

This is a story about a guy named Ronin , who was basically a thief in the city of Jianx. His everyday works were like deceiving people. He was a part of underworld society. After a pitfall childhood, he wanted to become the leader of Underworld. He wanted to get the highest place of humanity where he would be the one in power . Here the journey of the greatest criminal in history begin.

Professor_Riko · Realistic
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29 Chs

Case 2 : Unknown Screams (7)

December 2, 2077

The letter Pentak got from Ronin through Zai stated that the Golden Pen will be stolen by Ronin by the date of 4 December.

Pentak knew it was from Ronin. Earlier Pentak took out the golden pen in order to withdraw the challenge he had given. Now that another letter came, Pentak had to rush the decision of withdrawing even more. So, Pentak as commander gave the order.

Why Pentak did that ?

Because of the challenge Pentak had to be extra careful of other participants. But Pentak by withdrawing the challenge had decreased the competitors. Because of the withdrawal of the challenge, other thieves, armed robbers and others wouldn't try to steal the Golden Pen unless it's their personal choice. Pentak had already created a fear among the participants. To understand this read the series of actions below:

1) Pentak had challenged thieves in a area where thieves weren't that professional. That's why Pentak was full of confidence that noone could steal the golden pen. Pentak also had the information of all types of community from Channel Thieves, Armed robbers, con artists etc. near the area of Jianx. These community were all "LOW" tier community. Also the amount of information Pentak had, he knew no one could steal the pen but many would definitely try with the same confidence but different thinking that they would steal the pen.

Now, why Pentak challenged in a area where all Low tier communities were present?

Because if there was any single high or mid tier community, for example a High tier armed robbers community, then the members will simply use bazoka to blast Pentak's house. Low tier community couldn't afford this much weapon power. Same things apply for other channels and other communities. That's why Pentak only chose the area where all types of Low tier communities stay.

At last, Pentak was aware that his phone and normal devices were being tapped. That's why he purposed the trap with James earlier to entrap David's faction.

2) Everybody ( the one who had accepted the challenge) knew how Dangerous was Pentak after witnessing all these failed attempts which created a fear among them. Also those community were all low tiers. So, community leader also understood the loss of accepting such a challenge which was a trap obviously.

3) Now that Pentak had withdrawn the challenge every other community will also withdraw their attempts. Why ?

Because earlier they saw the consequences of failed attempts. At that moment, every community leader knew where the dead bodies were transferred. These dead bodies were sold to a factory where criminals would do research and use these dead bodies as a part of their toys and many more works to earn money.

4) Now that the challenge was withdrawn, there will be a very few members or factions from different communities who would think that it would be the best time to steal the pen. Why ??

Because they would think , " Now the challenge is withdrawn that means the preparation for protecting the Golden Pen will be gone too. So it's the best time to steal."


Now Pentak had withdrawn the challenge. But Pentak wasn't any fool. By withdrawing the challenge Pentak would have 2 advantages. These are

A) Considering the point no "4" written upper, Pentak saw through the holes and didn't remove the protection for the Golden Pen. Simply Pentak only removed the challenge but didn't remove the protection. So, for those who would think like this

"Now the challenge is withdrawn that means the preparation for protecting the Golden Pen will be gone too. So it's the best time to steal."

Pentak's withdrawal would be the most deadliest trap. More like a double trap . Also Pentak would get more bodies to sell. So, it's a bold move for Pentak to use the Golden Pen in such a crucial time.

B) Pentak also considered another probability which was ,

"What if other community also see through Pentak's new scheme mentioned in upper point no 'A' and avoid the trap while completely abandoning Pentak?"

If this possibility becomes the truth that means no other members from different communities would attempt to steal the Golden Pen. That means Pentak would be free from all other members from different communities as they would want to avoid the trap of Pentak and save themselves.

But ,

Pentak just received Ronin's threat. That meant even if Pentak was free, there would be Ronin who would attempt to steal the Golden Pen.


So, it was a complete battle between Ronin and Pentak.

Just as Pentak thought,

Every other community leader near the area had forbidden his/her members to attempt to steal the Golden Pen. Community leaders weren't fool. They all thought about the double trap of Pentak which was the withdrawal of the challenge. To not lose any more members, all community leaders near that area had completely abandoned Pentak and forbidden their members to try to steal the Pen.

So, now only Ronin's faction from Demonic Thieves community would be the only threat to Pentak.


December 4,2077

Nakayama, the leader of Fire Force in the district of Jianx was having his regular coffee. In his office, a guy had entered. He was wearing suit, average tall height and had a mid-high overall looks. His hairs were flying a bit because of the wind caused by ceiling fan. He looked at Nakayama.

Nakayama upon seeing him said ,

"Zai, you're here ?"

"I've come with a letter. A direct letter to you."

Everyone in the office got their attention back and looked at the tall looking guy who was holding the letter with his right hand. Fire Force mostly knew about Zai's work. Mainly Fire Force or any other security departments are legal to work with the criminals only under in some conditions. Counting those conditions, it's illegal for Nakayama to work with Zai. But there is a quote said by one of the most smartest humans who lived . That is

"To defeat evil I must become a greater evil"

That's what Nakayama thoroughly followed. He told Zai to hand over that letter. Nakayama was shocked to see that letter. It had the same writing style of the warning letter they had found in a basement before the heist of Black Orb.

In the letter, it stated that the Black Orb will be found in a location. Ronin wrote a location in latitudinal and longitudinal format. Nakayama quickly figured out the location through inputting the format in the map.

Nakayama got into his car with some other officers and quickly went after the location. In the car, there were five officers total with Nakayama. They were Shin, Jin, Kazuya, Kazama and Nakayama. After a quick rush, Nakayama had come to the location. It was a house. Nakayama went there and knocked. A man with muscular build and mustache had opened the door. Nakayama and that man both looked at each other. Behind that man, Pentak was also shockingly looking at Nakayama. Pentak's eyes had widened thinking about the situation. The location Ronin gave was Pentak's house. It was Ronin's plan to steal the Golden Pen.

The best strategy to steal from Pentak's house was to involve security departments and get in Pentak's house in disguise. Ramp Force would have been the best to manipulate in these situations.

To avoid such a situation, Pentak earlier prepared for every single variables to manipulate the Ramp Force officers in absence of Aiden and Kim. Pentak was indeed successful and completely diverted the Ramp Force officers and stopped their involvement in the challenge.It was Pentak's preparation which had stopped the Ramp Force from getting involvement in the challenge.

But, Pentak in his world never thought that Fire Force would come into his house. Pentak was completely unprepared for such a situation. Not only that, The man who had opened the door , Wolfz 02 wasn't someone who was unknown to the Fire Force. Indeed all other wolfz who were staying inside Pentak's house were all known to every Fire Force officers.

Fire Force deals with criminals. The amount of information they had about criminals were ten times the information Ramp Force had about criminals. Ramp Force officers wouldn't be able to recognise these wolfz living in Pentak's house. But Fire Force officers didn't take a second to recognise them.

Ronin wasn't able to divert Ramp Force officers into Pentak's house due to Pentak's preparation. Then Ronin directly manipulated the Fire Force officers to come into Pentak's house.

Pentak's main anxiety wasn't focused on how to deal with Fire Force. But all his thoughts were focused on how would Fire Force deal with the wolfz who were in Pentak's house all the time.

Upon seeing the wolfz Nakayama immediately recognised them. The wolfz immediately tried to do something but caught off gaurd by Jin.

Pentak stood still and thinking calmly of the situation. Other wolfz realised the circumstances and started to run away through different directions.

Kazama , A Fire Force officer went behind Pentak to catch other wolfz .

At that time , Kazuya, an officer said to Pentak ,

"Wolfz are staying in your house that's all we can see. So, hopefully you would cooperate with us for a moment "

Fire Force didn't arrest Pentak. In the surface, Pentak wasn't any criminal. But the wolfz were definitely criminal and known to Fire Force. That's why Fire Force only took action against Wolfz and told Pentak to cooperate with them.

Pentak was thinking in his mind ,

"What kind of move did you pull Ronin?

How did you convince the Fire Force to come here ?

Or how were you so sure that Fire Force will definitely raid us ?

How were you able to make Fire Force believe something that would lead them to us ?

Just how ??!!! "

Just as he was thinking all these, an officer shouted,

"Sir, we have found the Black Orb too."

Pentak and Nakayama and other officers heard that . Pentak immediately figured out a whole possible plan of Ronin.

Pentak then shouted towards Nakayama , "Sir, please check that officer. He might be a disguised thief."

Nakayama gave an expression towards Pentak.

"How are you so sure ?"

" Will checking him decrease your salary?"

Nakayama understood why Pentak said that. After all the letter was also given by a thief. Then that officer also known as Shin came down to the second floor. Nakayama himself went close to that officer and touched his skin to check if there was any disguise under the mask. Shin asked ,

"What are you doing sir?"

" Just stay still "

After a few check, Nakayama was clear of Shin. Shin wasn't any thief. He was an actual officer . Pentak got dump founded. Shin then said ,

" And look at this sir, it's original Black Orb."

Nakayama didn't expect that. Indeed it was out of his expectations that the thief would actually use the real Black Orb to provoke them into a house and make them catch 4 wolfz too. Nakayama felt a relief. The wolfz were all taken outside . Jin called for a Fire Force truck to load these criminals. The case was indeed closed by Ramp Force but as for duty of Fire Force, they would deal with every criminal activity and take action against them . The letter was the one which lead them to Pentak's house.

Pentak in his first time was scared and failed to understand the entire situation. But Pentak wasn't fool. Even if he himself couldn't figure out the entire plan of Ronin, he would still get to a possibility. And using that he would definitely try to counter Ronin.

So, Pentak started to say to Nakayama,

" Sir, the Black Orb was stolen from the museum. But we didn't steal it. What if someone is trying to frame me ? I didn't even know the Black Orb was in my house."

"We'll find that out. Now tell me what these wolfz were doing into your house?"

" I didn't also know that they were all wolfz. They came to my house for food and shelter."

" And you gave them food and shelter without even thinking if they were criminal."

" I don't think it's one of your businesses whether I should give someone food and shelter or not"

" Okay understood. So your statement is neither you knew about the Black Orb nor you knew that they were wolfz."

" Yeah. I have proper clarification of these. But can you clarify me one thing?"

"What ?"

" The members you've come in with , are you sure all of them weren't disguised ??

I'm thinking that , the thief who provoked you here through Black Orb actually wants to steal something from my house. So he may come inside of my house in disguise of a Fire Force officer by diverting you here through Black Orb. So, that he could steal it under the nose of yours."

Pentak made a mistake here. He made it too obvious. More like Pentak's explaination made Nakayama doubt that somehow Pentak was aware of these things. Nakayama knew that Pentak said everything was true. But Nakayama was also doubting that how Pentak would come to such an accurate conclusion. Nakayama was only doubting. But due to indirect and improper statement he couldn't take direct actions against Pentak right now. Nakayama said

" What you said is quite logical. But what will the thief steal ?"

" I don't know. But you've to clarify it right now. I can't take risks regarding my resources either. "

" Okay. "

At that time,Shin came inside and whispered something in the ear of Nakayama.

Nakayama laughed and looked at Pentak. He said , " Enough of your tricks. You'll come with us ."

Then Nakayama looked at Shin and said ,

" Investigate the entire house and find more details."

Shin replied obediently , " Yes sir"

Pentak was dump founded again .

The quote

"To defeat evil I must become a greater evil"

is a reference to the famous anime series "Code Geass" and this is originally said by the main character of the respective show, also known as Lelouch Vi Britannia .

I used as a reference to show my love towards the character only. Am not claiming that I wrote it by myself instead I use as a reference.

Professor_Rikocreators' thoughts