
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 11 - Safe House Build Completed

 Three days later, Zhang Yi successfully got two guns and 100 rounds of ammunition under Wu Huairen's lead.

 The price was a bit expensive, but Zhang Yi did not mind it at all.

 With this heavy thing in his hand, he had more confidence in his safety in the end times.

 As for the medicines needed in the end of the world, he also finished the transaction with Zhou Hairun and directly got two boxes of imported high-grade medicines.

 Another week had passed.

 Wu Huairen called Zhang Yi and told him that the safe house had been built according to his requirements.

 He was asked to come back for acceptance.

 Only then did Zhang Yi leave the hotel where he had been staying for quite some time, and then drove his car back to the Yuelu neighborhood.

 Wu Huairen personally brought Zhang Yi to inspect the house.

 Returning home to take a look, Zhang Yi couldn't help but be brightened up.

 Battle Dragon was worthy of being a first-class domestic security company.

 The speed and quality of the safe house they had built was not to be picked on.

 The whole house had been retrofitted with 100mm thick steel plates according to Zhang Yi's requirements.

 And from the outside, it did not look any different from before.

 Wu Huairen patiently explained to Zhang Yi one by one.

 "The ventilation system is military grade, which can filter out any harmful gases and prevent anyone from carrying out a poisonous gas attack from the outside."

 "Also the heating system of the entire house has been completely redone, using professional-grade materials from the Arctic Science Institute."

 "In addition to the fireplace that was built according to your requirements, it also insulates 99.5% of the temperature flow."

 Speaking of this, Wu Huairen also gave Zhang Yi a mysterious smile.

 "In addition, in order to ensure your safety, we have made a surveillance system in the entire building. A total of 300 cameras will allow you to monitor every floor of the entire building."

 After hearing all of this, Zhang Yi was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

 He could only sigh that it was really good to be rich and could buy services that ordinary people could not imagine.

 He came to the balcony and found that it had been transformed into a huge floor-to-ceiling window.

 Wu Huairen explained, "The materials of the window are all bulletproof and explosion-proof, even stronger than 100mm steel plates."

 "And it is convenient for your lighting, as well as necessary external observation."

 Zhang Yi was very satisfied with this safe house.

 I'm afraid that unless it was an army carrying heavy weapons, no one could force their way into his home.

 Even if the entire building collapsed, I'm afraid his room would not have any problems.

 "I'm satisfied with the safe house you've created."

 Zhang Yi said to Wu Huairen with a smile.

 Wu Huairen was also full of smiles.

 He took out the document and asked Zhang Yi to sign it, then said, "If there are no problems, please pay our final payment within three months."

 Zhang Yi nodded with a smile, "Definitely!"

 But this final payment, it was impossible for him to pay it.

 The thought that he had whored out a safe house worth nearly ten million dollars for nothing by spending only a deposit of one million dollars was just too good to be true!

 Zhang Yi lay on the sofa and surveyed his perfect safe house.

 However, after pondering for a while, it occurred to him that he had overlooked a very important thing.

 That was the Source of Life!

 Zhang Yi slapped his head, "I'll go, how could I even forget something as important as water?"

 After the cold apocalypse came, although it was freezing cold outside, one could obtain water by chiseling ice.

 But by then, it would generally be 60 or 70 degrees below zero outside, and going out meant that it might be dangerous.

 Zhang Yi absolutely could not tolerate such a big loophole in his safe house!

 After thinking about it, he directly placed an order through the takeout platform and purchased 100 huge water storage buckets.

 It could store 500 cubic meters of water at once, which was enough for him to use for several years.

 Plus, he could turn around and take mineral water from the warehouse, so the problem of water resources was perfectly solved.

 The speed of the courier boy was really powerful.

 A few hours later, it was delivered to Zhang Yi's door.

 Zhang Yi came to the door of the neighborhood, let the security guard Uncle You give the courier boy release.

 Seeing that it was again Zhang Yi who had bought so many strange things, the surrounding neighbors were all talking.

 "This Zhang Yi, is there something wrong with him?"

 "That's right, he buys strange things every day."

 "A few days ago when their house was being renovated, I saw quite a few people carrying steel plates that were at least ten centimeters thick."

 "Hee hee, probably brain-dead, learning from other people's movies to engage in some kind of safe house!"

 "I've also seen some rich people who are too bored to engage in that kind of thing in foreign videos. Isn't this completely wishy-washy?"

 "Now that he's bought so many buckets, he doesn't think Tianhai City will run out of water in the future, right? Hahaha!"

 Facing the jeers of his neighbors as if they were watching a good show, Zhang Yi didn't bother to argue with them.

 He just laughed coldly in his heart, wait until the day of the cold ice doomsday, you will realize how stupid you are now.

 Zhang Yi had no interest in giving them an explanation.

 Because these people would only treat Zhang Yi as a fool and would not listen to his good advice.

 Maybe they would even hit him back and say that Zhang Yi was spreading rumors and disturbing the public peace.

 He will be arrested again.

 Uncle You, the doorman, was chatting with his neighbor, Mr. Tang.

 Uncle You enthusiastically came over and asked, "Little Zhang, what are you doing with all those buckets? Tell me if you need any help, I'll give you a hand."

 Zhang Yi looked at the enthusiastic Uncle You and couldn't help but feel some emotion in his heart.

 Uncle You is a war veteran, childless and childless, and has been a security guard in the neighborhood for more than ten years, and has always done his duty.

 In his previous life, in order to help a mother and daughter who were about to starve to death, he donated his last grain and starved to death himself.

 He was one of the few shining lights of humanity that Zhang Yi had seen in the midst of the end times.

 So Zhang Yi said to Uncle You, "Uncle You, the temperature is a bit abnormal this year, and I have inside information that this winter is very bad."

 "Just in case, you'd better stock up on more food and drinks as well. Lest the price of supplies goes up by then."

 Uncle You and Zhang Yi were usually on good terms.

 He knew that Zhang Yi was a warm-hearted and kind-hearted young man.

 Coupled with the fact that older people were always prone to a sense of worry, so when he heard Zhang Yi say this, he immediately frowned as well.

 "Little Zhang, is it true, is the news reliable?"

 Zhang Yi nodded, "Look, I've prepared so many things. You can stock up on some instant noodles and mineral water, you're not afraid to buy more of these things."

 Uncle You nodded at once.

 He was living alone, and his family would have liked to stock up on some instant noodles and ham sausages for cooking convenience.

 Since Zhang Yi had given him a reminder, he would take the time to go buy some more.

 Think of it as buying a peace of mind, those things can be put away anyway, and there is no fear of buying more.

 However, when Mr. Tang, who was on the side, heard this, he came over to Zhang Yi and said, "Xiao Zhang ah, you mustn't go around saying such things."

 "Now that our society is stable and peaceful, how could there be a lack of supplies? Saying such things, beware of being reported for rumor mongering. When the time comes, you'll be invited for tea!"

 Zhang Yi rolled his eyes and didn't pay much attention to it.

 What he could remind had already been reminded, and whether they believed it or not was their business.