
Castle Of Black Iron Fanficted

Hello Friends. Good day to you all. This is my first try to write a novel. I'm using this fanfic as a media to practice my skill. I'm going to use my own character while changing some stories inside for practice purpose. Please give me a lot of review on this so i can learned my deficiency and i hoped i can continued to grow and present an original novel of mine soon. Thank you. Sincerely Me

AskAndzar · Others
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23 Chs

My Rambling

Hello huys this is AskAndzar your rookie author.

or maybe i'm not an author yet because i have not released an original novel of mine?.

Well i'm a rookie so i currently doesn't have a clear idea about the whole thing.

I started writing because i like to read novel eversince highschool, there is a lot of story going inside my head but unfotunately it is a bit chaotic inside my head so i decide to organize my thought and practice with writing fanfic first.

I decide to write Castle of Black Iron Fanficted because i have a lot of idea and because this is one of the novel that i loved especially the world background.

Well i think that is enough rambling for now.

I was planning to inform u guys that i will released this fanfic version for 3-4 chapter a week starting next month (I'm a college student at the last year so i am quite busy doing my thesis and i only have 4 month left to finish it so i'm PANICKING RIGHT NOW!!!Breath in... Breath out.... huff). For this month i will released up to the 10th chapter, i will released the 7th at monday, 8th at wednesday, 9th at friday, and 10th at next sunday ( I will released further chapter in this sequence).

So that's it guys. i hope you like my fanfic version and don't forget to comment and review my novel.

Love you ^^

