
Carzo Bloodfang: Sovereign of One Piece

Carzo Bloodfang emerges as a malevolent force in One Piece, his heart consumed by darkness and his ambitions twisted by a thirst for absolute control. With the System as his weapon, he unleashes a reign of terror unmatched in history, bending even the mightiest of foes to his will in his quest to become the undisputed ruler of all realms.

FanficAuthor · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Carzo looked at the fruits in his hand: the Peacock Fruit, the Paper Fruit, and the Diamond Fruit. He mused, "Hmm, these are not too suitable for me. The world will sink into the sea in the future. I won't be eating a devil fruit unless I get a curse removal potion." With that decision, Carzo stored the fruits away carefully.

Turning to Ignis, he said, "Come on, Ignis, it's time to go train." Ignis happily jumped onto Carzo's shoulder, crackling with excitement. Together, they sailed towards a remote desert island, ideal for their practice.

Upon arriving at the island, Carzo took a moment to survey the barren landscape. The harsh, arid environment provided the perfect setting for intense training without any distractions. Ignis, sensing the significance of the place, perched on a nearby rock, awaiting instructions.

"Alright, Ignis," Carzo began, "let's start with some basic exercises to warm up." They began with a series of drills designed to enhance Ignis's control over his new hellfire abilities. Carzo guided Ignis through various maneuvers, focusing on precision and control.

Ignis's flames roared to life as he practiced, the blue-white hellfire contrasting sharply against the golden sands. Carzo observed carefully, offering pointers and corrections. "Remember, control is key. The power is immense, but without control, it's useless."

After a rigorous session of honing Ignis's abilities, Carzo moved on to his own training. He began practicing his martial arts techniques, incorporating his Fishman Karate into fluid, powerful movements. His goal was to improve his speed and precision, making him a more formidable opponent in close combat.

"Next, let's work on combining our attacks," Carzo suggested. Ignis nodded enthusiastically, and they began coordinating their movements. Carzo launched water bullets while Ignis unleashed precise bursts of hellfire, creating a devastating combination of elements.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Carzo and Ignis took a break. They sat on the sand, the cool evening breeze offering respite from the day's heat. Carzo patted Ignis on the head. "You did great today, Ignis. We're getting stronger, and soon, we'll be unstoppable."

Ignis chirped happily, clearly pleased with the progress they had made. Carzo looked out at the horizon, determination etched on his face. "The Navy, the World Government, even Rocks himself—they all better watch out. We're going to make our mark on this world."

With renewed resolve, Carzo and Ignis continued their training late into the night, pushing their limits and honing their skills. The desert island echoed with the sounds of their practice, a testament to their unyielding dedication and the fierce will to become the strongest.

In Hachinosu, Rocks put down the phone with a grim expression. The recent news had set him on edge, but his resolve remained unshaken. "Now it's going to be trouble," he muttered to himself, staring out the window of his skull-shaped fortress. "I need to take them out before they take out any of my crew."

Rocks then laughed, a deep, menacing sound that echoed through the room. "Kong, you really think you can take me out? I will kill you." His eyes gleamed with a dangerous mix of determination and amusement. He knew the Navy and the World Government were planning something big, but he also knew his own strength and the strength of his crew.

The crew of the Rocks Pirates was scattered around Hachinosu, many nursing injuries from their recent missions. They had all gathered substantial amounts of treasure, and Rocks had acknowledged their efforts. But now, the stakes were higher. The World Government was moving to eliminate them, and Rocks knew he had to act swiftly and decisively.

He called for a meeting with his top lieutenants. As they assembled, the atmosphere grew tense. Carzo, Whitebeard, Big Mom, Kaido, Shiki, and the rest of the senior crew members stood before him, awaiting his orders.

Rocks gathered his top lieutenants and revealed the Navy's plan. The crew was shocked, but Shiki confidently said, "No problem, Captain. Let them come after us one-on-one—we are stronger."

Rocks shook his head. "No, we need to take them out before they can gang up on any of you. We'll start by taking out ex-General Zod, ex-General Magnus, and Admiral Odin." He then laid out his strategy: "I, John, and Silver Axe will finish off Zod. Whitebeard, Carzo, and Kaido will take on Magnus. Linlin, Ochoku, and Shiki, you will handle Odin. Remember, we need to do it as quickly as possible. Do not hold back."

Silver Axe voiced a concern, "But how will we locate them?"

Rocks smirked. "Leave that to me. You guys prepare for battle. We will head out tomorrow, and don't tell anyone about this. I mean no one."

The crew nodded, understanding the gravity of their mission. They dispersed to make their preparations, each one aware that the success of this plan could determine the future of the Rocks Pirates.

The morning sun cast long shadows over Hachinosu as the Rocks Pirates gathered at Rocks' house. The atmosphere was tense yet charged with excitement. Rocks, standing at the forefront, suddenly unleashed his Conqueror's Haki, sweeping over the entire area. Every pirate on the sea, save for those in the immediate circle, fell unconscious under the immense pressure.

"This will ensure they won't be waking up anytime soon," Rocks declared with a smirk.

With a confident nod, Shiki demonstrated his unique powers. Utilizing his Fuwa Fuwa no Mi abilities, he lifted everyone into the air. The crew members felt a mix of exhilaration and anticipation as they soared high above the island. They flew swiftly in a specific direction, guided by the intelligence Rocks had gathered on their targets' locations.

On a remote island, a rare gathering of formidable warriors was taking place. Admiral Odin, Ex-General Zod, Ex-General Magnus, and Admiral Parker had reunited for a private celebration. The atmosphere was festive, filled with laughter and camaraderie as they reminisced about their shared past.

Odin, holding a mug of ale, laughed heartily. "Hahaha, it's great to see you all again! It's been so long since we last met. I still remember our days at the academy. Those were some wild times."

Zod, with a nostalgic smile, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Odin. Those were good times. It's rare to find such strong bonds in our line of work."

Magnus, already deep into his cups, raised his bottle in a toast. "To old friends and the good times we've had! May they continue for years to come!"

Parker, slightly more reserved, joined in the toast, his eyes twinkling with the same fond memories. "Cheers to that! It's moments like these that remind us of what we're fighting for."

The party was in full swing, with the sounds of clinking glasses, laughter, and stories filling the air. They were all highly drunk, enjoying the rare opportunity to let their guards down and simply revel in each other's company.

Unbeknownst to them, high above in the sky, the Rocks Pirates were closing in on their position. Led by Rocks himself, the crew was ready to execute their carefully devised plan to take out these key Navy figures before they could launch their own offensive.

Rocks signaled for Shiki to begin the descent. Using his Fuwa Fuwa no Mi abilities, Shiki skillfully navigated their flight, ensuring a silent and undetected approach. They landed silently on the outskirts of the island, hidden by the dense foliage and the cover of night.