
Carry On

“ I love the stars.” She sighed resting her head against his shoulder. Feeling curious he asked, “What do you love about them?” She took her head off from his shoulder to look him in the eyes and he watched as her eyes gleamed a little when he asked her that particular question. She let out a soft sigh and ran her hand through her hair and said," I believe in the stars. Some days the clouds cover them over and you can’t see a thing. They’re a rare sight which makes them so much more precious. I don’t know. I guess the stars have always comforted me. Getting lost in their beauty helped me get through some of my hardest times. It makes me forget. It makes all the pain that I’ve been through mean nothing to me. I feel free. I don’t think that we really die but we become the stars up there. I promise you that I'm going to be the brightest star up there and I’ll be here for you when you need me. The stars are what keep me going. They make me scared to let go cause they've always been there for me when I needed them. Is it really fair for me to go when they'll still be here?"

fatim_fx · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Mason wasn't feeling the fun tonight. This time, Jeremiah and Harry had both forced him out of the flat to go out with them for drinks. Mason hadn't really been himself for the past few weeks and only came out of his room for food or for the occasional visit to the bathroom.

He'd lost the energy to do much these days because he hadn't seen the point in waking up and doing the things he normally did and his best friends had grown tired of him moping around the flat like a zombie.

Finding out the truth about the break up should have gave him closure but he was feeling like they had just broken up all over again. The truth was a lot more painful than the lies she had spoon fed him over the years. It was also proving difficult to look Harry in the eyes knowing that she loved those eyes and not his.

He just needed time to get over this and everything would go back to normal. Jeremiah and Harry just didn't understand that the last thing he needed was to be reminded of what he lost by being brought to a bar filled with his two worst enemies: alcohol and girls. The bar was abundant of both and it only spelt trouble for him. He knew that and so did his best friends but maybe this is what he needed to forget her.

He remembered Harry saying to him a while ago that if you want to get over someone then you need to get under someone. He had dismissed that saying at the time, thinking that it was stupid but it made a lot of sense to him right now.

Mason ordered another drink which was handed to him quickly. His throat burned as he swallowed the drink down in one gulp. He quickly scanned the bar, looking for Jeremiah and Harry. His eyes eventually found Harry who was dancing with some random girl who was dressed in black just like him. It didn't take him too long to find Jeremiah either who was chatting up a muscley and heavily tatted guy stood beside him. He rolled his eyes at the scenes knowing that he wouldn't be able to get to sleep tonight knowing that his two best friends were having sex next door to him with complete strangers.

Just as he was about to order another drink, his attention was drawn to a group of girls who just entered the bar and he soon realised why.

There were about 5 of them and they all seemed pretty similar in appearance and behaviour. He had to stop himself from rolling his eyes when he watched each of them clearly flirt their way into getting free drinks.

All except for one.

He watched as one of the girls got her own drinks and she threw him a cheeky wink when she realised that he had been watching him. He was slightly taken aback by the small gesture but played it off by finishing off his drink. All the same, he found himself looking at her once more. She was different. She wasn't like her friends and he could feel an aura of confidence oozing from her. He realised that he was overthinking about her actions to make some sort of conclusion about the type of person she was.

Their eyes met a few times and she smiled shyly at him and he found himself smiling back. She was stunning with her bright red locks and her black outfit that didn't leave too much room for imagination as to what her body looked like.

He bit his lower lip admiring the view. She must have realised that he was looking at her, his eyes full of want because her cheeks flushed a bright pink and she quickly looked away from his gaze when she realised what was on his mind.

His conscience was telling him to stop staring at her because he didn't need any more trouble seeing as he had enough on his plate already. But another very persuasive part of his body was telling him that it had been far too long. A one night stand wouldn't kill him. Perhaps Harry's saying could be proven right after all. It was worth a try.

He found himself getting up from his seat and making his way over to the girl that had caught his eye.

Damn. She was even more gorgeous up close and her cheeks were now tinted a light pink from blushing so hard the first time he had caught her staring back.

Though he wasn't too surprised. Girls liked Mason Grant. For a 17 year old he was pretty good looking if he must say himself. The bright blue eyes that he and Belle shared always caught girls' attention since you could easily be captivated by them. His sculpted body also helped matters because who could resist a rock-hard six pack? He first developed his body shape from intense football training but he'd been able to develop his enhanced physique by building it himself. His body was probably one of his greatest achievements and he tried his best to look after it in the best way possible.

He slid his way into the seat beside her and gave her a dazzling smile saying, "Hey, what's your name beautiful?"

She flicked her back casually and gave him a equally dazzling smile back before answering him with,

"Rhiannon. But you can call me Rhia."

He nodded and introduced himself even though there was no need for formalities. There was only thing he wanted from her tonight and he was sure that he'd get his way. He seemed cocky but he also knew the effect that he had on girls.

He ordered some shots for them both which were washed down pretty quickly by them both. After a few more rounds, they eventually got round to telling each other a little about themselves.

Rhia had lived in Leeds her whole life and she was 16 though she whispered that part to him because she was underage just like he was. He also learned that she'd been in and out of care for the majority of her life, running away at any chance she got. She'd come from a broken home so he could relate to her in that sense.

He made sure not to tell her too much about himself because he'd rather not scare her away already once she found out about his traumatic childhood. But she didn't press him to say more which he was thankful for. She wasn't one of those girls who wanted to know every single detail of his life. It was a nice change. He couldn't stand those type of girls.

Mason had been so caught up with trying to get to know Rhia that he lost track of where his two best friends had gone. Jeremiah was a hopeless drunk and Mason reprimanded himself to look out for him better next time. He hoped that Harry was around to look after him.

Nevertheless, Mason grabbed Rhiannon by the waist bringing her closer to him. Her confident front came down and she wouldn't meet his eyes. He tipped her head up so that she was looking at him. He looked into her light hazel eyes that didn't have the same deep pools of brown that Amanda's had.

As he looked into Rhia's eyes, he could still see Amanda's staring back at him. It was almost as if she was still here with him but he had to move on. He must.

There was no point pining over someone who didn't feel the same. It was for that reason and for that reason alone that Mason dipped his head slightly grabbing a handful of red hair saying,

"Less talk, more action baby."

And with those words, their lips crashed into one another's.


Rhiannon is going to be an important character in this story and you’ll see what I mean later on...

Do you think Mason will ever be able to get over Amanda? Do you think that this method will actually work or make matters worse?

How do you get over someone?

fatim_fxcreators' thoughts