
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 179 - Creepy Caller

 Zhang Yi was completely speechless.

 In this world, there were indeed many things that he could not understand.

 "Why didn't you answer my call?"

 A ghostly voice came from inside the phone.

 After that number was dialed, it unexpectedly connected by itself!

 Zhang Yi felt a rush of scalp numbness.

 But soon he calmed down.

 This situation, although unbelievable, could still be explained.

 It was possible as long as the other party was a hacker.

 "Who are you?"

 Zhang Yi asked coldly.

 That person did not answer Zhang Yi's question, but instead, he started to give out some information on his own.

 "Zhang Yi, a native of Jinwan District, Tianhai City, living in Room 2401, Building 25, Yuelu District.in 2025, he is 25 years old this year ..."

 He spoke Zhang Yi's personal information accurately

 Zhang Yi was even more convinced at this time that the opposite side must be a top hacker.

 He had counted a thousand times, but he had not counted that someone would obtain his personal data by way of the internet.

 However, after listening to the person's statement, Zhang Yi's mindset instead calmed down a lot.

 He was just an ordinary person in the past, nothing special.

 Even if they knew his information, what could they do?

 Not to mention the information, it's fine to send you nude photos, so if you're capable of exposing it, then what? Let's see if you're afraid!

 Zhang Yi had a bottom, and his voice was also loud.

 "You people turned out to be perverts ah! Surprisingly, you are secretly investigating young boys from good families. So disgusting!"

 The voice on the other side clearly paused for a moment.

 After two seconds, he replied, "I also know that you're currently living in Room 101 of the Yunque Manor. That house belongs to Wang Siming, and he has already let you kill him, right?"

 A flash of coldness flashed across Zhang Yi's eyes.

 He did not expect the other party to know his current place of residence!

 Zhang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

 His current residence was something that he did not want anyone to know.

 One more person knowing about it was equal to one more point of danger.

 "Who are you? And what is the purpose of looking for me?"

 The man sensed the change in Zhang Yi's tone and thought that he had caught Zhang Yi's handle, so he couldn't help but feel smug.

 "Me? It's your current neighbor. I live in the Yunque Manor. But you'd better not get any wrong ideas, otherwise, I can expose your information at any time."

 "I guess you don't want the fact that you live here to be known by others either?"

 Zhang Yi suddenly realized.

 No wonder that person would find him and go through the trouble of finding out his personal information.

 If the other party was in Yunque Manor, then it would be a good thing.

 Zhang Yi could find an opportunity to take him out! Thus, completely removing the aftermath.

 Zhang Yi said, ''Did you call me just to say this? Tell me, what exactly do you want!"

 The man on the other side said, "It's very simple, I see that you have quite a lot of supplies in your hands, and you still have extra supplies to raise women. So I hope you can just share some of it with me!"

 "Share it with you? On what basis?"

 Zhang Yi sneered.

 "Do you think that with these things in your hands, you can make me send you supplies?"

 "It's not like I'm a big shot, it's no big deal if the information is exposed."

 "If you're not afraid of death, just go ahead and expose it!"

 The tone of the man on the other end of the phone was somewhat sarcastic.

 "However, if you let people know that you have those supplies lost from the Walmart warehouse in your hands, what do you think will happen to this matter?"

 Walmart Warehouse!

 These few words made Zhang Yi become cautious.

 Back then, he had emptied the entire Walmart South China Warehouse worth tens of billions of dollars of supplies in one fell swoop three days before the end of the world descended!

 Those supplies were enough to sustain the consumption of a city of ten million people for a week!

 In the hands of an individual, they might not be able to use it all in ten lifetimes.

 Those things are also the biggest dependence of Zhang Yi's dashing survival so far.

 However, due to the time constraints of that matter, coupled with the involvement of foreign enterprises, and then also ended.

 How did the person on the other end of the phone know?

 Who the hell is he?

 Zhang Yi said in a flat tone, "What kind of stuff are you talking about? Walmart's warehouse was stolen, and what was lost was an entire giant warehouse of supplies. You don't think that I, a small supervisor, did it, do you?"

 In the room on the other end of the line, a greasy Mediterranean sat at a table, the room unlit to save electricity, with only a laptop computer glowing brightly.

 He grinned and said mockingly, "With me you don't have to play this kind of devious mind games! That warehouse theft must have something major to do with you!"

 "Even if you weren't the mastermind, you must have a large amount of supplies in your hands now!"

 "A warehouse that big, even if you only coveted one shelf, it's enough for you to use for a year!"

 Beneath his thick LOTOS glasses, his small eyes sparkled with wisdom.

 "I'm also not afraid to tell you my name, Zhiyun Group, Lu Fengda! This name, you should have heard of it, right?"

 Zhang Yi had more than heard of it, it was simply like a thunderclap!

 He hadn't thought that he was actually being targeted by such a character.

 But if it was him, then it all made sense.

 Lu Fengda, Chairman of the Chi Yun Group, the premier bigwig in the domestic information field.

 He had single-handedly created the Zhiyun Group, which was also one of the three strongest companies in the domestic information security field.

 For such a character to want to crack his own cell phone was simply easy.


 Not right!

 Zhang Yi was wary.

 If he could manipulate his cell phone, then the entire shelter was controlled by a super computer, would it have been hacked?

 Indeed, there was such a possibility.

 But the shelter was built by the world's top security company, costing one billion dollars, with independent large servers.

 Reasonably, it should take into account network security protection.

 Moreover, Lu Fengda wasn't in the company, and his home didn't have enough network conditions for him to perform hacking techniques.

 So the possibility of the shelter's network being hacked shouldn't be very high.

 Otherwise, there was no need for Lu Fengda to contact Zhang Yi through his cell phone, but to directly control the network system of the shelter and demonstrate to him.

 Zhang Yi's gaze was cold, but his heart was filled with scorn for that person.

 The case of Walmart's South China Warehouse theft was absolutely not to be leaked to him.

 Once it was known by the outside world, he was afraid that the people who would come to trouble him at that time would not be ordinary people.

 Zhang Yi kept himself calm.

 He continued to say to Lu Fengda, "So it's Mr. Lu. I've heard a lot about you! No wonder you can hack into my phone."

 Lu Fengda said, "I had no choice but to do so in order to survive. Zhang Yi, you have quite a lot of supplies on hand, since you can support two women, it's not a problem to support one more for me."

 "As long as you provide me with the supplies to sustain my life, I will help you keep this secret. And I can also help you maintain network security so that you won't be hacked anymore. What do you think?"

 Of course, Zhang Yi would not admit that the Walmart warehouse theft had anything to do with him.

 It was likely that Lu Fengda was just scamming him as well.