
Carving Mountains - Shattering Stars

A man forsaken by fate fights to survive in a foreign land while struggling to return to the home he once knew. After years of suffering, he is finally able to return to his world only to find everything he held dear has disappeared. Now angry, confused and alone, He sets off to uncover fate of his loved ones and the mysteries surrounding them. douluo dalu fan fic I am writing for fun. What to expect: - Some nice action/fights - No Harem - Probably no romance. all rights reserved to Tang Jia San Shao. The Chapters are slow cause I have to write, proofread and edit myself so it is at least not unreadable.

Greed42 · Others
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16 Chs


"Great Thief He Yingzhe you are courting death!"

The ocean trembled from the force of his voice. The incoming currents bombarded He Yingzhe causing him to lift hands to protect himself and resist being pushed back further. He felt powerless in front of this man, he could barely believe that were both Limit douluo even his battle armor's domain couldn't expand 5 meters away from him. They were considered the same rank but he could feel the gap in there cultivation just from the difference in their aura.

"Has my Lin family become a flea market that any random street rat can pilfer fro, and has my name lost its weight on this continent for the likes of you people to conspire against us."

Listening to Lin Ming, He Yingzhe felt that he was slapped in the face for being compared to some common cutpurse but he could not voice his rebuttal for he did not wish to thread even closer to death.

'I need to calm down, and just tell him this wasn't my idea, that I was tricked in to doing this.'

"Great brother Ming this is a misunderstanding, If I had known that this involved your family clan I would have never agreed! Force of circumstance has compelled me into moving against your family!"

"HAHAHAHAHA. Do not lie to me Old He you and I are from the same generation. Your attitude and bottom line have longed been known to me and our peers. What did the temple tell you, that I was dead? That my family has not yet produced a 2nd Limit douluo powerhouse, that we are an easy target unable to retaliate. You've gone senile if you think the temple would release you for doing this for them or honor whatever deal you have agreed on. All they've done is sent you to your death."

The fright that He Yingzhe had suppressed resurfaced for he realized that everything has already been seen through by the old whale. Cold sweat once again gathering on his forehead as he contemplated on his next action.

'I can't run this old demon must have already set up some counter measures for me fleeing. Plus I still have my pride as the Heavenly Thieving douluo I will at the very least fight to survive even if it is worthless. '

Reorganizing himself, He Yingzhe activated his 7th and 8th soul rings changing into 250m long snake. Hi body thick like a school bus burst forth towards the gigantic whale to make a quick strike while his large body summoned a thick cloud of black smoke.

'Shadow snake corrosive dark haze.'

The smoke spread quickly as if an octopus sprayed thick ink into the clear blue ocean water complete shrouding an at least 5 kilometers. Inside the darkness a green and black snake flapping it's small dragon wings flashed like lighting whipping around it's tail and body is quickly bombarding the whale's body not allowing it to counter.

"It is good that you have not lost your spirit Old He now take my move."

Nine red soul rings blossom out from the whale's body the 6th and 5th ring shining brightly consecutively. Lin Ming's already massive body started to grow almost doubling in size. After reaching his maximum size, he then opened his enormous mouth.

'Demon Whale Pulse'

Boom! An ear shattering howl blasted out of Lin Ming's mouth scattering the black murk that shrouded the battlefield creating a massive vacuum for less than a second allowing the clear ocean water to return moments later. The shockwave flung back a disoriented large snake with blood flowing from it's ear. He Yingzhe struggled to maintain his martial soul true body to the best of his skills but ultimately couldn't and had no choice but to return to his original form except now his robe was in a tattered state leaving only his four-word battle armor which manage to withstand the force. He fell to one knee trying to hold in the urge to pant for air in fear of swallowing the salt water. Lin Ming also shrunk back to his previous size and spoke once more.

"For the sake of face and our generation I will bully you no longer. Old He if you survive my next attack I will consider this matter settled."

Hearing his words He Yingzhe stood back up preparing himself and mustering all of his cultivation to protect his body for he knew whatever attack Lin Ming planned to use was not something he could hope to avoid, specially now in his current state. Standing fierce with a resolute glint in his ivy colored eyes he glared at the massive whale while it's nine red soul rings glowed brightly as they sank back into Lin Ming.

Lin Ming opened his mouth as he began to concentrate ridiculous amounts of soul power into a small bundled white specks of energy aimed directly at the shadow snake. The power felt suffocating it was like heaven and earth had surrendered it's power to fuel this attack. Intense heat became so immense that the water around the gathering energy started to boil. The soul power then collapse into itself becoming even more compressed before firing towards He Yingzhe.

'Particle Wave Beam Cannon'

A massive beam of incinerating light more than half a kilometer wide fired towards He Yingzhe engulfing him completely burning away his protective soul power quickly instinctively causing his body to move out of the way but he suppressed the urge for he knew it was futile. He could feel the laws of mass and attraction incorporated into this attack and could only begrudgingly stay to accept his fate. His body began to disintegrate and melt within the blast while it continued to shoot upward into the sky before gradually fading away along with the vast ocean returning the world to it's previous state.

Hot and dry desert wind once again began to blow hitting a man in white designer suit adorned with a broach with the character Lin on it as well as some cufflinks to match; the back of his suit was embroidered with a beautiful whale with gold purple outlines. He scanned the desert floor to double check if He Yingzhe survived. The only thing he could find was a few pieces of scrapped black and green battle armor littering the area his foe once stood, he flew towards the scraps to collect them in hopes they could be recycled after all they were still made by a divine craftsman. Standing on the sandy ground he dusted off the armor and looked around a bit more until he found a gray box under one of the scraps.

Sighing with relief he put away the box into his storage device. He felt a gaze on his back so he turnes to look at far off horizon gazing past the sweltering desert and into a city in the northwestern direction of the continent Red Pine City. Inside a towering building on 47th floor stood an elderly woman wearing military clothes adorn with various medals of honor. Her one good eye staring back into the horizon going past the roads filled with bustling traffic of automobiles rushing in and out of the city. She could feel her eye patch twitch as she is reminded of an unpleasant memory of a man she despised something she would rather not have to think about. Unfortunately for her it was already out of her hands for they have already jump on the tiger's back and can no longer get off.