
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 245 - Devouring

 After one shot, Liu Ziyan did not die.

 He was always on guard against the sniper in the dark as well.

 That ghostly figure had narrowly avoided Zhang Yi's bullet!

 "An ability that can boost speed and agility?"

 Zhang Yi had a preliminary judgment on Liu Ziyan's ability.

 However, he was not in a hurry at all, but silently changed his bullets.

 "I'll see how long you can hold out!"

 Liu Ziyang needed to face the combined attacks of Zhang Yi and Hua Hua at the same time, not only did he have to dodge the bullets in the dark, but he also had to dodge the huge monster at his heels.

 Soon he began to lose his strength.

 Zhang Yi fired another bullet, the killing power of the bullet wrapped in his supernatural energy was extremely impressive even a bulletproof vest might not be able to block it.

 A trace of blood seeped out from the corner of Liu Ziyang's mouth, forcing him to unleash that supernormal ability again.

 His figure left a shadow in mid-air like a ghost, dodging the bullet.

 But just as he was celebrating, a huge black shadow pounced next to him.


 Flower opened his mouth and viciously bit directly on half of his body.


 A cracking sound rang out, not knowing if it was the body armor or the bones on Liu Ziyan.

 "Ah !!!!!"

 His mournful screams spread across the wilderness.

 Before dying, he raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Hua Hua's eyes, still wanting to die with him.

 However, his head was soon filled with a shot by Zhang Yi.

 At this point, the two Inhumans who had invaded Zhang Yi's shelter were all killed in action.

 Zhang Yi's heart was slightly relieved as he drove his snowmobile and rushed over.

 When he arrived at the scene, Flower had already changed back to its normal size, squatting on the woman's body and looking blearily at Zhang Yi.


 Hua Hua opened its mouth and howled very loudly.

 After all, for it, transforming also required a huge consumption of energy.

 Zhang Yi smiled faintly and took out a few cans of tuna from among the foreign space and placed them next to it.

 Flower skillfully cut open the cans with its sharp claws and ate them by itself.

 On the other hand, Zhang Yi went to inspect the corpses of those two people.

 A tall man, fully armed, was wrapped in thick white armor.

 However, at this moment, a hideous wound in the shape of a crescent moon had been bitten out on his body by Hua Hua.

 This armor was not completely shattered, the material was very unusual, it should be a special equipment for special forces.

 It was only a pity that it was shattered, so Zhang Yi planned to bring it back to study it slowly.

 At this moment, Flower suddenly meowed to Zhang Yi.

 When Zhang Yi looked back, Hua Hua even looked at the woman in a very humane way.

 "Huh? What's wrong?"

 Zhang Yi recognized this woman, she was the one who had entered his shelter through the wall.

 If it wasn't because of that perverted ability of hers, Zhang Yi wouldn't have such a heavy killing heart.

 The shelter, after all, was his greatest source of security at the moment. Absolutely no one would be allowed to violate it!

 At this moment, her body was already frozen, but the material of that thin white leotard was obviously unusual and should have a strong defensive ability as well.

 But the fact that she was wearing such a thin outfit in this kind of weather must have something to do with her ability as well.

 Zhang Yi walked over, intending to search her body.

 When his right hand had just touched her body, suddenly his entire body was like an electric shock, and an indescribable feeling went straight to his brain!

 It was as if some sort of biological instinct had been awakened.

 Flower narrowed her eyes next to him and meowed.

 Zhang Yi swallowed his saliva as he realized why Flower had asked him to come over to see this woman.

 It was because there was a voice in his head telling him that he could plunder this woman's power!

 Zhang Yi placed his right hand on her head, and a powerful foreign energy quickly surged into his body along his arm.

 The painful feeling made Zhang Yi on the verge of shouting with excitement!

 It was the first time he had devoured another Inhuman's power!

 After Xie Huanhuan's power was seized by him, Zhang Yi clearly felt that his power was much stronger again.

 It was as if a hungry person had eaten his fill and felt energized all over.

 "So, the powers of Inhumans can still devour each other?"

 Zhang Yi said incredulously as he looked at his palm.

 And at this moment, Xie Huanhuan's body, no longer had that kind of reaction, as if it was like a hollowed out skin bag.

 Flower meowed twice, an animal's intuition would always be sharper than a human's.

 It found Xie Huanhuan's corpse, and naturally felt that that power could be devoured.

 However, it did not do so and chose to leave it to Zhang Yi.

 Zhang Yi was extraordinarily touched and couldn't help but pick up Flower and kiss it twice.

 "Flower, thank you! So good!"

 Flower Flower brought her head over and rubbed against Zhang Yi before she impatiently jumped down and continued to eat the canned food.

 Zhang Yi looked at the man's corpse with some puzzlement.

 "Isn't he also an Inhuman? Why didn't I have this feeling when I touched him?"

 "It's really strange, whether it's this world or the mutated creatures in this world nowadays, they are all filled with things that are incomprehensible to people."

 Zhang Yi collected the corpses of both men into the Other Space and cleaned up the bloodstains at the scene again.

 However, it was impossible to clean up the footprints left behind on their way here, after all, it had spread all the way for almost five kilometers.

 "Couldn't care less! They've already discovered my location, if they really want to hit the door I'll just follow."

 "I'd like to see who can still attack my shelter after this woman who can walk through walls dies!"

 Zhang Yi gave himself courage, but in his heart, he should still be cautious.

 These two people were obviously not lone wolves, but from some powerful organization.

 It was evident from the uniforms they were wearing.

 And that organization definitely had more than just these two Inhumans.

 There might be more powerful warriors under their command, or even an entire army!

 "When we go back, we'll have to think about how to prepare our defenses again!"

 Zhang Yi helplessly rubbed his temples, a little annoyed in his heart.

 Why did someone always have to come and disturb his peaceful life?

 But if he wanted to say that he was afraid, he didn't.

 After all, now that the snow had sealed the city, even if the other side attacked over, it could only be Inhumans and infantry.

 Modernized large-scale weapons were unlikely to appear.

 And even more exaggerated strategic level weapons, it was also impossible for a city like Tianhai City that was not stationed in a large military region to have control over them.

 Thus, at that time, even if an organization attacked over, at most they would only be able to use some portable heavy weapons.

 Those things, what would they take to break through his shelter?

 "Let's go back first! Being careful is always a good idea, it's always not wrong to make more preparations."

 Regardless of whether there would be opponents coming over next, and what the strength of the other party was, Zhang Yi would always do his best to respond.

 After all, life could not afford to be a joke.