

This is a story about a guy named Ronin , who was basically a thief in the city of Jianx. His everyday works were like deceiving people. He was a part of underworld society. After a pitfall childhood, he wanted to become the leader of Underworld. He wanted to get the highest place of humanity where he would be the one in power . Here the journey of the greatest criminal in history begin.

Professor_Riko · Realistic
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29 Chs

Case 2 : Unknown Screams (8)

Pentak was taken back at the truck which came here to load other wolfz. Pentak was given a good seat though. But other wolfz were harshly treated. The truck was a bit bigger than regular buses in height. It was blue in colour and it's original work is to load criminals whenever Fire Force catches someone. Ramp Force also has these types of trucks. Inside these trucks , it has two sets of big benches in both side where criminals and officers could sit comfortably.

There were two officers in the driving area of the truck. One officer drives and other one looks at the road and observe the possible troubles. In security departments, drivers were specific. Not every officer from every department can't drive. They know how to drive but only some specific officers were specially trained to drive , chase and do stunts with cars , trucks, buses and other transportation.

For example : the driver who had driven the truck was specific and he only he would drive the truck in the Jianx area in Fire Force as he was specifically trained in this driving field better than others. Same goes for other drivers inside the department.

Another example: Kazuya was driving when Nakayama , Shin , Jin and Kazama came to Pentak's house. Because Kazuya was specifically trained in driving. So in case of chasing criminals or doing stunts, it will be Kazuya who would be in the driving seat as he was specially trained. Others can also drive but the amount of training some individual gets only in driving is different from the training other gets in driving.

Another officer who sits besides the driver always observe and investigate the best route to reach the destination. He also uses special goggles to identify danger and threats. He is also armed. Here in this case, there were two man sitting in front of the driving deck. One was driving and one was observing.

In the back of the truck there were 4 officers who were in charge of loading the criminals and observe them on the way and guard them.

The same thing happened here. 4 officers came and took these wolfz inside the truck and placed them on the ground. Kazuya told something to these officers and they gave a seat for Pentak. After that the truck went away to its location.

Nakayama was checking the house at that time along with Kazuya, Kazama, Shin and Jin.

Nakayama was checking the first floor. As wolfz were living inside the house, Nakayama had doubted that there might be weapons too. He was checking the room where the table is situated. The structure inside the house was like the normal Japanese house. There were big wardrobes too. Nakayama observed that Pentak here used to live alone but there were three wardrobes. He called his subordinates and opened these three wardrobes. Under the wardrobe there was a secret space. Kazuya tried to find a way to open that space. Jin directly punched it. His punch had broken the front door plate above the space. Upon hearing the sound of bang ! Nakayama shouted saying, "Are you idiot?"

Jin with a confusion replied, "What did I do sir ?"

" You're trying to force while opening the secrets under the wardrobe. What if it's a set up and if we use force it might blast ?! Did we come here with sufficient devices ??! No. We can't use force like that."

"Understood sir but it didn't blast ."

"Okay. Let me see what you got here."

Nakayama went to the wardrobe where Jin was situated. He saw a medium size black chest box. Nakayama picked it up with both his hands. It was quite heavy. As he was lifting that box Jin who was beside Nakayama at that time helped him to lift that chest.

They then dropped the chest lightly on the floor.

Jin said ,

" When I touched it, I felt no dust at all. "

" Yeah. Me too. The box might be regularly taken out. See there is a key hole too."

There was a small key hole in Infront of the chest.

At that time Shin who was supposed to open the other wardrobe came and said ,

" Sir I found a chest box and opened it."

"How did you open it ?"

" I found four keys hanging on the throat of the wolfz . They were using the key and a chain to make it look like a locket. I figured that out and took out their locket before loading them on the truck. And one of the locket fitted the chest key hole perfectly. Here are other three keys. One of them might come handy."

Shin gave three keys. These keys were almost similar. All three of them were dark blue in colour and had an unique design.

Nakayama took one of the keys and put it inside the key hole. He then gently pushed the key and twisted it in a side where he felt a space. It didn't unlock.

He then took another key and put it inside the key hole. He then gently pushed it inside of the keyhole and twisted in the left side softly. After a few swing he heard a faint click sound coming from inside of the chest key hole.

Jin then opened the chest and found documents, crime records, weapons and many necessary details of Wolfz02. Wolfz02 was the assassin who eliminated every member of David's faction and earned a name for that.


In the truck, Pentak was remembering every incident happened inside the house till now. He was sweating. But he was assured of one thing. The key to the box where Golden Pen was kept was with Pentak. It was in Pentak's pocket. So, whatever Ronin did , in the mind of Pentak, Ronin couldn't open that box. Also Pentak set a trap on that box. Whenever someone uses force to open that box or try unorthodox methods to unlock that box ( the box where Golden Pen was kept) it will self destruct and damage the person who will be trying at that time. Pentak was aware that the Fire Force would definitely find that box. But the key was with Pentak. Pentak decided to throw the key whenever he got the chance. Because when the Fire Force found that box which couldn't be unlocked then they will definitely ask Pentak about the key and details. So, throwing the key would be the best choice and no one would ever be able to open that key.

If the box was open it was certain that the pen would be stolen none other than Ronin. The key was inside the sock of the shoe of Pentak. Pentak just needed a chance to throw it away.

On the other hand, in the house Fire Force unlocked all the four boxes and found weapons, evidences of murder, torture and belongings of the wolfz. They were certain that Pentak was also involved in these.

Perfect crime doesn't exist.

There will always be some evidence which would lead to the truth. In Pentak's house, there were simply too many evidences. Pentak was able to keep up all these times because he was able to prevent the Ramp Force from investigating his house. No one can erase all the clues from a crime scean. But everyone can stop the investigation or prevent such a situation through muiltiple methods. Pentak did such a thing with Ramp Force. But forgot about the Fire Force.

Why Pentak didn't take actions to prevent Fire Force ?

Because Fire Force deals with criminals only. Pentak and his wolfz were hidden inside the house, there was no evidence that could lead Fire Force in this house. That's why Pentak was clear that Fire Force would never raid his house as they didn't know if there was any criminal staying here or not. But that Ronin lead the Fire Force here. Ronin didn't lead Nakayama directly saying that there were wolfz there. Instead he used the excuse of Black Orb. But only using such a simple thing how could Ronin convince Nakayama to come here ??

This question was disturbing Pentak.

After being unable to open the fifth box, Nakayama told Huang, an officer who was staying in the truck with other wolfz and Pentak,

" After you reach the station search if you can find any key from Pentak."

"Okay sir."

At that time Kazuya just came inside of the house and reported,

" Just as you said sir, I had inquired the neighbours about this house. Their opinions were mostly neutral and most of them didn't know much except for the fact that Ramp Force came here three times but didn't arrest anyone. "

" Is that so ?"

" Yes. But I've come across another information which might help you. From the opposite side of this house, there lives an old man alone. He was little bit fat and had no hairs in hair and light skin. He said that he had noticed that a truck coming out of the garage of this house and going through the big red gate sticking with the walls of the house . He saw the truck several times although he doesn't remember how many times he saw that. "

" If we can trace the locations of the truck we might get more information."

" Yes. For that I've thought of asking the wolfz."

" That is a good idea. I was pretty impressed by you today. You had taken the truth serum before coming here and used it on one of the wolfz to get information on the spot. "

"Ouh ! Thank you sir. I just wanted to be a better officer. That's why I keep the truth serum in pocket. So, when I caught that wolfz , I used it and get the information. Didn't Shin tell you ?"

" He told me. Otherwise why would I send Pentak in the truck. ? "

" Ouh ! My bad , sorry sir. "

" No problem, chill. "

Shin came and told something while supporting the statements,

" Yes. Kazuya pulled a genius here. He first had beaten that wolfz and then asked

'What happens in this house ? Tell everything . What is the relation between you and Pentak ?'

And then the wolfz who was on drug of truth serum and didn't have any clear consciousness to control his thoughts replied ' Pentak hired us for murders and transfers his bodies with money ' . That's how I got the information."

Nakayama said , " So, you pulled these when you took them out of the house and waited for the truck ?"

Kazuya was shy and replied, " Yes sir but I gave the dose of Truth Serum when I caught the wolfz. After that in just 4 minutes the effects had started to show. Then we all took them outside of the house and called for the truck. At that time I had punched him several times and asked about it."

" I see. You first punched him to make him more dizzy and make him unable of resistance. Which had increased the effect of the drug and he told the truth easily."

" Yeah. I had to punch hardly though."

" Understood. When did you learn such a method ? "

Kazuya was hesitating and the shyness was clearly reflecting into his eyes . Nakayama understood and saw through the shyness. He didn't ask anything and continued the investigation. All these things were told to Nakayama by Shin. That's why Nakayama order others to take Pentak too, in the truck. As he was suspicious.

Truth serum is a powerful drug . It's way too powerful and severely updated throughout the generation. In 2077, it works like a magic. Whenever a person eats a dose of truth or forcefully a dose is given to a person, his head becomes messy, dizzy and he is unable to think clearly and he doesn't have a complete control on his consciousness. A direct effect is also seen in his brain which leads him to tell the truth but the victim or criminal doesn't even remember spitting the truth. The effect of the drug stays for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes he will eventually sleep and won't even remember spitting any truth.

This drug was illegal when first created in 1900s . But then security departments started to use it as a weapon. But the truth serum won't 100% work. It will only reveal the information that is stored on ones subconscious mind. But without any evidence no one can verify that whether the information victim just told was true or not. Because people can be deceived. Throughout the history, politicians, powerful people, con artists always deceived the common people into believing something that is not truth. Even the common people were unaware of the truthfulness of the information they were given. They were just deceived into believing that. By truth serum only that information is gathered. But the verification of that information is decided after further investigation and evidence. Some cunning criminals also deceive others and mislead them to another information while hiding the real truth.

If the subconscious mind doesn't have the truth and deceived to believe the lies how would truth serum will get the truth which isn't even present inside the subconscious mind ??

That's the same concept here. But deception is a skill no one can master easily. Pentak surely deceived the Ramp Force and mislead them to wrong information and made them believe that he was innocent. But the truth living inside Pentak's subordinate was never deceived. This information was exposed by the truth serum which was true. That's how Pentak this time got into trouble.