

CAT MAN CAT KNIGHT LEGENDARY TALES PROLOUGE In the Supernatural Realm of Giddolink The Force Of Evil Have Started Prevailing Conquering Kingdoms and Killing Innocent People For Thier Wicked Plans and Supremacy Then They decided to Attack The Kingdom Of Avalon The CAT NATION Which was the home of the CAT FAMILY where the lion, Tigers, Cheetah e.t.c resides After a long war The Kingdom Of Avalon were victorious but at a great cost. The Kingdom Of Avalon were now living in Peace with the hope of no war anymore but that will soon be cut short as the Forces Of Evil are gathering together again to Attack Avalon with more powers join together. Now A boy in Avalon Is born he is born with great powers and great destiny according to the saying with great powers come great responsibilities he was born with the destiny to save his People Avalon From The Enemies. With The Forces Of Evil Knowing These Attempt has been made to kill him to destroy him by the Forces Of Evil because they fear his Powers they know he is Thier doom and has the luck and blessings of the gods. He Is From The CAT FAMILY A ROYAL BLOOD BORN TO SAVE AVALON FROM IT'S ENEMIES HE WILL FACE THE EVIL ONE'S LIKE THE CYBOROG,DEMONESS Though his task won't be easy will he scale through find out in this Action Filled Story. HIS NAME IS AVAN ELLISON CATAN

Young_Write_0633 · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 5

CAT MAN CAT KNIGHT Legendary tales Episode 5

There Was high tension in the air as there was a big explosion The demon's had started rejoicing while the Avalon Armies were in a sad mood but Immediately a group of people were seen far away in the Sky diving down from the sky as they held hands Together and a Parachute like object Opened From Thier Armour as they landed.

"Wait What!!! How are you still alive"

"Not telling" Ella Said Sticking Out her tongue out as the Biject Squad Unsheath Thier Weapon Bullion Carried two Axe, Malfoy Carried Two Tech Sword, Texa Carried a Mace, Lexa Carried two daggers, Tatenium carried his sword he used to Fight Ellison, Ella Carried her Sword Venxa, Geza and Kexa carried two combined electric mace Ellison carried his sword he forged in the Academy using Electricity and Hafnium element.

"Attack" Ellison Said Pointing his Sword Forward as the duo's rushed at the demon's. Ellison caught a demon as he shove his sword into the demon chest Then Ellison Started going Forward as he Slash demon's coming his way A demon leaped in an attempt to Claw Ellison who shifted and carried The demon with his left hand while the demon was in motion as he gave the demon a Powerful Punch Creating a Force Wave as the demon flew miles away Bullion Was Seen Cutting of a demon head with one of his A⚒️e A demon cat leaped up and wanted To Claw him but he dodged it as Immediately The Cat Attacked him again with Full Insane Speed as he threw One of his Axe at The demon cat as the Axe Sailed through the air and Stab the demon on it's stomach he stretched his hands towards the direction as the Weapon returned back to him.

Reader Are you Shocked Well Bullion had Malfoy built for him Those Axes With Remote Control which Could enable him Summon it while the Remote was Installed in his Armour.

Bullion Then Connected The both Axe with his Powers he Slam them on the ground as Wind from the ground came and blew the demon away. Tatenium Kept Slashing the demon's with his Sword as he use his Caracal Powers to Leap To Leap To Far away up as he climbed a Flying demonic tiger on the air.

"Energy Rope" Tatenium Said as he carried a green glowing rope and binded the Tiger The Energy Rope Was A Ninja Technique that Allows The Wielder To bind The Soul and Mind Of an Individual to do his or her bidding.

Tatenium rode the tiger as he kept on slashing the flying demon's.

A demon Lion roared out Fire at Tatenium as he duck it by bending his head "Tiger Now"he said as the Tiger release a Large Amount of Plasma balls From it's body a demon leaped as he Launched his Claws at Tatenium who shifted to another direction. The demon Climbed The Tiger as they both Fought The demon launched an Atomic Punch at Tatenium Who block it with his arms and kick him Tatenium Then Carried the demon as he delivered an Hulk Smash To the demon and Flung The demon he flew down From The Tiger beast as other Demonic Spirit Beast Compassed round the Tiger To destroy it.

"Earthosia" he said as he Punched the ground as hand From the ground came and Pull down the demonic beast as the Tiger came near him.

"Be Free" he said and touched the tiger but the Tiger Still Came Around him.

"What are you doing here"

"Master you are my Master"The Tiger Said as Tatenium just Looked at the Tiger Confused and Surprised.

"What do you mean master who your master"Tatenium Asked

"You" The Tiger answered back

"Whatever I will deal with it later"

Malfoy did a high back Flip escaping a huge earth hand he did a 459 Slash as he Cut Out the head of Three demon. The demon Captain Who Conjured the earth came and asked near Malfoy.

"Why don't we go Fist to Fist 👊"Said The Captain as Malfoy Sheathed his blade as they charged at each other as Thier Fist Collided Together as the Force Pushed Malfoy back as Malfoy Continue Moving back on the ground as he landed on his knees he was too late to avoid another kick From Captain Usoku Who didn't relent on Attacking Malfoy as Captain Usoku still Launched Lightening balls at Malfoy Who did a Flip dodging all.

Malfoy directed a Punt kick directly to The Chest Of Captain Usoku. he Punch Captain Usoku as Captain Usoku Moved back.

Following the Punch he then tried to deliver an Uppercut again to the Captain as the Captain as the Captain Caught his hand Again and Punch him away as he Flew and hit the ground.

"Hah I will So kill you"Said Malfoy but Was Cut Short as two Fireballs from Captain Usoku hit him on his Armour.

"Armour Core Resistance 80%" A Voice Said Within his Suit As Another Set of Energy ball was Projected at him as he carried his two swords and did them in an X-Manner Creating a Shield as the Explosion hit the Shield.

Malfoy With his Sword Launched a Fake Attack with one of his Sword at the Captain as the Captain fell for it and tried to counter attack it as he stab the Captain with the other ones.

Genza Punched two demon he carried his mace as he trap the demon and Flung them away.

Kexa Carried his Two Maces as he removed them from each other as he Catched Two demon's and hit them together.

Venxa use his Two Maces To Tie a demon as he made a Fireball and Forced it into Thier heart. Lexa Slash two demons as he slide and cut two demons leg he threw his daggers as they stab two demon eyes as they fell down with a great thud.

Texa hit his Maces on the ground as The demons change to Ice Sculptures and Shattered.

Ellison and Ella could be seen Fighting the demon Ella Kick a demon as she slash the demon she touch her hand on the blade as the blade Was Emitting Ice as she Fought Skillfully as anyone she cut through change to an Ice Sculpture and Scattered a demon started Fighting with her as he gave her an Elbow Jab as she fell down he wanted to kill her but Ellison was quick to rush and Stab him.

"Ellison I am not so good with Swords and no Guns Available How Can I get Guns"

"Lucky you Ella The Armour is built with a Range of Weapons Installed in it Just Summon a Blaster"

"You Mean it"Ella Asked

"Yeah" Answered Ellison

"If So Biject Blaster Activate" She Said as her Armour beep blue light as she carried Two blaster From her Waist as she Press a button as an Iron in the blaster rolled.

Ella ran as she started blasting demon's she rolled on the floor dodging a blast from a demon as she blasted the demon she kept running forward as she kept blasting demons a demon wanted to Punch her but she bend down and Use her leg to Sidestep the demon leg as she carried the demon as her shield to avoid other Demon's Attack as she was shooting at the demons and release the captive demon with a Supersonic Wave.

The Biject Squad tired from the battle came together as the demons surrounded them and blasted them.

"Oh no we are Surrounded and we are going to die" Geza Said

"We are not dieing now not today For now the Armour can protect us for now let me contact my father by the way who is this tiger he said Pointing to the tiger with Tatenium"

"Forget about it later I will explain contact King Rio quick" Tatenium Answered.

"Ok" Ellison said