
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 44 - Who is it that makes me give alms

 What was the end of Liu Sweetheart's back, although everyone didn't see it with their own eyes, they were able to guess it.

 A girl who falls into the mouth of a pack of wolves, what else can happen to her?

 Even if Chen Zhenghao and the others spared her life, but losing all the resources she relied on to survive, she could only wait for death.

 However, everyone did not feel too much grief in their hearts, instead, they let out a long sigh of relief.

 Sweet Liu was at least able to feed Chen Zhenghao and the others for a while.

 But even so, this was a wake-up call for the other owners.

 If this continued, they were afraid that none of them would be able to survive for long.

 That afternoon, Zhang Yi realized that he was suddenly pulled into a chat group again.

 He was dumbfounded, in the midst of such an unstable environment, people's suspicions were getting heavier and heavier, and there were more and more cliques.

 It was as if by embracing the group, they would become powerful.

 Zhang Yi glanced at the members of the group and found that there were only six or seven people in it.

 Zhou Peng, Fang Yuqing, and Lin Caining were all inside, along with a few other neighbors.

 Zhang Yi frowned slightly, wondering what they were trying to do.

 Soon enough, however, someone took the initiative to find him.

 Fang Yuqing: "@Zhang Yi Zhang Yi, it's too dangerous out there now, Chen Zhenghao and the others will rob us sooner or later. We all must stick together."

 Zhang Yi said indifferently, "It's fine, I'm living quite comfortably on my own right now."

 Lin Caining: "That's not the way to put it, you're only one person, but Chen Zhenghao has five or six people in his hands, as well as guns! So you are also very unsafe right now."

 Zhang Yi's mouth turned away, why don't you guys go ask Chen Zhenghao who broke his leg?

 Chen Zhenghao didn't dare to come over for revenge until now, he knew that Zhang Yi was a tough guy.

 Zhang Yi asked, "Then what do you guys want?"

 Fang Yuqing hurriedly said, "It's too dangerous for everyone to live scattered now. That's why we decided to move together, so that even when we face Chen Zhenghao, we are still a force of resistance."

 Zhang Yi instantly laughed, "What, you guys are not afraid of the gun in Chen Zhenghao's hand when you get together?"

 Ridiculous, if the number of people was really useful, the whole building of fifty or so households, more than a hundred mouths to come together, one person could stomp Chen Zhenghao to death with one foot.

 Everyone is a goon, gathered together is just seeking a heart comfort.

 Another person in the group spoke up, his name was Sun Zhichao, Zhang Yi remembered that he was a white-collar worker in finance.

 "With more people, at the very least they will have scruples. And we can unite to seal the door, so we won't be afraid of being broken by them."

 "It's just that right now, what we lack is a good stronghold."

 Fang Yuqing hurriedly picked up, "Zhang Yi, your house has a balcony, and the security door is exceptionally sturdy, making it perfect for use against Chen Zhenghao."

 "Therefore, we hope that you can join our team and we will all fight against Chen Zhenghao together!"

 By this point, Zhang Yi sort of understood.

 It must be Fang Yuqing who had told these people that his house was particularly great.

 Most likely, these people had already known that Zhang Yi's house had a perfect insulation system and tons of food.

 Zhang Yi sneered.

 They had knocked this abacus so hard that he had heard it from a dozen floors away!

 Zhang Yi said nonchalantly, ''I don't need it, thanks. I'm living very comfortably by myself right now, if you guys want to share a room, find your own place!"

 Are you kidding me, seven or eight people crammed into your own home?

 At this time, it was unclear who was human and who was a ghost, wasn't that the same as bringing danger to oneself?

 Besides, Zhang Yi didn't owe them anything, so why should he!

 After being rejected by Zhang Yi, the people in the group were obviously very unhappy.

 Sun Zhichao: ''Zhang Yi, everyone's life is in danger now, you can't be that short-sighted! We can only survive if we are all together!"

 Another group member, Wang Min, chimed in, "It's only because your floor has a balcony and it's convenient to get snow water that everyone picked your house."

 "You think we are taking advantage of you, but in reality, everyone can protect you too!"

 Zhang Yi's mouth twisted with laughter.

 He sent a message in the group, "Protect me ??????"

 The series of question marks at the back reflected his inner mockery.

 Do you guys know what kind of life I'm living right now?

 Still protecting me, you really have the face to say it!

 Fang Yuqing, who was hiding under the quilt, pursed her lips before starting her fire output.

 She knew that Zhang Yi hated her and wouldn't let her in the house anymore.

 That was why she was now utilizing the crowd to morally kidnap Zhang Yi.

 She felt that human life was at stake, and even if she, Lin Caining, Zhou Peng and the others had behaved badly towards him, Zhang Yi should be more generous.

 Lin Caining: ''Zhang Yi, well, I admit that we have begged you. But think about it, all you have to do is to let us enter your house to take refuge and you can save seven or eight lives!"

 "Could you bear to watch us being killed by Chen Zhenghao? We've been friends and neighbors for so many years!"

 Within these seven or eight people, Zhang Yi did know all of them, and there were a few others who were usually on good terms, and even colleagues who worked in the same place.

 They opened their mouths one after another, asking Zhang Yi to let them in for the sake of past friendship.

 Unfortunately, Zhang Yi, who had been persecuted to death in his last life, was no longer that soft-hearted guy.

 Most of those people who had shared a piece of his pie in the beginning were also present in this group.

 Under the doomsday, what was there to talk about humanity?

 Only living by oneself was the king!

 So he said: ''At this time, whether we can survive or not is up to each of us. You guys don't have any value to me, so who are you to ask me to protect you?"

 After saying that, Zhang Yi directly chose to withdraw from the group.

 It was a dream to want to pull his wool over his eyes!

 Only if he had no morals, he would not be kidnapped.

 After chatting, Zhang Yi took out a box of potato chips from the foreign space.

 He came to the window and sat on the soft imported recliner, eating the chips while looking at the scenery outside.

 Other than that, ignoring the extreme cold outside, the snowy scenery was really beautiful.

 The earth was wrapped in silver without any mixed colors, making it pleasing to the eyes.

 Just at this time, he suddenly saw a shaking black spot appearing on the 18th floor in front of him, followed by a scream filled with despair.

 Zhang Yi looked closely before realizing that the one falling in the air was a person.

 After a split second, he was plunged into the snow that was six or seven meters deep.

 The temperature outside was more than seventy degrees below zero, and plunging into the thick snow pile was certain death.

 By the looks of it, the situation in the other cell blocks was similar to here.

 Faced with the depletion of supplies, everywhere began to scramble for supplies, even using violence to kill and loot!

 Wherever there were people, it was evolving towards a hell on earth at this moment.

 Zhang Yi ate his potato chips while calculating the future situation in his mind.

 It looked like, apart from being wary of the neighbors of this unit building, there was also a need to be a bit more on guard against the survivors outside.

 Under the Doomsday, all accidents could happen.