared at the corpse he had been cutting from. The room was relatively warm, but the corpse hadn't rotted after days.

"How bad is our situation?"

"The corpses are radioactive. I have no idea what eating them will do, but it's nothing good." Zack scrolled through available talents and purchased Fairie Feast. He raised his hand, and a perfectly made cheeseburger appeared. Then, for good measure, he purchased talent sharing, throwing Tsunade Soul Talent because why not?

With five credits left to his name, he was feeling a little on the vulnerable side.

"All right, I'm going to burn the rest of the bodies, and then we need to figure out a plan," Zack said.

He already had one—it was simple and dumb: Purchase a compass and head south. The blizzard had to end if the world wasn't already consumed by the Wight Walkers. Zack burned a door handle off while he rotated a tiny ball of fire around his palm. It was something he needed to get used to doing. If he practiced all the time, he would have to get good eventually, wasn't that how that worked?

His body constantly produced pressure, so keeping the halo rotating wasn't any trouble. Inside the building, he didn't waste any time. On the other hand, he slowly builds a large ring of hundreds of soul mass. It was the edge of what he could handle slightly easier thanks to the size. When it moved, the force of the technique built momentum. The ring-spun, turning the spinning ring into a basketball-sized fireball. It only took 30 minutes to make. That was entirely useful in a battle unless he had his force to guard him while he prepared it.

The survivor pushed the door open.

Zack ejected the ball from his body, and when his 20ft range ended, the ball of fire turned into a vortex of flames in the revealed to be massive room.

It was the product of his training and power of Soul Talent.

The wights inside actually rose from their prone positions, even if it did them no good. The room was much larger than before, packed with bodies from wall to wall and ceiling to floor. He guessed there were about 10,000 wights inside. The flames turned their bones to charcoal and their flesh to ash.

Control was the deciding factor when dealing with so much soul mass. He imagined it took Wight Walker years to amass so many wights and prepare them for storage. Those spells used to keep them battle-ready broke down under his flames and fed him.

Mass: 999,994

He was getting the hang of his power; it would have been impossible without Soul Talent. That was the real deciding factor in his training. It gave him intuition and instincts that carved a path for him.

Zack repeated his actions with each door.

Mass: 15,000,000 

He compressed four times.


Soul lvl14 

Mass: 1,500 

Density: 14 

Pressure: 22.73

Max Output: 34,106

While it appeared he had weakened, Zack had grown much more powerful. Every bit of his mass counted for so much more, and those numbers would continue to grow by leaps and bounds.

It was frustrating not knowing when the attack was coming. Zack expected it to arrive soon, so he destroyed 70,000 wights. However, Zack hadn't found any more rooms.

That didn't mean there were no more caches. Seventy thousand wights would rip any army on the continent apart. Were there more levels to this place? Zack was scared to find out. Yeah, he cleared them when they were asleep and vulnerable. What if they were awake and charging at him?

Tsunade was busy and didn't like his odds against such a large army. He closed the last door, watching his mass slowly count up.

Mass: 1,508 

Wights weren't enough unless he destroyed them in the tens of thousands.

It was sad to say, but his leveling had reached a soft cap. Then again, this was the enemy's home, and what he saw in the show and read in the books might only be the tip of the iceberg. There had to be a reason the dragons were scared to fly here. What if there were ice dragons?

Playing devil's advocate, he could also ask how the wall could stop that. Zack had nothing. There were too many mysteries, and he was alone with a cranky older woman in a cave.

Zack entered the room to see Tsunade bent over bare ass naked.

"If you keep staring, I'm going snatch your eyes out of your head." Tsunade's voice was playful with just a hint of seriousness. "Are you done performing funeral rights? If so, could you heat my bath? You wouldn't believe how hard it was to gather enough ice."

"You're naked," Zack said.

"Are you a cute virgin? I've decided that you aren't to blame for my problems and have decided to treat you as a probationary teammate. Don't perve on me; I won't have to break your ribs." Tsunade said.

She was still turned around, showing her rear to him, and his dick hardened like a pole at the sight. There wasn't anything he could do about it. Then what she said clicked, and he saw massive ice and snow piled high.

Zack pulled his loincloth off, not that it was doing much, and raised his finger. A tiny fireball floated out, and the air shimmered as the snow melted into the water before boiling. Tsunade raised her hand and scanned the water.

"You are destroying the foreign agent in the snow." Tsunade turned her and eyed him up and down. "Good muscle definition; I need some stress relief after what I've seen." The small pool created by Tsunade's efforts bubbled as she tossed some scavenged soap into it. Zack eased his fireball's temperature and held the water at a comfortable simmer. "You're lucky chakra makes a kunoichi's body tougher than normal," Tsunade said.

Zack looked at her and had trouble pulling his gaze away from her massive pink nipples. "I'm having trouble," Zack admitted.

"I'm going to cut you all the slack I can because I want us to work well together. I know how the company works. The asshole who bound and sold me thought he was being a nice guy by telling me what I was getting into. Let's say if I ever see him again, I'm going to kick his dragon balls into his throat." My eyes met her green gems. "You can't die. I'm going to give myself to you in exchange. You aren't allowed to die, not to those freaks freezing the world or anything else."

She sank into the water up to her shoulders and sighed. "I could use a drink." Zack stepped into the water and felt stiff. "Don't hold back. We aren't on high alert, so do whatever you want to me. I don't care," Tsunade said.

Zack sucked in a breath and let it out like a lusty beast. He approached her and grabbed a big handful of her breasts. They were real, soft, and his. This woman was his, and he could do anything with her. So he did the most natural thing in the world. He popped her big pink nipple into his mouth and sucked her majestic mammaries. His hand trailed down to her flat stomach and the small trimmed patch of blonde hair he had seen before and then sank into her tight pink love tunnel.

The water made her dry on the outside but so wet on the inside. She tightened until it hurt, but he loved it. He struggled to get between her legs until she spread them and wrapped them around his waist. She smirked and placed a hand on the head of his cock. "For too long, I denied myself." Zack pressed against her entrance, and her wet passage accepted him. In a single thrust, he was balls deep.

"This is normally when a kunoichi snaps their target's neck. You're lucky I'm willing to work with you." Tsunade said.

He thrust into her and grabbed her big ass. She groaned as he moved to her other breast and sucked hard on her nipple. Her pussy tightened as he stood up and thrust into her. She moaned as he pushed every inch into her. She felt her soft lips press against his groin and the head of his prick tickle her cervix. Zack was fucking Tsunade Senju.

Zack came deep and thick into her pussy. She pulled him deep inside of her. He collapsed in the bath, letting the water splash them as her pussy squeezed and pulled, milking him like nothing he had felt before. Waifu pussy was the best.

He needed more.