
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 61 - Zhou Ke'er Can't Stand It

 The next day, Zhang Yi heard gunshots coming from inside the building.

 "Bang!" "Bang!"

 The two gunshots were rather like two large firecrackers being set off.

 This was undoubtedly Chen Zhenghao's move.

 Obviously Zhang Yi's words yesterday had had an effect.

 In an endangered situation, people's fear of death slowly began to fade away.

 Zhang Yi's promise of a week of all-you-can-eat noodles had an irresistible allure for them.

 Zhang Yi opened the surveillance and saw the scene where the conflict broke out.

 Two men fell to the ground with wrenches and kitchen knives in their hands, and blood stained the hallway.

 However, Chen Zhenghao wasn't much better, he was leaning against the wall, holding a gun in his hand with a distraught look.

 They would intercept the people coming down to get water here, and the others could naturally use this opportunity to strike back at them.

 Chen Zhenghao had his men drag these two corpses away, and he himself followed quickly back to the house where he was staying.

 A pistol was firmly clutched in his hand, now, this was his last resort.

 The two corpses were dragged back to the house, Chen Zhenghao gave a wink to his little brother, and they immediately dragged the corpses inside the kitchen.

 In a short while, inside the "banging" sound.

 Chen Zhenghao's eyes are gloomy, sitting on the cold sofa does not allow him to get much warmth.

 After returning yesterday, he saw the news in the group and knew that Zhang Yi had put a bounty on him.

 This made him furious.

 He felt that he was the hunter and Zhang Yi was nothing more than prey!

 Who was the prey to fight back against the hunter?

 However, he underestimated the madness of people in desperate situations.

 Early this morning, two desperate young men came over to take his life.

 This made Chen Zhenghao feel a hint of crisis, but at the same time, he became even more frantic!

 "Die, kill all of you, if you want me to die, you all go to hell first!"

 Chen Zhenghao roared.

 After relaxing, he suddenly felt some pain in his back.

 So he called out to a little brother to help him see what was wrong.

 After that little brother took a look, he immediately shouted, "Brother Howe, you've been stabbed in the back!"

 On Chen Zhenghao's down jacket, a thirty centimeter long slit was made by the kitchen knife, the blood was not too obvious on the black down jacket, and could only be seen by looking closely.

 Just now because it was too cold outside, and Chen Zhenghao accelerated the secretion of adrenal hormones under the excitement, only then did he not feel the pain.

 Now hearing his little brother say this, he immediately cried out in pain.

 "These two dogs, chop them up a bit for me!"

 Fine beads of sweat oozed out from his brain, and he hurriedly picked up his cell phone and called Zhou Keer.

 "Dr. Zhou, I'm a little injured, come over and help me bandage it up!"

 Not long after, Zhou Ke'er arrived at Chen Zhenghao's house with a medical kit on her back.

 Looking at this murderous villain, Zhou Ke'er's eyes were filled with disgust.

 But in order to stay alive, she had to heal his wounds.

 In fact, before, the reason why Chen Zhenghao's arrow wound didn't flare up was also because she helped Chen Zhenghao heal his wound.

 Although she was reluctant, she had no choice in the face of the evil man's gun.

 "I won't help you for free."

 Zhou Keer said coldly.

 Chen Zhenghao hemmed and hawed, reaching out and pointing at the kitchen, "I'll share a piece of the meat with you later!"

 Zhou Ke'er huffed hard before smelling the pungent bloody odor.

 Her face changed, working in the hospital for years, she certainly knew what that was.

 Forcibly resisting the urge to vomit, Zhou Keer coldly said, "No need."

 Chen Zhenghao hemmed and hawed and laughed, "What time is it, Dr. Zhou is still so innocent? Sooner or later, you'll eat it one day. If you don't eat it, you die!"

 "I'd rather die."

 Zhou Keer frowned.

 "Then I can't afford to give up! In this world nowadays, having a doctor around is too important."

 Chen Zhenghao sighed.

 If Zhou Ke'er hadn't helped him with the injury on his leg, he would have lost more than just a leg by now, but his life!

 "Don't worry, if I have to eat you one day, I will leave you at the end."

 Chen Zhenghao stared at Zhou Keer, a flash of blazing heat in his eyes.

 For this great beauty, he had been salivating for a long time.

 If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was still useful right now, he would have moved long ago.

 Zhou Keer frowned and stopped talking, instead helping him with his wounds.

 In a short while, the wound was simply bandaged.

 Zhou Keer picked up the medicine box with the intention of leaving.

 Who knew that Chen Zhenghao gave his little brother a wink, and that little Karami immediately blocked the door.

 Zhou Keer was startled, "What do you guys want?"

 Chen Zhenghao said, "Nothing, you can't leave until my injuries are healed."

 Chen Zhenghao was scared in his heart at this time.

 He didn't know how many people wanted him dead, and there was a lack of medication.

 With a doctor by his side, he was relieved.

 Not caring about Zhou Ke'er's resistance, he forcefully kept her.

 Not long after, his little brother brought up a plate of cooked meat.

 Seeing that there were human fingers on it, Zhou Keer almost retched and spat it out.

 Luckily, she worked in a hospital and often came into contact with the dead, so she wasn't scared to death.

 Chen Zhenghao asked her to eat some as well, but of course she refused.

 Chen Zhenghao sneered and didn't bother with her either.

 He felt that Zhou Keer was just being a prude, sooner or later, one day, when she was too hungry to stand it, she would naturally eat.

 "It's not a solution to go on like this, these cows and horses are now daring to rebel, it's very unfavorable to us."

 "Only if we get that Zhang Yi guy killed and take over their house will we be safe in the future."

 "Their house is like a fortress, and there are a lot of supplies inside, at least enough for us to live for a few months. Maybe by that time, the snowstorm will have passed."

 "So, at the moment, we still have to consider how to deal with Zhang Yi."

 Chen Zhenghao said to his juniors.

 A few of the junior brothers looked at each other in disbelief.

 "Brother Howe, we've attacked Zhang Yi's house several times, but we've failed every time."

 "Their house is like a turtle shell, we can't attack it!"

 Chen Zhenghao said, "I don't believe that there are no cracks in their house, much less that he doesn't go out!"

 "How about this, let's move next door to his house and watch him in shifts. As long as we wait until we have the chance, we'll just take him out!"

 "And it's also safer to live in the upper floors."

 The group of people were all at sixes and sevens at this point, and they nodded their heads in agreement with whatever Chen Zhenghao said.

 Zhou Ke'er listened to all of their conversations in her ears.

 Under the pretext of going to the restroom, she went to the restroom to send a message to Zhang Yi and told him about this matter.

 After Zhang Yi understood, he smiled in disbelief.

 Wanting to make himself go out, that was something absolutely impossible!

 "Got it, you continue to stay there to observe the situation."

 Zhou Keer was a doctor, and Chen Zhenghao wouldn't kill her, so for the time being, her life was safe.

 Zhang Yi was in no hurry to strike, he had set up a reward, after that, there would naturally be people who would not want to kill Chen Zhenghao.

 Chen Zhenghao and the others packed up their supplies and then took Zhou Keer and went to the 24th floor.

 The young couple who lived next door to Zhang Yi knew that Chen Zhenghao had arrived and were also terrified.